4 research outputs found

    High School for Adults. A proposal of educational intervention in the Social Area

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    La Educaci贸n de Personas Adultas se encuadra en el marco de la Educaci贸n Permanente, y su pilar b谩sico se fundamenta en la idea de un aprendizaje continuo, en todo momento y a lo largo de la vida de la persona. El objetivo principal de este Trabajo fin de M谩ster es analizar la organizaci贸n, objetivos y curr铆culo de la Educaci贸n Secundaria Obligatoria para Personas Adultas en Espa帽a y en Arag贸n. Por otra parte, se analizan los resultados obtenidos en una propuesta de intervenci贸n educativa para la Educaci贸n Secundaria de Personas Adultas del Centro Educativo Codef de la Fundaci贸n Adunare en Zaragoza.Adult Education is part of the Lifelong Learning, and its mainstay is based on the idea of ​​continuous learning, at any time and throughout person鈥檚 life. This final project aims to analyze the organization, main objectives and curriculum of High School for Adults. The method to achieve it has been based on the framework of the state law and the Aragon鈥檚 community according to this topic. On the other hand, we analyzed the results obtained in a proposal of educational intervention for the High School for Adults of the Educational Center Codef-Adunare Foundation in Zaragoza

    Communication of public health risk to society: strategic proposed guide

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    The strategic aim of communication in cases of Public Health crisis is to approximate, as far as possible, the perception of risk by the society and the situation of real risk, in order to reduce the anxiety about the crisis by evidence based information, according to the seriousness of the Public Health alert. The citizen鈥檚 perception of risk is a legitimate reality that we must accept and learn to manage better. We present a case study of the Public Health Alert System (PHAS), which aims to ensure the control of Public Health alerts in the Aragon region outside normal working hours. Therefore, along with the activities carried out in the normal working hours, the alerts are attended to 24 hours a day for the entire year. The PHAS is designed to meet all the urgent situations (confirmed or suspected) that may affect the collective health of the population

    La Exposici贸n Internacional de Artes Decorativas e Industriales Modernas de 1925 y la internacionalizaci贸n del Art D茅co

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    El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es analizar las caracter铆sticas del Art D茅co y sus repercusiones a trav茅s de la Exposici贸n Internacional de Artes Decorativas e Industriales Modernas celebrada en Par铆s en 1925 que supuso su difusi贸n a nivel mundial, as铆 como el principio de su decadencia en Europa. Veremos que resulta complicado establecer una definici贸n precisa del D茅co, pues recibi贸 una multitud de influencias y a menudo contradictorias, siendo parte integral de una sociedad lujosa y glamorosa. La finalidad del certamen parisino fue aunar la arquitectura con las artes decorativas, as铆 como proponer nuevas formas modernas, en sustituci贸n de la tradici贸n imperante, aunque no siempre se abandon贸 por completo. Se analizan sus principales construcciones, especialmente aquellas deudoras del D茅co, as铆 como su impacto a nivel internacional, principalmente en el 谩mbito arquitect贸nico en EE.UU. y Cuba. This final project work aims to analyze Art D茅co style and its impact throughout the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts and Industrial Moderns held in Paris in 1925, that brought out its worldwide spread, although the beginning of its own decline in Europe. We will see that it鈥檚 difficult to establish a reliable definition for D茅co style, receiving a huge amount of different influences and often contradictory, being part and parcel of a glamorous and luxurious society. The purpose of this event was to combine architecture and decorative arts, as well as propose modern options, and replace the prevailing tradition, although not always was abandoned completely. Its main constructions are analyzed, especially those with D茅co influences, and its impact internationally, basically in the architecture of the United States and Cuba

    Review on strategies to minimize the appearance of multi-drug resistant organism

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    Background: The use of antibiotic drugs (ABX) in hospitals, and especially in intensive care units (ICU), is widespread. The early administration of ABX therapy can improve survival rates. The in uence and impact of the ABX are observed in the patients who receive them (clinical response, course) and in the ecosystem surrounding the patient (hospital ora). Aim of the review: The objective of this review is to identify strategies that reduce or limit the appearance and transmission of multidrug-resistant microorganisms. This identi - cation can then develop a rational use of the ABX plan in the ICU. Method: The following databases were queried; Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library, and the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (University of York), asking the questions in PICO format to evaluate the e cacy and safety of several inter- ventions: A) Therapeutic de-escalation; B) Cycling of ABX and; C) Early antibiotic treatment. Results: A) In therapeutic de-escalation of 98 studies identi ed, three studies that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. B) Two studies comparing antibiotic cycling versus other inter- ventions were selected. C) No studies have been found with su ciently robust methodological designs that address the ABX early treatment. There is no strong evidence to indicate which of the di erent antibiotic interventions (therapeutic de-escalation, cycling of ABX and preemptive treatment) is more e ective in reducing antibiotic resistance in ICU patients. There is insu cient evidence that de-escalation of antimicrobial agents is e ective against resistance. In patients admitted to the ICU with a low prevalence of uoroquinolones resistance, increased exposure to this class of antibiotics, using antibiotic cycling, increases the emergence of resistant strains. Conclusion: Despite the fact that no prospective studies were identi ed in this SR, rationale and day-to-day clinical prac- tice experience suggest that multidisciplinary participation of di erent specialists in ABX's Infection and Policy Commission (or the ABX Commission), or the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, might improve the develop- ment and application of these strategies