29 research outputs found

    Weltanschauung und Leidenschaft: Überlegungen zu einer integrativen Theorie des Antisemitismus

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    In der sozialwissenschaftlichen Antisemitismusforschung wird national wie international das Fehlen einer Studie zur Integration unterschiedlicher theoretischer Erkenntnisse beklagt. In dem Aufsatz wird nun der Versuch einer solchen systematischen Integration unternommen. Das Ziel ist die Formulierung einer Skizze für eine Theorie über die individuellen wie kollektiven Entstehungsursachen, die semantischen und argumentativen Strukturen sowie die sozialen Kontext- und Entwicklungsbedingungen von Antisemitismus. Untersucht werden dazu psychologische, soziologische und politikwissenschaftliche Theorien über Antisemitismus.In the social scientific research on antisemitism, there exists a national as well as international criticism of the lack of a study which integrates different theoretical insights concerning antisemitism. This article tries now to point out a systematic integration of theoretical studies on antisemitism. The goal is to formulate an outline for a theory on the individual and collective root causes, the semantic and argumentative structures, and the specific social contexts and social developments relevant to antisemitism. Theories from the fields of psychology, sociology and political science will also be included

    No Sovereignty without Freedom Machiavelli, Hobbes and the Global Order in the Twenty-first Century

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    Abstract: In outlining a model of sovereignty, this article makes constructive reference to the ideas of Machiavelli and Hobbes concerning the fundamental structures of modern statehood, and ultimately argues for a sovereignty without morality -but not without restraints. A central element is the idea that in terms of legal theory, limitations on sovereignty should not come from some other context, but should instead be developed solely in reference to itself and its inherent contradictions: this could be the future of sovereignty. Keywords: freedom, Hobbes, human rights, Machiavelli, sovereignty, world order International debates concerning human rights, as seen in recent years, are intimately connected to the central paradigm at the core of today's world order: the sovereignty of the state (see The insistent question of what is more important, respecting state sovereignty or defending human rights, is generally handled by politicians and diplomats in a pragmatic manner: if human rights are violated by a state whose legitimacy is not fundamentally questioned by the international community, then the integrity of that state, and thereby its sovereignty, is granted a higher legal weight; however, if a state's legitimacy is strongly challenged in the international context, then human rights objections will become prioritised over state sovereignty

    Vigilantistischer Rechtsterrorismus: Matthias Quent analysiert die Entstehung und Radikalisierung des "Nationalsozialistischen Untergrundes" im Kontext der bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft

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    Matthias Quent: Rassismus, Radikalisierung, Rechtsterrorismus: Wie der NSU entstand und was er über die Gesellschaft verrät. Weinheim: Beltz / Juventa 2016. 978377993435

    Editorial: Politische Theorie(n) der politischen Kultur

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    On the Political Psychology of Antisemitism

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    Antisemitismus und die moderne Gesellschaft gehören zusammen und sind auf das Engste miteinander verwoben. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht diese Erkenntnis unter Bezugnahme auf die wesentlichen soziologischen und psychologischen Überlegungen mit Blick auf das Verhältnis von Individuum und Gesellschaft aufzuklären. Dabei wird der Versuch unternommen, individuelle, überindividuelle und strukturelle Dimension in eine Politische Psychologie des Antisemitismus zu integrieren. Das Hauptanliegen des Aufsatzes besteht darin, die theoretischen Erkenntnisse zu dieser Frage in einem integrativen Ansatz miteinander zu vermitteln.Antisemitism and modern society are inextricably and intimately interwoven. This idea will be explicated by drawing upon major sociological and psychological theories regarding the relationship between the individual and society. The goal is to integrate individual, supraindividual, and structural dimensions into a political psychology of antisemitism. The main objective of this article is to gather various relevant theoretical insights and synthesize them into an integrated approach

    The Concept of Ethnic Minorities. International Law and the German-Austrian Response

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    Following World War I, the League of Nations promoted a liberal system of minority rights conceived on the basis of individual rights and designed to provide human rights protection against discrimination. In reaction to this conception of minorities as deserving democratic protection, an alternate, ethnicallyoriented concept was developed in German-speaking territories, particularly in Germany and Austria, which was based on collective rights and whose goal was ethnically-based legislation (called “Volksgruppenrecht” or “ethnic-group law”). This political concept was gradually developed into a system of international standards. Supporters hoped that ethnically based law would replace international liberal-democratic law. This paper examines how the political paradigm of collective rights was redefined during the 1920s to produce a conceptual system of legal standards, and how successful efforts were in providing a legal foundation for the sociotheoretical concept of “Volksgruppe” (“ethnic group”)

    On the Political Psychology of Antisemitism

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    Antisemitism and modern society are inextricably and intimately interwoven. This idea will be explicated by drawing upon major sociological and psychological theories regarding the relationship between the individual and society. The goal is to integrate individual, supraindividual, and structural dimensions into a political psychology of antisemitism. The main objective of this article is to gather various relevant theoretical insights and synthesize them into an integrated approach