6 research outputs found

    Revisão Literária do Atendimento Médico à Comunidade LGBTQIAP+: Desafios e Perspectivas

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    The research presented in the study addresses the implementation and challenges of public health policies targeting the LGBTQIAP+ population, an issue that is considered urgent and highly relevant. The creation of the National Comprehensive Health Policy for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals (LGBT) was a significant advance in the fight for equality in Brazil. However, the lack of studies and specific data can make it difficult to develop effective strategies to meet the health needs of this population group. Studies suggest that discrimination based on sexual orientation is associated with negative health outcomes, including violence and psychosocial stressors. The research conducted an integrative review of scientific production on this topic between 2018 and 2022, indexed in the Scielo, PubMed and Lilacs databases, using descriptors in the health sciences: 'LGBT' or 'gay' or 'lesbian' or 'transgender persons' ” or 'homosexuality' or 'bisexuality' or 'sexual and gender minorities' or 'gender identity' or 'transsexualism'. The findings pointed to several barriers to the implementation of public policies for the LGBTQIAP+ population in Brazil, including the lack of laws protecting rights, ineffective communication between the state and civil society, lack of budgetary resources for plans and programs, and a lack of political representation of the LGBTQIAP+ community. At a time when conservative forces are on the rise and rights are being dismantled, it is crucial to address the current challenges of building comprehensive healthcare while taking sexual and gender diversity into account.  O estudo apresentado na pesquisa aborda a implementação e os desafios de políticas públicas de saúde destinadas à população LGBTQIAP+, um tema considerado urgente e de alta relevância. A criação da Política Nacional de Saúde Integral de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (LGBT) representou um avanço significativo na luta pela igualdade no Brasil. No entanto, a falta de estudos e de dados específicos pode dificultar o desenvolvimento de estratégias efetivas para atender às necessidades de saúde dessa população. Estudos apontam que a discriminação por orientação sexual está associada a resultados adversos à saúde, incluindo violência e estressores psicossociais. A pesquisa realizou uma revisão da literatura da produção científica sobre o tema entre os anos 2018 e 2022, indexados nas bases Scielo, PubMed e Lilacs e utilizando descritores em ciências da saúde: “LGBT” or “gay” or “lesbian” or “transgender persons” or “homosexuality” or “bisexuality” or “sexual and gender minorities” or “gender identity” or “transsexualism”. Os resultados indicaram diversos obstáculos para a implementação de políticas públicas voltadas para a população LGBTQIAP+ no Brasil, incluindo a falta de leis de proteção de direitos, comunicação ineficaz entre o Estado e a sociedade civil, falta de alocação orçamentária para planos e programas e ausência de representação política da comunidade LGBTQIAP+.             Em um momento de avanço de forças conservadoras e de desmonte de direitos, é crucial enfrentar os desafios atuais para a construção do cuidado integral em saúde, levando em consideração a diversidade sexual e de gênero e a equidade em saúde perante a constituição

    Effect of salt leaching on PCL and PLGA(50/50) resorbable scaffolds

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    The use of porous bioresorbable scaffolds in the field of tissue engineering represents an alternative for the treatment of lesions and losses of biological tissues. This work evaluates the leaching salt effect of two different processes and polymers. Dense and porous scaffolds were prepared with poly(epson-caprolactone) (PCL) and poly(D,L-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (50/50) (PLGA50) by casting and melting compression process. Sodium citrate with particles sizes of 180-250 µm of diameter was used as porogen. The dense and porous samples were immersed in distilled water for 30 hours and evaluated for pH and mass variations, by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results of the analyses showed that the inclusion of the salt and leaching process did not affect the properties of the scaffold, indicating that the method is useful to make porous scaffolds to be potentially used in tissue engineering

    Analysis of the growth pattern of Vero cells cultured on dense and porous poly (L-Lactic Acid) scaffolds

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    Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) polymers are the most frequently used substrates for cell culture, tissue regeneration and orthopedic prostheses, mainly because of their atoxic characteristics and good biocompatibility. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether a higher density or different pore diameters (less than 45, 180-250, and 250-350 µm) would change the growth pattern of cultured cells. The cells were found to adhere to and spread over all PLLA scaffolds studied. The cells also showed similar proliferation on dense and porous PLLA scaffolds, except for PLLA scaffolds with a smaller pore diameter. The cytochemical data showed high metabolic cellular activity on the various substrates. Overall, the results indicated satisfactory cell growth and proliferation on the different PLLA scaffolds studied, especially for those with pore diameters of 180-250 µm and 250-350 µm