205 research outputs found

    Generating Macroscopic Superpositions with Interacting Bose-Einstein Condensates: Multi-Mode Speed-Ups and Speed Limits

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    We theoretically investigate the effect of multi-mode dynamics on the creation of macroscopic superposition states (spin-cat states) in Bose-Einstein condensates via one-axis twisting. A two-component Bose-Einstein condensate naturally realises an effective one-axis twisting interaction, under which an initially separable state will evolve toward a spin-cat state. However, the large evolution times necessary to realise these states is beyond the scope of current experiments. This evolution time is proportional to the degree of asymmetry in the relative scattering lengths of the system, which results in the following trade-off; faster evolution times are associated with an increase in multi-mode dynamics, and we find that generally multi-mode dynamics reduce the degree of entanglement present in the final state. However, we find that highly entangled cat-like states are still possible in the presence of significant multi-mode dynamics, and that these dynamics impose a speed-limit on the evolution such states

    Optimal and Robust Quantum Metrology Using Interaction-Based Readouts

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    Useful quantum metrology requires nonclassical states with a high particle number and (close to) the optimal exploitation of the state's quantum correlations. Unfortunately, the single-particle detection resolution demanded by conventional protocols, such as spin squeezing via one-axis twisting, places severe limits on the particle number. Additionally, the challenge of finding optimal measurements (that saturate the quantum Cram{\'e}r-Rao bound) for an arbitrary nonclassical state limits most metrological protocols to only moderate levels of quantum enhancement. "Interaction-based readout" protocols have been shown to allow optimal interferometry \emph{or} to provide robustness against detection noise at the expense of optimality. In this Letter, we prove that one has great flexibility in constructing an optimal protocol, thereby allowing it to also be robust to detection noise. This requires the full probability distribution of outcomes in an optimal measurement basis, which is typically easily accessible and can be determined from specific criteria we provide. Additionally, we quantify the robustness of several classes of interaction-based readouts under realistic experimental constraints. We determine that optimal \emph{and} robust quantum metrology is achievable in current spin-squeezing experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Robustifying Twist-and-Turn Entanglement with Interaction-Based Readout

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    The use of multi-particle entangled states has the potential to drastically increase the sensitivity of atom interferometers and atomic clocks. The Twist-and-Turn (TNT) Hamiltonian can create multi-particle entanglement much more rapidly than ubiquitous one-axis twisting (OAT) Hamiltonian in the same spin system. In this paper, we consider the effects of detection noise - a key limitation in current experiments - on the metrological usefulness of these nonclassical states and also consider a variety of interaction-based readouts to maximize their performance. Interestingly, the optimum interaction-based readout is not the obvious case of perfect time reversal

    Quantum Fisher information as a predictor of decoherence in the preparation of spin-cat states for quantum metrology

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    In its simplest form, decoherence occurs when a quantum state is entangled with a second state, but the results of measurements made on the second state are not accessible. As the second state has effectively “measured” the first, in this paper we argue that the quantum Fisher information is the relevant metric for predicting and quantifying this kind of decoherence. The quantum Fisher information is usually used to determine an upper bound on how precisely measurements on a state can be used to estimate a classical parameter, and as such it is an important resource. Quantum-enhanced metrology aims to create nonclassical states with large quantum Fisher information and utilize them in precision measurements. In the process of doing this it is possible for states to undergo decoherence; for instance atom-light interactions used to create coherent superpositions of atomic states may result in atom-light entanglement. Highly nonclassical states, such as spin-cat states (Schrödinger cat states constructed from superpositions of collective spins) are shown to be highly susceptible to this kind of decoherence. We also investigate the required field occupation of the second state, such that this decoherence is negligible

    High-Precision Quantum-Enhanced Gravimetry with a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We show that the inherently large interatomic interactions of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) can enhance the sensitivity of a high precision cold-atom gravimeter beyond the shot-noise limit (SNL). Through detailed numerical simulation, we demonstrate that our scheme produces spin-squeezed states with variances up to 14 dB below the SNL, and that absolute gravimetry measurement sensitivities between two and five times below the SNL are achievable with BECs between 104 and 106 in atom number. Our scheme is robust to phase diffusion, imperfect atom counting, and shot-to-shot variations in atom number and laser intensity. Our proposal is immediately achievable in current laboratories, since it needs only a small modification to existing state-of-the-art experiments and does not require additional guiding potentials or optical cavities.This project was partially funded by a Defence Science and Technology Group Competitive Evaluation Research Agreement, Project MyIP: 7333. S. P. N. acknowledges funding from the H2020 QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies, project CEBBEC. This research was undertaken with the assistance of resources and services from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the Australian Government

    Quantum enhanced measurement of rotations with a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring trap

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    We present a model of a spin-squeezed rotation sensor utilizing the Sagnac effect in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring trap. The two input states for the interferometer are seeded using Raman pulses with Laguerre-Gauss beams and are amplified by the bosonic enhancement of spin-exchange collisions, resulting in spin-squeezing and potential quantum enhancement of the interferometry. The ring geometry has an advantage over separated beam path atomic rotation sensors due to the uniform condensate density. We model the interferometer both analytically and numerically for realistic experimental parameters and find that significant quantum enhancement is possible, but this enhancement is partially degraded when working in a regime with strong atomic interactions

    Airway management during in-hospital cardiac arrest in adults: UK national survey and interview study with anaesthetic and intensive care trainees

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    Background: The optimal airway management strategy for in-hospital cardiac arrest is unknown. Methods: An online survey and telephone interviews with anaesthetic and intensive care trainee doctors identified by the United Kingdom Research and Audit Federation of Trainees. Questions explored in-hospital cardiac arrest frequency, grade and specialty of those attending, proportion of patients receiving advanced airway management, airway strategies immediately available, and views on a randomised trial of airway management strategies during in-hospital cardiac arrest. Results: Completed surveys were received from 128 hospital sites (76% response rate). Adult in-hospital cardiac arrests were attended by anaesthesia staff at 40 sites (31%), intensive care staff at 37 sites (29%) and a combination of specialties at 51 sites (40%). The majority (123/128, 96%) of respondents reported immediate access to both tracheal intubation and supraglottic airways. A bag-mask technique was used ‘very frequently’ or ‘frequently’ during in-hospital cardiac arrest by 111/128 (87%) of respondents, followed by supraglottic airways (101/128, 79%) and tracheal intubation (69/128, 54%). The majority (60/100, 60%) of respondents estimated that ≤30% of in-hospital cardiac arrest patients undergo tracheal intubation, while 34 (34%) estimated this to be between 31% and 70%. Most respondents (102/128, 80%) would be ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to recruit future patients to a trial of alternative airway management strategies during in-hospital cardiac arrest. Interview data identified several barriers and facilitators to conducting research on airway management in in-hospital cardiac arrest. Conclusions: There is variation in airway management strategies for adult in-hospital cardiac arrest across the UK. Most respondents would be willing to take part in a randomised trial of airway management during in-hospital cardiac arrest