268 research outputs found

    Paradigmas, métodos e contextos no estudo do recinto-monumento Crasto de Palheiros (Norte de Portugal) durante o III mil. AC

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    This paper is based on the study of the archaeological record and the samples collected in the enclosure-monument of Crasto de Palheiros and discusses the interpretative possibilities of: a. the use of different areas of the site in which samples of macro-remains and faunal remains were sampled; b. the intentional sealing of contexts and depositions related to food and/or socially restricted meals.The fact that in this Mediterranean ecosystem cattle represent a major social investment in their maintenance, their slaughter and consumption, must be connected to the social obligations of the communities that relate their identity to Crasto (i.e. as their regional political and social centre) is considered

    Joana Valdez-Tullett. Design and connectivity. The case of Atlantic Rock Art [Recensão]

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    Recensão de: Joana Valdez-Tullett. Design and connectivity. The case of Atlantic Rock Art. British Archaeological Reports International Series 2932, New sub-series Archaeology of Prehistoric Art 1, BAR Publishing. Oxford, 2019, 286 pp., 172 figs. (31 in colour), 61 graphs (39 in colour). With additional material online (figures and graphs). ISBN 978 1 4073 1662 8 (paperback)

    Financial Education for Adults - Women beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) and Retirees with income of up to two minimum salaries

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    The article presents the Impact Evaluation results carried out in the Financial Education Program for Women Beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) and Retirees with income of up to two minimum wages. This program aims to promote the increase of financial literacy and changes in habits and behaviors, in order to develop skills and abilities that help to manage the family budget efficiently. The methodology used was the one of experimental experience and made possible the coexistence with beneficiaries and retirees in their homes, seeking to understand the realities and the local needs. The change in behavior through the development of skills and abilities, as well as the acquired knowledge, demonstrated that decision making becomes more conscious, promoting autonomy and meaningful better in the quality of life of the family and the family environment

    Entre o ordinário e o extra-ordinário : considerações sobre alguns lugares com arte rupestre de tradição esquemática do Norte de Portugal

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    No âmbito da arqueologia da paisagem, por um lado, e da fenomenologia que a complementa,discorreremos sobre o papel que os lugares com arte rupestre terão tido para as comunidades que oscriaram, viveram e mantiveram, utilizando como exemplo 3 casos de lugares com arte rupestre detradição esquemática do Norte de Portugal, datados da Pré-história recente: entre o 4º e o 2º mil. AC.Atendendo à sua conguração e localização topográca, à padronização e organização dos motivos,etc., defenderemos ainda que este lugares terão tido muitas funções especícas, contextuais, mas queestas se inscreveriam numa função social mais abrangente que é a da manutenção de cosmologias,de comportamentos sociais, ou seja, da naturalização das normas que sustentam a ideologia.Within the eld of landscape archaeology, on one hand, and of the fenomenology thatcomplements it, on the other, we will develop an analysis over the role that the places with rupestrianart may have had on the communities that created, maintained and lived in them.To achieve this we will take on as example three cases of places with rupestrian art of schematictradition of the North of Portugal, dated back to recent pre-history between the 4th and 2nd mill.BC. Taking into account its conguration and topographic location, its patterns, the organizationof the motifs etc. we will also support that these places may have had many specic contextualfunctions; however these can be framed in a wider social function that is the maintenance ofcosmologies and of social behaviors, meaning, the naturalization of the norms that support ideology

    Arte dos dólmenes do noroeste da Península Ibérica : uma revisão analítica

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    This text discusses the process of construction-use-closure of decorated dolmens in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. The "decoration" is perceived as one of the aspects of collective social negotiation underlying the construction of the monument. In fact, the construction and decoration reflect the maintenance, recreation and alteration of specific memories, identities and ideologies in the Neolithic communities of the region. Each monument contains a specific inner scenography that is anchored in the scenographic, mythographic and ideological traditions of the wider region

    O Crasto de Palheiros (Murça) : do calcolítico à idade do ferro

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    Excavation work at the site of Crasto de Palheiros (Murça, Vila Real) has started in 1995. A brief outline of the occupation succession (Chalcolithic- Iron Age) is presented here. The importance of the architectural work, occupying 2,5 ha since the Chalcolithic period, justifies a detailed presentation of the different building moments and architectural additions/ alterations: ramparts, paved areas, walls, upright stones

    Escarpas rochosas e pinturas na Serra de Passos/Sta Comba (Nordeste de Portugal)

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    Este texto pretende apresentar o mais extenso conjunto de sítios com pintura rupestre pré-histórica pós-glaciar conhecido no território português, localizado na Serra de Passos/Sta Comba (Nordeste de Portugal). Foi ali identificado um alargado grupo no Regato das Bouças já na passagem da década de 1980 à de 1990, altura em que foi objecto de registo por decalque e de classificação como Imóvel de Interesse Público. Com o recomeço das prospecções pela presente equipa em 2010, muitos outros abrigos com pintura esquemática foram descobertos.Dada a necessidade científica da sua divulgação o presente artigo focará a distribuição e análise espacial e topográfica das superfícies pintadas e procederá à divulgação dos registos por decalque realizados nos anos de 1990. Fará ainda a descrição sintética dos novos abrigos, que ilustra de modo fotográfico. Apresentará também uma visão de síntese deste conjunto de pinturas pré-históricas que, com propriedade, já poderemos denominar de Batuecas portuguesas.This paper will present the most extensive set of sites displaying post-glacier pre-historic rock paintings located in the Portuguese territory, specifically in the Serra de Passos/Sta Comba area of Northeastern Portugal. There, in Regato das Bouças during the passage of the 1980s to the 1990s, a wide group of sites had already been identified; they were recorded using decalcs over plastic and were classified as Public Interest Real Estate (a Portuguese Heritage classification). Since the beginning of archaeological survey by the current team in 2010, many other shelters displaying schematic painting were found. Given the scientific necessity of its divulgence the following article will focus on the distribution, spatial and topographic analysis of these painted surfaces as well as the divulgence of the recordings made by plastic decals during the 1990s. It will present a brief description of the new shelters that will be shown here through photographs. It will also present a briefed general analyse of this set of prehistoric paintings that we can already name as the Portuguese Batuecas
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