26,676 research outputs found

    Liquidity preference and information

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    This paper explores the link between anticipated information and a preference for liquidity in investment choices. Given a subjective ordering of investment portfolios by their liquidity, we identify a sufficient condition under which the prospect of finer resolution of uncertainty creates a preference for more liquid positions. We then show how this condition might arise naturally in some standard classes of sequential decision problems

    New series representation for Madelung constant

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    A new series representation of the Madelung constant is given. We represent Madelung constant as a sum of an exact term plus an exponentially fast converging series. The remarkable result is that even if the series part is discarded, one obtains Madelung constant correct up to ten good decimal figures. This, to the best of our knowledge, may be the fastest converging series representation of the Madelung constant. A few other important identities are also obtained
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