76 research outputs found

    Knowledge and practice of condom use as well as perceived barriers among street adolescents in Cameroon

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    Introduction: Street children in Cameroon are adolescents, vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV and/or AIDS. The level of knowledge and practice of condom use among this population is unknown.Objective of the study: To assess the knowledge, practice and barriers to condom use in Cameroon.Materials and methods: The study was an analytical cross-sectional survey conducted in 2015. Questionnaires were administered to street children in a quiet location. Recruitment was made using the snowball technique with the help of peers.Results: More than 90% of participants knew of condoms, but only about 6% reported to have used a condom during their last sexual encounter. Most of the participants did not know that condoms could prevent HIV; only a few (15.5%) knew about this.Conclusion: Street adolescents in Cameroon seem to know about condoms, but have insufficient information on the importance of their regular use. The main barriers for the low practice of condom use reported by this population were the following: condoms hinder sexual pleasure; are costly; and it is embarrassing to buy, use or propose to use a condom

    Migration related malnutrition among war-instigated refugee children in the northern part of Cameroon

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    Migration is interwoven with the problems of health and nutrition. When people migrate, they are still in need of the most basic human needs including nutrition and health care. These two again are inter-related since they affect one another. The quality of nutrition which an individual receives has a lot to play on his/her health. This paper seeks to discuss the malnourished situation of the children of refugees and internally displaced persons in the northern part of Cameroon resulting from Boko Haram insurgencies in boarder countries (Nigeria in particular) and within Cameroon itself. The study also shows that the number of refugees in the Northern part of Cameroon has been on a progressive increase since 2013. The most alarming aspect of the presence of these refugees driven out of their homes by Boko Haram attacks is the large number of children who suffer from severe acute malnutrition.Keywords: Boko Haram, children, malnutrition, migration, refugee

    Knowledge and practice of testicular self-examination among secondary students at Ntare School in Mbarara district, south western Uganda

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    INTRODUCTION: testicular self-examination (TSE) is a screening technique that involves inspection of the appearance and palpation of the testes to detect any changes from the normal. Globally, the incidence of cancer has increased among which is testicular cancer (TC). Data on this topic among male secondary school adolescents in Uganda is limited therefore this study sought to assess the knowledge and practice of testicular self-examination among secondary students at Ntare School, Mbarara District in south western Uganda. The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge and practice of testicular self-examination among secondary students at Ntare School in Mbarara district, south western Uganda. METHODS: we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study among 165 students. Recruitment was made using simple random sampling technique. Respondents were selected among advanced level (A’ level) male students studying at Ntare School in Mbarara district, south western Uganda. Structured selfadministered questionnaires were used for data collection. RESULTS: of the male students, 41.8% reported to have knowledge about TSE and only 23.6% practiced TSE. Most students rated their knowledge of TSE to be below 5 (from 1-10). Of the 39 students who admitted performing TSE, only 16 did so as recommended (monthly). CONCLUSION: the knowledge and practice of TSE were low among adolescent secondary school boys in Ntare School in Mbarara District, south western Uganda. This suggests that these students are unaware of the value of this personal health promotion tool which is fundamental in early diagnosis of testicular cancer.http://www.panafrican-med-journal.compm2020School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH

    Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practice of health care workers in Fako Division on post exposure prophylaxis to blood borne viruses: a hospital based cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: accidental exposure to blood and body fluid presents a serious public health concern, especially among healthcare workers (HCW) and constitutes a risk of transmission of blood borne viruses. Infections acquired through occupational exposure are largely preventable through strict control measures such as the use of safe devices, proper waste disposal, immunization and prompt management of exposures including the use of Post Exposure Prophylaxis. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of healthcare workers on post exposure prophylaxis and also determine the factors influencing reporting of occupational exposures among HCW in Fako Division, Cameroon. Methods: this was a hospital based cross-sectional study conducted from February 2016 to July 2016 involving the administration of questionnaires to 216 health care workers in Fako division. Data collected was analyzed with SPSS version 22 and results presented as percentages and tables. Pearson chi-square test was used to determine statistically significant relationship between different factors with reporting of occupational exposures among health care workers in Fako division. Results: a high proportion of participants 125(58%) had poor knowledge on Post Exposure Prophylaxis and 131(60.6%) of participants proved to have a positive attitude towards post exposure prophylaxis. 50.9% (110/216) of all participants had at least one occupational exposure with a low uptake 19.1(21/110) of Post Exposure Prophylaxis recorded among participants who were exposed. There was a statistically significant relationship between years of experience (p-value = 0.006, CI= 0.151-0.745) and category of health care worker (p-value= 0.022, CI=0.314-14.215) with reporting of occupational exposure (p-value< 0.05). Conclusion: this study recorded among participants a poor knowledge on post exposure prophylaxis and poor practice though a majority of study participants had possitive attitude towards PEP. Therefore, a formal training for all health care workers on post exposure prophylaxis to blood borne viruses, strict monitoring and evaluation of health care worker's adherence to standard precautions, adequate reporting of exposures and uptake of post exposure prophylaxis is recommended

    Bacterial contamination of Ugandan paper currency notes possessed by food vendors around Mulago Hospital complex, Uganda

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    Introduction: paper currency notes, exchangeable fomite, that is continuously contaminated because of the poor handling and storage practices. Objective: the general objective of the study was to determine the bacterial contamination of paper currency notes possessed by food vendors around Mulago National Referral Hospital Complex. Methods: a total of sixty paper notes of six denominations (1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000) were collected from different food vendors. Each note was preserved in a sterile falcon tube and transported to the microbiology lab for bacteriological examination. Data from questionnaires was analyzed using SPSS version 23 (IBM SPSS Statistics). Results: all sampled paper notes had bacterial contamination. The bacterial counts ranged from 4×102 cfu/ml to 6.8×109 cfu/ml, with the Shs.1000 notes having the highest average total bacterial load of 2.17×109 cfu/ml and highest average total coli form counts of 21.5×102 cfu/ml. The fifty thousand shillings note had no coliform detected. Of the analysed 60 samples, 27(45%) samples contained <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i>. None of the sampled paper notes had <i>Escherichia coli</i>. Conclusion: the study revealed that most of Ugandan paper notes are contaminated with bacteria including potential pathogens that cause disease in healthy individuals and opportunistic pathogens that may cause disease in hospitalized and immunocompromised patients. This study showed that the most contaminated note denominations were those of low denomination (Shs.1000 and Shs.2000) which had the highest bacterial count. The study revealed the paper currency notes were stored in different places where the commonest was the drawer and kept with different items, the commonest being pens. Hence, great care must be taken while handling money during the preparation and handling of food to avoid cross contamination

    Factors associated with adolescent school girl’s pregnancy in Kumbo East Health District North West region Cameroon

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    Introduction: teenage pregnancy is a social problem in Cameroon in general and in Kumbo East in particular. This results in physical, psychological and socio-economic consequences on the teenage mother, family and the society as a whole. In spite of studies and interventions that have been and are being implemented, the prevalence of unplanned teenage pregnancy in Kumbo East Health District is still high, suggesting that more efforts are required to achieve effective preventive measures. The aim of this study was to determine factors associated with adolescent school girl's pregnancy in Kumbo East health district. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study design was used and a simple random sampling technique was used to select 293 respondents aged 15 to 19year. The district hospital antenatal clinics and the Health Centres were selected. Data was obtained from 292 participants under the age of 20 years who were willing using a questionnaire administered through face-to-face interviews. Results: the study show a high prevalence (60.75%) of teenage pregnancy in the sampled antenatal clinics of Kumbo East Health District attributable to inadequate considerations given to factors associated with school girl's pregnancy. This study has indicated that the age of teenager at first pregnancy, low contraceptive use, socio-economic status and physical violence are factors that are greatly associated with teenage pregnancy. Among the reasons contributing to the low use of contraceptives are: sexually activity, lack of knowledge, fear of side effects, including sterility, condoms disappearing in the womb and inequality of power with sexual partners. This study shows that teenagers obtain information mainly from school (53%) and relatives (20%). Conclusion: the use of contraceptive alone may not reduce teenage pregnancy, however double method is very effective but addressing the impact of poverty on teenagers, empowering them on their rights and information in order to make right choices is very important

    Contraceptive use and associated factors among sexually active female adolescents in Atwima Kwanwoma District, Ashanti region-Ghana

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    Introduction: unintended pregnancies and adolescent childbearing are on the increase in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Ghana, 14% of adolescents aged 15-19 are already mothers or pregnant with their first child. Most of these pregnancies are associated with poor outcomes such as miscarriages, stillbirths, unsafe abortions and other complications that might result in infant or mortality. In addition, sexually-active adolescents (16-19 years) are at higher risk of contracting STIs. Evidence suggest that contraceptive use help reduce fertility rate and adolescent reproductive health. This study therefore sought to understand the magnitude and associated factors that influence female adolescents' use of contraceptive in the Atwima Kwanwoma District, Ghana. Methods: a descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study design was used for this study. Using a structured questionnaire, data were collected from randomly sampled 200 sexually active female adolescents; aged 16-19 for a three month period; June to September 2017. The questionnaire elicited data on the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents, their knowledge and perception, use of contraceptives and factors influencing their contraceptive use. Data were analyzed using STATA version 12.1 software. Results: ninety-five percent of the respondents exhibited some knowledge about contraceptives, but this high knowledge did not translate into its use as the prevalence rate was 18%. Condom was the most widely used contraceptive (33%) and perceived side effects of contraceptives was found to be the main reason for not using the contraceptives (53.66%). Marital status and the participants who were staying with both parents were found to be associated with contraceptive use with their p-values of 0.023 and 0.002 respectively. Conclusion: considering the fact that contraceptive knowledge does not necessarily translate into use, further studies (qualitative), are needed to understand why high knowledge levels are not associated with high usage patterns

    A randomized controlled trial on mobile phone text messaging to improve sexo-reproductive health among adolescent girls in Cameroon

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    DATA AVAILABILITY AND MATERIALS : Data Base will be kept for five years.This is part of a Ph.D. thesis by Frankline Sevidzem Wirsiy in the Department of Public Health and Hygiene of the Faculty of Health Sciences in the University of Buea.BACKGROUND : We conducted a single-centered randomized controlled single-blinded trial (i.e. trained interviewers; blinded to group allocation). The target population included adolescent girls in the Kumbo West Health District (KWHD) of Cameroon. This trial tested the efficacy of weekly educational one-way text messages to improve perception of adolescent girls on sexo-reproductive health. METHODS : Allocation concealment (1:1) was determined by sequentially numbered sealed opaque envelopes. A total of 398 participants either received the mobile phone sexo-reproductive health text messages (199) or not (199). A blinded program secretary send out text messages and recorded delivery. Data was collected and managed at baseline and at 6 month intervals using an interviewer-administered questionnaire before and after intervention, then analysed using the independent T-test (mean differences) and ANOVA on SPSS version 21. RESULTS : The mean knowledge, attitude and practice scores respectively increased significantly from 6.03, 4.01 and 3.45 at baseline to 7.99, 5.83 and 4.99 at the end of the study. After performing ANOVA for the overall correct knowledge, positive attitudes and good practices respectively for between and within the intervention groups, we obtained: (F = 15.12, P = 0.023), (F = 60.21, P = 0.001) and (F = 57., P = 0.013) which showed statistical significance thus indicating the overall improvement in adolescents girls perception as a result of the intervention and not by chance. Majority (65.3%) of the participants were satisfied with the Short Message Service (SMS). CONCLUSION : This trial has contributed to the body of knowledge and evidence on the use of mobile phone technology using educative SMS to improve adolescent girl’s perception on sexo-reproductive health in Cameroon.https://contraceptionmedicine.biomedcentral.comam2023School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH

    Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions regarding malaria : a cross-sectional study in pregnant women attending antenatal care in the New-Bell district hospital, Douala, Cameroon

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    INTRODUCTION : malaria remains a major public health problem in Cameroon. For a successful malaria control, there is a need to evaluate the level of awareness, attitude and perception of people living in malaria endemic areas such as the swampy littoral region of Cameroon. METHODS : this was a descriptive cross-sectional study targeting pregnant women attending ANC in the New-Bell District Hospital. Data was collected with a semistructured questionnaire on demographic characteristics as well as knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding malaria. RESULTS : two hundred and six pregnant women were enrolled in the study, all of them had heard on malaria in the past, with hospitals and television been the most known information dissemination channels. Only 60.2% of them own and used a LLINs with only 51.6% of owners treating the net. CONCLUSION : respondents with no education had poor knowledge on malaria. There is a need to improve education on malaria with active participation of women and improve malaria surveillance that will lead to malaria eradication.http://www.panafrican-med-journal.comam2021School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH

    Prevalence of precancerous cervical lesions in women attending Mezam Polyclinic Bamenda, Cameroon

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    Introduction: precancerous cervical lesion is significantly a health problem globally. Thus, screening targeting women between the ages of 17-60 is being undertaken in developing countries, including Cameroon. Over 50% (7.8 per 100,000) women die of cervical cancer every year. This study was to determine the prevalence of precancerous cervical lesion, the age demography and access the risk factor. Methods: a hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted from August 09th to October 17th 2017. A total of 60 women participated, and were screened for precancerous cervical lesion. Data were collected by using a questionnaire. Visual inspection with acetic acid and visual inspection with Lugol’s iodine was applied for the screening. SPSS version 16.0 was used for data entry and analysis. Logistic regression analysis was fitted and odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals and p-values were computed to identify factors associated with precancerous cervical cancer lesion. Results: out of 60 study participants, 2(3.33%) were found to be positive for precancerous cervical cancer lesion. Conclusion: the prevalence of precancerous cervical lesion in women that consulted at the Mezam polyclinic is high
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