133 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Educational intervention on Infant and Young Child feeding Practices among Pregnant women attending Antenatal Clinics of Urban Health Centers of Mysore

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    Social, Physical & Psychological problems contribute for the low feeding rates in India. Apart from this the lack of adequate information, awareness among the women regarding breastfeeding needs to be addressed at the grass root level. Keeping these factors in mind the study was planned with the objective of finding out if educational intervention brings any significant difference in the knowledge and attitude of pregnant women towards breastfeeding practices attending antenatal clinics of urban health center at Mysore

    Best Practices to Make Online Learning an Advantageous Tool for Students with Specific Learning Disorder

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    Online education has been prevalent for years, but with the spread of the Covid-19, it became the most viable option for students all over the world. Out of these students, an estimated 15-20% of them show signs of what the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders describes as Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). Students with SLD experience difficulties with learning and using academic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics. These difficulties are independent of intelligence. Over the past two decades, SLD has also been referred to as dyslexia or a learning disability. While adapting to online instruction could prove difficult for students with SLD, it is also an opportunity to provide them with a more individualized and flexible education. Research about online learning and SLD from before the pandemic led to the identification of best practices for instructing students with SLD during, and possibly after, the pandemic. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to determine whether making accommodations such as asynchronous learning materials, multimedia instruction, and text reading affordances available would lead to an online learning environment that would be advantageous for students with SLD. Research indicates that asynchronous learning, multimedia instruction, and text reading affordances can lead to be better learning for students with SLD. Asynchronous learning materials are materials, such as video recordings of lectures, that students can access outside of designated class times. Multimedia instruction involves presenting information in multiple formats such as images and audio, as opposed to solely text-based learning. Affordances such as adhering to certain recommended fonts and styles of writing can also make text more accessible to students with SLD. None of these supplements to instruction have proved universally helpful to students with SLD. Therefore, it is best to let the students to decide which accommodations are useful and when. Online learning presents a unique opportunity to make these accommodations available and allow students to pick and choose which of these accommodations best assist them.https://commons.case.edu/intersections-fa20/1025/thumbnail.jp

    Complementarity between human capital and trade in regional technological progress

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    The effect of openness and trade orientation on economic growth remains a highly contentious issue in the literature. Trade facilitates the spread of knowledge and the adoption of more advanced and efficient technologies, which hastens total factor productivity (TFP) growth and, hence, per capita income. New technologies that spread through trade require a sufficiently skilled labour force to adapt them to the domestic productive environment. Thus, openness and human capital accumulation will lead to TFP growth and the greater the complementarity between both variables, the higher the TFP growth. This paper discusses the implications of these assumptions and tests their empirical validity, using a pool of data for manufacturing industry in Spanish regions in a period in which both the stock of human capital and openness experienced a notable increase.technological progress, industry, human capital, trade

    Neue Materialien zur Beseitigung von Ă–lverschmutzungen

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    Der Beitrag berichtet von der Entwicklung eines als Absorptionsmittel geeigneten Kompositmaterials auf der Basis von verschiedene Zellulosestrukturen aufweisenden Ausgangsstoffen und einem Bindemittel. Solche Absorptionsmittel sind einsetzbar für die Aufnahme von Mineralölprodukten aus wässrigen Phasen, beispielsweise aus belasteten Oberflächengewässern. Hierzu wurden geeignete biogene Ausgangsstoffe identifi ziert sowie ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Sorptionsmitteln entwickelt und dessen prinzipielle Eignung demonstriert.In this paper we report on the development of composite materials applicable as absoption agent based on cellulose of special structures and a binder. Such agents may used for the take-up of mineral oils from aqueous phases like contaminated suface water. To this end, suitable raw materials and processing parameters were established to demonstrate the properties and performance of the products

    Humanistes et antiquaires. Le De Asse de Guillaume Budé

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    Afin de bien comprendre la place qu’occupe le chef-d’œuvre de Guillaume Budé, De Asse et partibus eius libri quinque ou Cinq livres de l’As et ses fractions (1515), il est nécessaire de restituer pleinement leur place en historiographie, tout en marquant leur spécificité respective, aux Antiquaires et à l’Humanisme, rejetés dans l’enfoncement du paysage des études savantes après les progrès scientifiques de l’histoire et de la philologie au xixe siècle. Injustement oubliés par les études classiques malgré leur renommée, Guillaume Budé et son De Asse gagnent à être étudiés des historiens d’aujourd’hui, notamment ceux qui s’occupent d’Antiquité classique. Argumentant en faveur de ce retour, le présent essai parcourt la distance qui nous sépare de l’humaniste parisien et de son œuvre multiforme en les présentant à l’intérieur de la perspective ouverte par A. Momigliano, entre autres, dans les études sur les Antiquaires.Correctly to understand the place occupied by Guillaume Budé’s masterpiece, De Asse et partibus eius libri quinque, or Cinq livres de l’As et ses fractions (1515), it is necessary to fully recover their place in historiography, while noting their respective specificity, to Antiquarians and Humanism, thrown back into the recesses of scholarly studies after the scientific advances of history and philology in the XIXth century. Unjustly forgotten by classical studies despite their fame, Guillaume Budé and his De Asse are worth while studying by to-day’s historians, notably those who deal with classical Antiquity. Arguing in favour of their return, the present essay covers the distance which separates us from the Parisian humanist and his multifarious work, presenting them within the perspective opened out by A. Momigliano, among others, in the studies on Antiquarians

    La bibliothèque de Guillaume Budé

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    Avec le dépouillement du contenu érudit des cinq livres De Asse et partibus eius (1515 ; septième éd., 1541), qui s’ajoutent à celui des quelque vingt mille citations formant les Commentarii linguæ Græcæ (1529 ; éd. définitive, 1548), il est possible d’enrichir sensiblement la liste de livres de la bibliothèque intellectuelle de Guillaume Budé (1468-1540), dont une partie seulement est matériellement identifiée. Il en ressort un vaste tableau, certes à mettre à jour dès que le contenu des deux éditions d’Annotationes in Pandectas (1508 et 1526 ; éd. définitive, 1535) sera précisément connu, mais signalant déjà Budé comme un lecteur aussi vorace qu’encyclopédique, bon connaisseur des classiques mais surtout grand explorateur des textes ardus des grammairiens, des théologiens, des juristes, des agronomes et d’autres auteurs dits techniques.Thanks to the counting of the contents of the five books De Asse and partibus eius (1515; seventh edition, 1541), which are added to some twenty-thousand quotations forming the Commentarii linguæ Græcæ (1529; final edition, 1548), it is now possible to substantially enrich the list of Guillaume Budé’s (1468-1540) intellectual library, only a part of which is physically identified. It turns out to be a vast array, certainly to be better known later, when the contents of the two editions of Annotationes in Pandectas (1508 and 1526; final edition, 1535) will be fully studied, but already signaling Budé as a reader as voracious as encyclopedic, a good connoisseur of the classics, but above all a great explorer of the difficult texts of grammarians, theologians, jurists, agronomists and other authors, the so-called technici

    Large Language Models and Explainable Law: a Hybrid Methodology

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    The paper advocates for LLMs to enhance the accessibility, usage and explainability of rule-based legal systems, contributing to a democratic and stakeholder-oriented view of legal technology. A methodology is developed to explore the potential use of LLMs for translating the explanations produced by rule-based systems, from high-level programming languages to natural language, allowing all users a fast, clear, and accessible interaction with such technologies. The study continues by building upon these explanations to empower laypeople with the ability to execute complex juridical tasks on their own, using a Chain of Prompts for the autonomous legal comparison of different rule-based inferences, applied to the same factual case


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    Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant organic raw material in the world. Cellulose and hemicellulose from plants and other biomass can be hydrolyzed to produce sugars. Native lignocellulosic biomass provides limited accessibility to cellulase enzymes due to structural features. The investigations were carried out with waste lignocellulosic raw material, consisting of maize stalks and cobs. Enzyme hydrolysis was performed after acid hydrolysis with a cellulasic product. It was established that the enzyme stage, as a first treatment phase, was inefficient. It was found that cellulase activity was considerably improved after acid hydrolysis of a crushed mass. A two-stage process with acidic and then enzyme hydrolysis method was most efficient and promising for obtaining sugars for ethanol production

    Frédéric Duval, Dire Rome en français. Dictionnaire onomasiologique des institutions

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    Ce miroir très précis des relations lexicales étroites qu’a entretenues la littérature médiévale en français avec le patrimoine intellectuel de la Rome antique, même limité aux «  institutions  » (selon la perspective de l’Histoire des institutions de J. Ellul  : voir l’Introduction, p. 24-25), ne manquera pas d’attirer l’attention des lecteurs et des chercheurs passionnés par les réceptions de l’Antiquité. La méthode d’analyse «  onomasiologique  » annoncée dans le sous-titre part des «  con..

    Budé lecteur d’Hérodote : langue, idées, recherches

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    Une documentation assez complète permet de connaître plusieurs aspects du travail de Guillaume Budé (1468-1540) sur le texte d’Hérodote. Grâce à la découverte de l’exemplaire personnel annoté, une édition aldine, on peut comprendre les références à la lecture d’Hérodote figurant dans d’autres livres annotés par l’humaniste parisien ainsi que dans ses précieux carnets autographes. Les fruits de ces études érudites sont visibles dans les principales œuvres de Budé et révèlent la cohérence de ses méthodes philologiques.A fairly complete documentation enables us to know several aspects of the work of Guillaume Budé (1468-1540) on Herodotus’ texts. Thanks to the discovery of his own personal annotated copy, an aldine edition, we can understand the references to his reading of Herodotus that occur in other books annotated by the Parisian scholar as well as in his invaluable autographic notebooks. The fruit and outcome of those erudite studies are visible in Budé’s main works and reveal the coherence of his philological methods
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