190 research outputs found

    Fermions and Supersymmetry in E6(6)\rm E_{6(6)} Exceptional Field Theory

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    We construct the supersymmetric completion of E6(6)_{6(6)}-covariant exceptional field theory. The theory is based on a (5+27)(5+27)-dimensional generalized space-time subject to a covariant section constraint. The fermions are tensors under the local Lorentz group SO(1,4)Ă—USp(8){\rm SO}(1,4)\times {\rm USp}(8) and transform as weighted scalars under the E6(6)_{6(6)} (internal) generalized diffeomorphisms. We present the complete Lagrangian and prove its invariance under supersymmetry. Upon explicit solution of the section constraint the theory embeds full D=11D=11 supergravity and IIB supergravity, respectively.Comment: 23 pages + Appendi

    Rigid supersymmetric theories in 4d Riemannian space

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    We consider rigid supersymmetric theories in four-dimensional Riemannian spin manifolds. We build the Lagrangian directly in Euclidean signature from the outset, keeping track of potential boundary terms. We reformulate the conditions for supersymmetry as a set of conditions on the torsion classes of a suitable SU(2) or trivial G-structure. We illustrate the formalism with a number of examples including supersymmetric backgrounds with non-vanishing Weyl tensor.Comment: 26 page

    SO(9) supergravity in two dimensions

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    We present maximal supergravity in two dimensions with gauge group SO(9). The construction is based on selecting the proper embedding of the gauge group into the infinite-dimensional symmetry group of the ungauged theory. The bosonic part of the Lagrangian is given by a (dilaton-)gravity coupled non-linear gauged sigma-model with Wess-Zumino term. We give explicit expressions for the fermionic sector, the Yukawa couplings and the scalar potential which supports a half-supersymmetric domain wall solution. The theory is expected to describe the low-energy effective action upon reduction on the D0-brane near-horizon warped AdS_2 x S^8 geometry, dual to the supersymmetric (BFSS) matrix quantum mechanics.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    Exceptional Field Theory II: E7(7)_{7(7)}

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    We introduce exceptional field theory for the group E_{7(7)}, based on a (4+56)-dimensional spacetime subject to a covariant section condition. The `internal' generalized diffeomorphisms of the coordinates in the fundamental representation of E_{7(7)} are governed by a covariant `E-bracket', which is gauged by 56 vector fields. We construct the complete and unique set of field equations that is gauge invariant under generalized diffeomorphisms in the internal and external coordinates. Among them feature the non-abelian twisted self-duality equations for the 56 gauge vectors. We discuss the explicit solutions of the section condition describing the embedding of the full, untruncated 11-dimensional and type IIB supergravity, respectively. As a new feature compared to the previously constructed E_{6(6)} formulation, some components among the 56 gauge vectors descend from the 11-dimensional dual graviton but nevertheless allow for a consistent coupling by virtue of a covariantly constrained compensating 2-form gauge field.Comment: 24 pages, v2: version published in PR

    E8(8)_{8(8)} Exceptional Field Theory: Geometry, Fermions and Supersymmetry

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    We present the supersymmetric extension of the recently constructed E8(8)_{8(8)} exceptional field theory -- the manifestly U-duality covariant formulation of the untruncated ten- and eleven-dimensional supergravities. This theory is formulated on a (3+248) dimensional spacetime (modulo section constraint) in which the extended coordinates transform in the adjoint representation of E8(8)_{8(8)}. All bosonic fields are E8(8)_{8(8)} tensors and transform under internal generalized diffeomorphisms. The fermions are tensors under the generalized Lorentz group SO(1,2)Ă—\timesSO(16), where SO(16) is the maximal compact subgroup of E8(8)_{8(8)}. Vanishing generalized torsion determines the corresponding spin connections to the extent they are required to formulate the field equations and supersymmetry transformation laws. We determine the supersymmetry transformations for all bosonic and fermionic fields such that they consistently close into generalized diffeomorphisms. In particular, the covariantly constrained gauge vectors of E8(8)_{8(8)} exceptional field theory combine with the standard supergravity fields into a single supermultiplet. We give the complete extended Lagrangian and show its invariance under supersymmetry. Upon solution of the section constraint the theory reduces to full D=11 or type IIB supergravity.Comment: 25 page

    U-duality covariant gravity

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    We extend the techniques of double field theory to more general gravity theories and U-duality symmetries, having in mind applications to the complete D=11 supergravity. In this paper we work out a (3+3)-dimensional `U-duality covariantization' of D=4 Einstein gravity, in which the Ehlers group SL(2,R) is realized geometrically, acting in the 3 representation on half of the coordinates. We include the full (2+1)-dimensional metric, while the `internal vielbein' is a coset representative of SL(2,R)/SO(2) and transforms under gauge transformations via generalized Lie derivatives. In addition, we introduce a gauge connection of the `C-bracket', and a gauge connection of SL(2,R), albeit subject to constraints. The action takes the form of (2+1)-dimensional gravity coupled to a Chern-Simons-matter theory but encodes the complete D=4 Einstein gravity. We comment on generalizations, such as an `E8(8)E_{8(8)} covariantization' of M-theory.Comment: 36 pages, v2: refs. added, to appear in JHE

    Twin Supergravities

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    We study the phenomenon that pairs of supergravities can have identical bosonic field content but different fermionic extensions. Such twin theories are classified and shown to originate as truncations of a common theory with more supersymmetry. Moreover, we discuss the possible gaugings and scalar potentials of twin theories. This allows to pinpoint to which extent these structures are determined by the purely bosonic structure of the underlying Kac-Moody algebras and where supersymmetry comes to plays its role. As an example, we analyze the gaugings of the six-dimensional N=(0,1) and N=(2,1) theories with identical bosonic sector and explicitly work out their scalar potentials. The discrepancy between the potentials finds a natural explanation within maximal supergravity, in which both theories may be embedded.Comment: 27 pages. v2: ref added, published versio
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