25 research outputs found

    Necesidades de los usuarios, adquisiciones y presupuesto: Una relaci贸n dif铆cil de armonizar

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    One presents, in big lines, the complex interrelationship that is given in the Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, among the resources of information that the users need, its acquisition, and the available budgets, and to the Library as fundamental actor in this circuit, where the key is the satisfaction of the users

    Investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n en colecciones especiales: perspectivas en patrimonio cultural del Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey

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    In the present work there are approached the possibilities that are opened to research and the innovation in the special collections guarded by Patrimonio Cultural of the Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey. From the traditional documentary research up to the modeling of three-dimensional objects, happening through diverse forms of academic use of these heaps, is that a different vision from the special collections considers, alternates and complementary to the conservative traditional vision

    Necesidades de los usuarios, adquisiciones y presupuesto: Una relaci贸n dif铆cil de armonizar

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    One presents, in big lines, the complex interrelationship that is given in the Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, among the resources of information that the users need, its acquisition, and the available budgets, and to the Library as fundamental actor in this circuit, where the key is the satisfaction of the users

    Exigencias laborales en contextos no tradicionales para el bibliotecario

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    The present work confronts the situation that that usually occurs in many libraries and units and information services (LUIS) of Mexico: The forced presence of people who toil in the same, without owning at least basic formation in information sciences, documentation and/or biblioteconom铆a. The diverse causes of this phenomenon and, first of all, the challenges appear that are opened before the professional of Library and Information Sciences (LIS). Their position can be diverse, but the labor requirements tend to be different from the 'traditional' means. The principal points are explained from where the above mentioned differences can be generated. The development of the specific professional competitions usually is put on approval in climates of interdisciplinary nature, multidisciplinary nature and even multiculturate. The diverse involved competitions are described, focusing them from diverse angles: a. The orientated ones more on having known (to do, to be and to learn), with the different attitudes and involved skills; b. The focused ones more from the disciplinary thing (disciplinary, interdisciplinary and to disciplinary); and c. Recounted more to the organization in strict sense (organizational, departmental and of the working place). One concludes in which the diverse analyzed aspects take to the LIS professional to the change, to the opening necessarily, to the flexibility, without stopping affirming their specific identity, considering that this can be forming from the LIS Schools

    Formaci贸n de catalogadores mediante el autoaprendizaje y en el lugar de trabajo

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    The cataloguers' training in the 21st century represents in Mexico a true challenge, due to the shortage of human resources in the LIS area. That does necessary to design strategies of cataloguers' training of diverse level, that allows the suitable processing of material in the libraries without spending too much time in the qualification one by one. The combination of the self-training and the training in the work place, the analysis of their advantages and disadvantages, the development of a specific case of application realised from 2005 to the date in Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, show the possibilities to us of these modalities altogether, without it gives up to the deepest formation of the involved human resources by means of the formal learning

    La Colecci贸n Michel Antochiw: Su riqueza al servicio de los usuarios en Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey

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    The paper is about the available section of Michel Antochiw Collection in Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. Describes the thematic composition of this section, conformed by books and pamphlets. It emphasizes the conservation status of material, some works of great importance, and it concludes in the value for the research of this collection

    Patrimonio cultural del Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey

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    This work describes to the genesis and evolution of the special collections sheltered in the Campus Monterrey at Monterrey Tech. The diverse collections of books-serials, photographic type, objects, microfilmic and documentary integrate that it are reviewed, as well as 12 thematic areas of greater importance covered by the same

    Conexiones competencias-evaluaci贸n-capacitaci贸n : Un modelo pr谩ctico

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    The determination of competitions in university libraries is a real challenge, since often it is necessary to bear in mind the competitions for that the institution asks develop in a distinctive way in its personnel, and to be able to articulate them of way adapted with functional and specific competitions. Once determined the competitions for specific positions, it is necessary to realize an evaluation of the persons who occupy them, then to be able to determine the needs of training that are needed in order to expire with the above mentioned competitions. Of there in more, the performance evaluation based on the praise of needed competitions, it becomes in an imperative that allows to check both the design of the position and the offered training. The present work presents a case of this joint in a model proposed in the Library of Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, explaining the opposing difficulties and the adjustments to its application

    Mapeo de colecciones documentales en Patrimonio Cultural del Tecnol贸gico de Monterrey

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    Describes the process and the main results of documentary mapping project realised in the documentary funds of Monterrey Tech Cultural Heritage. Between the results the funds and outstanding series within the same are mentioned, the units identified of each fund, and its location, access and support

    Calidad en bibliotecas y servicios de informaci贸n universitarios: 驴Qu茅 significa?

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    The diverse theoretical trends about quality service are explained, its impact in daily practices, and the tools of quality measurement, which are used in academic libraries and information services