951 research outputs found

    The Driving of Hot Star Winds

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    In the regime of hot stars, winds were not seen as a common thing until the era of UV astronomy. Since we have access to the UV wavelength range, it has become clear that winds are not an exotic phenomenon limited to some special objects, but actually ubiquitous among hot and massive stars. The opacities due to spectral lines are the decisive ingredient that allows hot, massive stars to launch powerful winds. While the fundamental principles of these so-called line-driven winds have been realized decades ago, their proper quantitative prediction is still a major challenge today. Established theoretical and empirical descriptions have allowed us to make major progress on all astrophysical scales. However, we are now reaching their limitations as we still lack various fundamental insights on the nature of hot star winds, thereby hampering us from drawing deeper conclusions, not least when dealing with stellar or sub-stellar companions. This has spawned a new generation of researchers searching for answers with a yet unprecedented level of detail in observational and new theoretical approaches. In these proceedings, the fundamental principles of driving hot star winds will be briefly reviewed. Starting from the classical CAK theory and its extensions, over Monte Carlo and recent comoving-frame-based simulations, the different methods to describe and model the acceleration of hot star winds will be introduced. The review continues with briefly discussing instabilities as well as qualitative and quantitative insights for OB- and Wolf-Rayet-star winds. Moreover, the challenges of companions and their impact on radiation-driven winds are outlined.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union for the IAU Symposium 370 "Winds of Stars and Exoplanets" (eds. A.A. Vidotto, L. Fossati, J.S. Vink

    Coupling hydrodynamics with comoving frame radiative transfer: II. Stellar wind stratification in the high-mass X-ray binary Vela X-1

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    CONTEXT: Vela X-1, a prototypical high mass X-ray binary (HMXB), hosts a neutron star (NS) in a close orbit around an early-B supergiant donor star. Accretion of the donor star's wind onto the NS powers its strong X-ray luminosity. To understand the physics of HMXBs, detailed knowledge about the donor star winds is required. AIMS: To gain a realistic picture of the donor star in Vela X-1, we constructed a hydrodynamically consistent atmosphere model describing the wind stratification while properly reproducing the observed donor spectrum. To investigate how X-ray illumination affects the stellar wind, we calculated additional models for different X-ray luminosity regimes. METHODS: We use the recently updated version of the PoWR code to consistently solve the hydrodynamic equation together with the statistical equations and the radiative transfer. RESULTS: The wind flow in Vela X-1 is driven by ions from various elements with Fe III and S III leading in the outer wind. The model-predicted mass-loss rate is in line with earlier empirical studies. The mass-loss rate is almost unaffected by the presence of the accreting NS in the wind. The terminal wind velocity is confirmed at v∞≈600v_\infty \approx 600 km/s. On the other hand, the wind velocity in the inner region where the NS is located is only ≈100\approx 100 km/s, which is not expected on the basis of a standard β\beta-velocity law. In models with an enhanced level of X-rays, the velocity field in the outer wind can be altered. If the X-ray flux is too high, the acceleration breaks down because the ionization increases. CONCLUSIONS: Accounting for radiation hydrodynamics, our Vela X-1 donor atmosphere model reveals a low wind speed at the NS location, and it provides quantitative information on wind driving in this important HMXB.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The hydrogen clock to infer the upper stellar mass

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    The most massive stars dominate the chemical enrichment, mechanical and radiative feedback, and energy budget of their host environments. Yet how massive stars initially form and how they evolve throughout their lives is ambiguous. The mass loss of the most massive stars remains a key unknown in stellar physics, with consequences for stellar feedback and populations. In this work, we compare grids of very massive star (VMS) models with masses ranging from 80-1000Msun, for a range of input physics. We include enhanced winds close to the Eddington limit as a comparison to standard O-star winds, with consequences for present-day observations of ~50-100Msun stars. We probe the relevant surface H abundances (Xs) to determine the key traits of VMS evolution compared to O stars. We find fundamental differences in the behaviour of our models with the enhanced-wind prescription, with a convergence on the stellar mass at 1.6 Myr, regardless of the initial mass. It turns out that Xs is an important tool in deciphering the initial mass due to the chemically homogeneous nature of VMS above a mass threshold. We use Xs to break the degeneracy of the initial masses of both components of a detached binary, and a sample of WNh stars in the Tarantula nebula. We find that for some objects, the initial masses are unrestricted and, as such, even initial masses of the order 1000Msun are not excluded. Coupled with the mass turnover at 1.6 Myr, Xs can be used as a 'clock' to determine the upper stellar mass.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 figure

    Aperture and Resolution Effects on Ultraviolet Star-Forming Properties: Insights from Local Galaxies and Implications for High-Redshift Observations

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    We present an analysis of the effects of spectral resolution and aperture scales on derived galaxy properties using far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectra of local star-forming galaxies from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (R~250, FOV~10"x20") and Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope (R~15,000, FOV~2.5"). Using these spectra, we measured FUV luminosities, spectral slopes, dust attenuation, and equivalent widths. We find that galaxies with one dominant stellar cluster have FUV properties that are independent of aperture size, while galaxies with multiple bright clusters are sensitive to the total light fraction captured by the aperture. Additionally, we find significant correlations between the strength of stellar and interstellar absorption-lines and metallicity, indicating metallicity-dependent line-driven stellar winds and interstellar macroscopic gas flows shape the stellar and interstellar spectral lines, respectively. The observed line-strength versus metallicity relation of stellar-wind lines agrees with the prediction of population synthesis models for young starbursts. In particular, measurements of the strong stellar CIV 1548,1550 line provide an opportunity to determine stellar abundances as a complement to gas-phase abundances. We provide a relation between the equivalent width of the CIV line and the oxygen abundance of the galaxy. We discuss this relation in terms of the stellar-wind properties of massive stars. As the driving lines in stellar winds are mostly ionized iron species, the CIV line may eventually offer a method to probe alpha-element-to-iron ratios in star-forming galaxies once consistent models with non-solar abundance ratios are available. These results have important implications for the galaxy-scale, low-resolution observations of high-redshift galaxies from JWST (R~100-3,500).Comment: This paper has 31 pages total, 11 figures, and a figureset. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Galactic WC and WO stars: The impact of revised distances from Gaia DR2 and their role as massive black hole progenitors

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    Wolf-Rayet stars of the carbon sequence (WC stars) are an important cornerstone in the late evolution of massive stars before their core collapse. As core-helium burning, hydrogen-free objects with huge mass-loss, they are likely the last observable stage before collapse and thus promising progenitor candidates for type Ib/c supernovae. Their strong mass-loss furthermore provides challenges and constraints to the theory of radiatively driven winds. Thus, the determination of the WC star parameters is of major importance for several astrophysical fields. With Gaia DR2, for the first time parallaxes for a large sample of Galactic WC stars are available, removing major uncertainties inherent to earlier studies. In this work, we re-examine the sample from Sander et al. (2012) to derive key properties of the Galactic WC population. All quantities depending on the distance are updated, while the underlying spectral analyses remain untouched. Contrasting earlier assumptions, our study yields that WC stars of the same subtype can significantly vary in absolute magnitude. With Gaia DR2, the picture of the Galactic WC population becomes more complex: We obtain luminosities ranging from log L = 4.9 to 6.0 with one outlier having log L = 4.7. This indicates that the WC stars are likely formed from a broader initial mass range than previously assumed. We obtain mass-loss rates ranging between log Mdot = -5.1 and -4.1, with Mdot propto L^0.68 and a linear scaling of the modified wind momentum with luminosity. We discuss the implications for stellar evolution, including unsolved issues regarding the need of envelope inflation to address the WR radius problem, and the open questions in regard to the connection of WR stars with Gamma-ray bursts. WC and WO stars are progenitors of massive black holes, collapsing either silently or in a supernova that most-likely has to be preceded by a WO stage.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables; A&A, v2: version in pres

    Viral factors in influenza pandemic risk assessment

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    The threat of an influenza A virus pandemic stems from continual virus spillovers from reservoir species, a tiny fraction of which spark sustained transmission in humans. To date, no pandemic emergence of a new influenza strain has been preceded by detection of a closely related precursor in an animal or human. Nonetheless, influenza surveillance efforts are expanding, prompting a need for tools to assess the pandemic risk posed by a detected virus. The goal would be to use genetic sequence and/or biological assays of viral traits to identify those non-human influenza viruses with the greatest risk of evolving into pandemic threats, and/or to understand drivers of such evolution, to prioritize pandemic prevention or response measures. We describe such efforts, identify progress and ongoing challenges, and discuss three specific traits of influenza viruses (hemagglutinin receptor binding specificity, hemagglutinin pH of activation, and polymerase complex efficiency) that contribute to pandemic risk
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