14,189 research outputs found

    The full Schwinger-Dyson tower for random tensor models

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    We treat random rank-DD tensor models as DD-dimensional quantum field theories---tensor field theories (TFT)---and review some of their non-perturbative methods. We classify the correlation functions of complex tensor field theories by boundary graphs, sketch the derivation of the Ward-Takahashi identity and stress its relevance in the derivation of the tower of exact, analytic Schwinger-Dyson equations for all the correlation functions (with connected boundary) of TFTs with quartic pillow-like interactions.Comment: Proceedings: Corfu 2017 Training School "Quantum Spacetime and Physics Models

    The Spectral Action on quivers

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    We consider quiver representations not on vector spaces, as traditional, but on a different target category, which emerges in the context of noncommutative geometry. The equivalence between quiver representations and path algebra modules -- established here for the new category -- inspired the following construction: Only from representation theory data, we build the Dirac operator (of a spectral triple) on a quiver and evaluate the spectral action functional from a general formula over closed paths derived here. We apply this construction to gauge theories on lattice-quivers and obtain all the exact Weisz-Wohlert-type cells in the context of Symanzik's improvement to the Wilsonian Yang-Mills lattice gauge theory. We show that a hermitian Higgs field emerges from the self-loops of the quiver and derive the Yang-Mills--Higgs theory on flat space as a limit of certain quivers. We worked in arbitrary dimension and, concerning paths on lattices, we proved some combinatorial claims, which might be useful elsewhere.Comment: 34 pp, many quivers; v2 some typos and minor correction

    Computing the spectral action for fuzzy geometries: from random noncommutative geometry to bi-tracial multimatrix models

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    A fuzzy geometry is a certain type of spectral triple whose Dirac operator crucially turns out to be a finite matrix. This notion was introduced in [J. Barrett, J. Math. Phys. 56, 082301 (2015)] and accommodates familiar fuzzy spaces like spheres and tori. In the framework of random noncommutative geometry, we use Barrett's characterization of Dirac operators of fuzzy geometries in order to systematically compute the spectral action S(D)=Trf(D)S(D)= \mathrm{Tr} f(D) for 2n2n-dimensional fuzzy geometries. In contrast to the original Chamseddine-Connes spectral action, we take a polynomial ff with f(x)→∞f(x)\to \infty as ∣x∣→∞ |x|\to\infty in order to obtain a well-defined path integral that can be stated as a random matrix model with action of the type S(D)=N⋅tr F+∑itr Ai⋅tr BiS(D)=N \cdot \mathrm{tr}\, F+\textstyle\sum_i \mathrm{tr}\,A_i \cdot \mathrm{tr} \,B_i , being F,AiF,A_i and BiB_i noncommutative polynomials in 22n−12^{2n-1} complex N×NN\times N matrices that parametrize the Dirac operator DD. For arbitrary signature---thus for any admissible KO-dimension---formulas for 2-dimensional fuzzy geometries are given up to a sextic polynomial, and up to a quartic polynomial for 4-dimensional ones, with focus on the octo-matrix models for Lorentzian and Riemannian signatures. The noncommutative polynomials F,AiF,A_i and BiB_i are obtained via chord diagrams and satisfy: independence of NN; self-adjointness of the main polynomial FF (modulo cyclic reordering of each monomial); also up to cyclicity, either self-adjointness or anti-self-adjointness of AiA_i and BiB_i simultaneously, for fixed ii. Collectively, this favors a free probabilistic perspective for the large-NN limit we elaborate on.Comment: 51 pages (45+6), some figures. v5. Minor amend to Prop. 4.1 and syntax of Def. 2.

    Ultrasonic cavity solitons

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    We report on a new type of localized structure, an ultrasonic cavity soliton, supported by large aspect-ratio acoustic resonators containing viscous media. The spatio-temporal dynamics of this system is analyzed on the basis of a generalized Swift-Hohenberg equation, derived from the microscopic equations under conditions close to nascent bistability. These states of the acoustic and thermal fields are robust structures, existing whenever a spatially uniform solution and a periodic pattern coexist. An analytical solution for the ultrasonic cavity soliton is also presented

    Self collimation of ultrasound in a 3D sonic crystal

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    We present the experimental demonstration of self-collimation (subdiffractive propagation) of an ultrasonic beam inside a three-dimensional sonic crystal. The crystal is formed by two crossed steel cylinders structures in a woodpile-like geometry disposed in water. Measurements of the 3D field distribution show that a narrow beam which diffractively spreads in the absence of the sonic crystal is strongly collimated in propagation inside the crystal, demonstrating the 3D self-collimation effect.Comment: 3 figures, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    New light on the formation and evolution of bars:Trends in the stellar line-strength indices distribution inside the bar region

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    Aims. Our aim is to study the stellar content of the bar region to constrain its formation and evolution.Methods. Line-strength indices in the bar region of a sample of 6 barred galaxies were employed to derive age and metallicity gradients along the bars using stellar population models.Results. We find clear radial gradients in the line-strength indices for all the galaxies. We find positive gradients within the bar region in the metal indices in four of the six galaxies and opposite trends in the other two. These two galaxies are classified as SAB, and they present exponential bar light profiles. For all the galaxies, we find a positive gradient in the Balmer indices. There is a clear correlation between the position of morphological features inside the bar region with changes in the slope and value of the indices, which indicate changes in the stellar populations, when using stellar population analysis. Therefore, it seems that the bar regions show a gradient in both age and metallicity, changing radially to younger and more meta-rich populations for all the galaxies except for the two with exponential profiles.</p

    Discovery of a wide companion near the deuterium burning mass limit in the Upper Scorpius association

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    We present the discovery of a companion near the deuterium burning mass limit located at a very wide distance, at an angular separation of 4.6+/-0.1 arcsec (projected distance of ~ 670 AU) from UScoCTIO108, a brown dwarf of the very young Upper Scorpius association. Optical and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy confirm the cool nature of both objects, with spectral types of M7 and M9.5, respectively, and that they are bona fide members of the association, showing low gravity and features of youth. Their masses, estimated from the comparison of their bolometric luminosities and theoretical models for the age range of the association, are 60+/-20 and 14^{+2}_{-8} MJup, respectively. The existence of this object around a brown dwarf at this wide orbit suggests that the companion is unlikely to have formed in a disk based on current planet formation models. Because this system is rather weakly bound, they did not probably form through dynamical ejection of stellar embryos.Comment: 10 pages, including 4 figures and 2 table
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