293 research outputs found

    The Transformation of Creativity in Entrepreneurial Learning in Teacher Education: A Critical Reflection

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    The purpose of this study is to examine how students on a teacher education programme interpret entrepreneurial learning. The study was performed in Sweden, based on a design theoretical and multimodal perspective on learning and communication which provides the basis for how we understand learning processes in early teacher education. The sample consists of course literature, teachers’ PowerPoint presentations and handouts, and narrative texts written by students. The meaning given to entrepreneurial learning is presented from the analysis of the setting, in the teaching materials and the transformation in the students’ texts. We conclude that entrepreneurial learning seeks to challenge traditional, authoritarian ways of teaching. However, it appears to be necessary in order to develop entrepreneurial abilities. There is a difficulty in finding a balance between control and freedom

    Besökarnas tankar

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    Tillsammans med Ă„tta av Sveriges naturum genomförde Centrum för naturvĂ€gledning projektet Thought listing i naturum under sommarhalvĂ„ret 2013. Projektets syfte var att praktiskt prova en metod för kvalitativ utvĂ€rdering av naturums verksamhet. Metoden gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att genom korta intervjuer försöka fĂ„nga de tankar som besökare uttrycker. I detta fall efter besök i naturums basutstĂ€llningar. Tankarna ska samlas, kategoriseras och jĂ€mföras med en toleranszon som formuleras utifrĂ„n utstĂ€llningens syfte. Totalt genomfördes 145 intervjuer. FrĂ„gan om vad besökaren tĂ€nker uppfattas ofta som en frĂ„ga om vad man tycker. MĂ„nga besökare svarar dĂ€rmed vad de tycker om utstĂ€llningens form och/eller lĂ€mplighet för olika mĂ„lgrupper (som till exempel barn). MĂ„nga svarar ocksĂ„ ganska kortfattat att det Ă€r intressant och lĂ€rorikt. FöljdfrĂ„gor om vad man uppfattar som utstĂ€llningens budskap eller tema, vad de som gjorde utstĂ€llningen hade för syfte, vad man skulle berĂ€tta för en vĂ€n eller vilka kĂ€nslor utstĂ€llningen vĂ€cker, lockar ibland fram mer utvecklade svar. Men dĂ„ bara indirekt om vad besökaren sjĂ€lv tĂ€nker. En stor del av svaren redovisar tankar om fakta man tagit del av och till sig i naturum och vad man lĂ€rt sig om naturtyper, djur, vĂ€xter och geologi. Tankar om dessa Ă€mnen uttrycks ofta ganska allmĂ€nt: om fĂ„glar, livet i sjön och betydelsen av bete. Eller sĂ„ Ă„terger man rena faktauppgifter, som hur stor landhöjningen Ă€r, hur lĂ„ng en mal kan bli eller vad en varg vĂ€ger. Svar som handlar om tankar som vĂ€ckts hos besökaren utan att direktreferera till faktainnehĂ„ll ges ocksĂ„. De uttrycker till exempel reflektioner omnaturens vĂ€rde, naturtyper och mĂ„ngfald. Om sammanhang och relationer mellan dĂ„tid, nutid och framtid. MĂ€nniskans relation till och hur vi pĂ„verkar naturen.Landskapets förĂ€nderlighet. MĂ€nniskans avtryck genom skogbruk och vindkraft. Behovet av naturskydd och naturvĂ„rd. Samt den egna relationen till platsen. Vissa svar handlar om inspiration att ge sig ut i natur, vilket Ă€r ett av naturums viktigaste syften. De Ă€r inte sĂ„ vanliga men förekommer. Ett fĂ„tal besökare svarar ocksĂ„ att man blivit inspirerade att sjĂ€lv slĂ„ en Ă€ng eller gĂ„ hem och ordna naturskola för sina barnbarn. En intressant frĂ„ga att stĂ€lla utifrĂ„n resultaten av denna studie Ă€r om naturvĂ€gledning i naturums utstĂ€llningar kan utvecklas till att stimulera Ă€nnu mer tĂ€nkande om natur och inte lĂ€gga fokus pĂ„ att lĂ€ra ut fakta? Är det önskvĂ€rt och hur ska det i sĂ„ fall gĂ„ till? Kan ett övergripande tema för utstĂ€llningarna formuleras? Metoden thought listing (nedan anvĂ€nds begreppet ”tankelistning”) (Ham 2013) kan vara ett anvĂ€ndbart verktyg för att bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ vilket meningsskapande som sker i besökarens möte med utstĂ€llningar och annan naturvĂ€gledning i naturum. Metoden fungerar bĂ€st nĂ€r producenten (naturum) Ă€r klar över sina syften med produkten sĂ„ att svaren tydligt kan stĂ€llas mot syften och mĂ„l. Naturums basutstĂ€llningar har ofta en bred ambition vad gĂ€ller att visa natur. Teman för utstĂ€llningarna kan dĂ€rför vara svĂ„ra att uppfatta och formulera - vilket vissa naturum ocksĂ„ uttrycker. Metoden fungerar möjligen Ă€nnu bĂ€ttre pĂ„ avgrĂ€nsade projekt (till exempel en informationsskylt eller en guidad tur) Ă€n pĂ„ hela utsĂ€llningar med ett brett fokus. LikasĂ„ kan man anta att metoden lĂ€mpar sig bĂ€ttre för aktiviteter eller projekt dĂ€r naturums personal har egen rĂ„dighet över innehĂ„llet, vilket oftast inte gĂ€ller basutstĂ€llningarna. Resultat frĂ„n tankelistning kan anvĂ€ndas som ett teoribaserat empiriskt stöd för att formulera eller omformulera syften i den löpande verksamheten och i ett utvecklings- och förĂ€ndringarbete. I vidare arbete med metoden kan förstĂ„else utvecklas för hur toleranszonen anvĂ€nds, samt hur frĂ„gan stĂ€lls för att undvika de svar som handlar om utstĂ€llningens design mer Ă€n dess innehĂ„ll. Former för hur svaren sorteras och analyseras kan ocksĂ„ utvecklas. ”VĂ„rt uppdrag Ă€r att vĂ€cka mĂ€nniskors entusiasm för naturen

    Short term effect of ovariohysterectomy on urine serotonin, cortisol, testosterone and progesterone in bitches

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    Objective This study aimed to investigate the short-term effect of ovariohysterectomy on urine levels of serotonin and its relation to levels of cortisol, testosterone and progesterone in female dogs. Seven bitches were studied before surgical ovariohysterectomy and then once a week during 4 weeks. Spontaneously voided urine samples were collected and concentration ratios of hormone/creatinine in urine were analysed. Results The bitches had significantly lower levels of cortisol, testosterone, and progesterone 1 week after ovariohysterectomy compared with before and the levels stayed low throughout the study (P ≀ 0.05). Interestingly, serotonin levels tended to increase 4 weeks after surgery (P = 0.08). A positive correlation between cortisol and progesterone was found before and after surgery. After surgery, serotonin was positively correlated with cortisol and progesterone (P ≀ 0.05)

    Comparison of Early and Late Mortality in Men and Women After Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in Stockholm, Sweden, 1980 to 1989

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    AbstractObjectives. We sought to analyze early and late mortality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) in relation to gender.Background. Early mortality after CABG is generally higher in women than in men, but the causes are controversial. Few studies have investigated long-term mortality after CABG in relation to gender.Methods. In all, 3,326 men and 607 women underwent isolated CABG in Stockholm from 1980 to 1989. Mortality for these patients was followed by means of the National Cause of Death Register, from the time of operation until the end of 1990. Survival was evaluated by life-table methods and by proportional hazards regression.Results. Early mortality (within 30 days) was 3% in women and 1.7% in men, corresponding to a relative risk of 1.8 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.0 to 3.0) in women compared with men. When age and body surface area were taken into account, the relative risk was 1.0 (95% CI 0.5 to 2.0), which was not markedly different but multivariate analyses that included hypertension, diabetes mellitus, previous myocardial infarction, left ventricular function and number of diseased vessels. Only small gender differences in mortality were observed for 5 years after the operation among those who survived for 30 days.Conclusions. The results suggest that men and women run similar risks of early and late mortality after CABG when patient characteristics are taken into account.(J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29:659–64

    "Om motorn Àr trasig spelar det ingen roll hur mycket bensin man fyller pÄ" En studie av bistÄndets effekter pÄ det civila samhÀllet i Tanzania

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    Tanzania is today one of the greatest aid recipients in the world, but still - after over 45 years of huge amounts of aid - one of the poorest and least developed countries. How can that be? Civil society is said to benefit the democratization process, but has not succeed in Tanzania. Has the extensive aid had any impact? Our purpose is to investigate this set of problems. We are using theories concerning civil society and aid in general, and the theoretical framework developed by Hadenius and Uggla ?Making Civil Society Work, Promoting Democratic Development: What Can States and Donors Do??, in particular. We attempt to apply these theories on the case of Tanzania, to be able to analyze the effects of foreign aid on civil society. We are then going to, based on the results, scrutinize the new development strategies carried out by the Tanzanian government in cooperation with the aid donors, to see if they can influence civil society in a positive way. Our findings let us conclude that the above mentioned strategies might reduce aid dependency if the state implements them well, but the chance that the strategies will provide autonomous organizations is limited

    Development problems were common five years after positive screening for language disorders and, or, autism at 2.5 years of age

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    Aim: This study identified whether children who had screened positive for either developmental language disorder (DLD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the age of 2.5 years had neurodevelopmental assessments five years later. Methods: Our study cohort were 288 children born from 1 July 2008 to 20 June 2009 who screened positive for DLD and, or, ASD at 2.5 years. Of these, 237 children were referred to, and assessed, at the Paediatric Speech and Language Pathology clinic (n = 176) or the Child Neuropsychiatry Clinic (n = 61) at the Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden. Clinical registers covering all relevant outpatient clinics were reviewed five years later with regard to established diagnoses. Results: When the 237 were followed up five years later, 96 (40%) had established neurodevelopmental disorders or problems, often beyond DLD and ASD. Co‐existing problems were common in this cohort and multidisciplinary assessments were indicated. The other 60% did not appear in subsequent clinic records. It is likely that this 40% was a minimum rate and that more children will be referred for developmental problems later. Conclusion: Five years after they had been screened positive for DLD and, or autism at2.5 years, 40% of our cohort had remaining or other developmental problems

    Conformational stability and activity analysis of two hydroxymethylbilane synthase mutants, K132N and V215E, with different phenotypic association with acute intermittent porphyria

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    The autosomal dominantly inherited disease AIP (acute intermittent porphyria) is caused by mutations in HMBS [hydroxymethylbilane synthase; also known as PBG (porphobilinogen) deaminase], the third enzyme in the haem biosynthesis pathway. Enzyme-intermediates with increasing number of PBG molecules are formed during the catalysis of HMBS. In this work, we studied the two uncharacterized mutants K132N and V215E comparative with wt (wild- type) HMBS and to the previously reported AIP-associated mutants R116W, R167W and R173W. These mainly present defects in conformational stability (R116W), enzyme kinetics (R167W) or both (R173W). A combination of native PAGE, CD, DSF (differential scanning fluorimetry) and ion-exchange chromatography was used to study conformational stability and activity of the recombinant enzymes. We also investigated the distribution of intermediates corresponding to specific elongation stages. It is well known that the thermostability of HMBS increases when the DPM (dipyrromethane) cofactor binds to the apoenzyme and the holoenzyme is formed. Interestingly, a decrease in thermal stability was measured concomitant to elongation of the pyrrole chain, indicating a loosening of the structure prior to product release. No conformational or kinetic defect was observed for the K132N mutant, whereas V215E presented lower conformational stability and probably a perturbed elongation process. This is in accordance with the high association of V215E with AIP. Our results contribute to interpret the molecular mechanisms for dysfunction of HMBS mutants and to establish genotype–phenotype relations for AIP.publishedVersio

    Growth rate and behaviour in separated, partially separated or non-separated kids and the corresponding milk production of their mothers

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    We address the hypothesis that keeping kids and mothers together would have positive effects on the milk composition of the mother and the behaviour of the kids. Kids were either permanently separated (SEP), daily separated between 7.30 and 15 h (DAY-SEP) or kept with mothers 24 h/d (NON-SEP). The NON-SEP kids were only allowed to suckle one teat. All kids had similar growth rate throughout the study (lactation days 5–70). DAY-SEP kids spent 24% of their time with their mother at both ages. NON-SEP spent only 15% of the time with their mothers at 2 weeks of age and this increased to 28% at 2 months of age. NON-SEP kids showed more hiding behaviour at 2 weeks and SEP were more active alone, at both 2 weeks and 2 months, compared to the other treatments. The mean available milk yield and fat concentration were higher in DAY-SEP goats (2420 g ± 119 g and 4.9 ± 0.1%) compared with NON-SEP goats (2149 ± 79 g and 4.4 ± 0.1%). There were no differences between DAY-SEP and NON-SEP goats in total protein, lactose, or casein concentrations. Based on these data it was estimated that 7.1 kg milk was needed to produce 1 kg semi-hard cheese in DAY-SEP goats and 7.5 kg in NON-SEP goats, respectively. When comparing milk yield and composition between udder halves, the milk yield was, as expected, higher from the machine milked teat than from the suckled one in the NON-SEP goats but there was no difference between right and left udder halves in DAY-SEP goats. Milk fat concentration varied between teats at morning and afternoon milkings in NON-SEP goats, but there was no difference in milk fat between udder-halves in DAY-SEP goats. In conclusion, the kid growth rate was similar in all treatments, however, an altered behaviour was seen in permanently separated kids (SEP). The results show that it is possible to have a high milk yield and fat concentration with one kid together with the dam

    Play in retrospection

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    The aim of this study is to analyze and describe how adults with visual disability, motor disability and Asperger syndrome retrospectively identify and experience play in their childhood. Fifteen adults, aged 25 to 76 years, were interviewed about their play experiences. A qualitative approach was adopted with the aim to describe qualitatively different experiences of play. The findings indicate that play experiences merge like mirror images with participation and exclusion as two divergent sides of play. The data suggest that niches for play experiences include three components related to participation and exclusion: a personal component, a social component and an environmental component. Type of disability is one of many aspects making up the three components without being a central feature within any of the components. Type of disability affects personal characteristics and preferences, form of social interaction and the environmental requirements for participating in play but not the experience of play per se. Unique to this study is the importance assigned to the concept of niche. Perceived niches are based on memories and also influence the construction of memories. Thus, they function as a link between perceptions of experiences of play from childhood to adulthood
