5 research outputs found

    Pemberian Larutan Daun Binahong Dalam Memperpendek Fase Involusi Uterus Kambing Peranakan Etawah Berdasarkan Tipologi Ferning Serviks Dan Saliva (Effect of Binahong's Leaves Solution in Shortening Uterine Involution of Etawah Goat Grade Based on Typology

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    Aim of the study was to determine the effect of binahong's leaves solution (Anredera cordifolia) on shortening the uterine involution evaluated through based typology ferningof cervical mucus and saliva of goats. Eight Etawah goat Grade (PE) were divided into 4 groups. Those were A group (without giving solution Binahong leaf ), B (giving solution leaves much Binahong 0.54 g/kg body weight of goats), C (leaf Binahong solution giving as much as 0.64 g/kg body weight of goats) and D (giving solution Binahong leaves as much as 0.78 g/kg body weight of goats). Giving binahong solution administered for 7 consecutive days in the morning and aftenoon after 7 days postpartum. Intake of cervical mucus and saliva collected in the morning for 7 days after treatment administration. The results of the p-value of cervical and salivary ferning goat had 0.981 (p>0.05) and 0.847 (p>0.05). Kruskal Wallis H - Test showed no significant difference between cervical and salivary ferning with Anredera cordifolia solution to shorten the involution of the uterus. Solution leaves binahong given on Etawah Goat Grade (PE) of 0.54g/kg body weight of goats to 0.78g /kg body weight of goats for 7 days post partum from day 8 to day 14 can not shorten the phase involution of the uterus. Phytoestrogens are there in the new binahong leaves can work to help the uterine contractions locia spending. It is marked by lack ofvisibility typologi of ferning cervix and salivary

    Hubungan Motivasi dengan Perilaku dalam Pemanfaatan Teknologi Inseminasi Buatan pada Peternak Anggota Kelompok Tani Ternak Sapi Perah (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Ungaran Barat, Kabupaten Semarang)

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    The aim of this research is to determine a relationship between motivation and behavior in the use of artificial insemination technology on farmer members of Livestock Farmers Community (KTT) in the West Ungaran District. The study conducted on December 2012 up to January 2013. Survay method was used in this research. Responden were chosen with stratified random sampling supported with slovin equation. Primary and secondary data were collected. Descriptive quantitatif was used in data analysis, supported with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 16. The result showed correlation between motivation and behavior, knowledge, atitude and skills with r-square 0,979, 0,979, 0,556 and 0,962, respectively. Highly correlation showed in correlation of motivation and behavior towards artificial inseminaton technology used. Factor affected correlation of motivation and behavior towards artificial inseminaton technology used are age and experience. This study concluded that increasing motivation of responden will increased behavior of the artificial inseminaton technology used. Suggested that increasing skills of farmers by government to increased bahavior of the artificial inseminaton technology used

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Waktu Pelepasan Water Jacket dalam Proses Ekuilibrasi terhadap Kualitas Semen Beku Sapi Jawa pada Tahap Before Freezing dan Post Thawing

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    This experiment was conducted to investigate effect of different water jacket release time on frozen semen quality with two step methods. The semen was collected from four heads Java cattle, extended with skim-egg yolk extender. The extended semen packed with water jacket then release with different time (treatments) T0 (35 minutes), T1 (10 minutes) and T2 (60 minutes) until all equilibration process was finish. Data analysis preparing with normality and homogenity testing, when the data was normal and homogeneous will be followed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed average of semen quality before freezing T0; T1 and T2 for pH 6,27; 6,27 and 6,43; motility (%) 40,83; 36,67 and 32,50; live sperm percentage (%) 29,68; 33,97 and 22,20; sperm abnormality (%) 20,82; 13,26 and 14,16 respectively. Average of post thawing T0; T1 and T2 for pH 6,27; 6,27 and 6,27; motility (%) 5; 2,92 and 0,42; live sperm percentage (%) 11,21; 12,90 and 19,24; sperm abnormality (%) 22,11; 19,26 and 22,82 respectively. Statistical analysis showed the different water jacket release time did not significantly different (P>0,05) to quality semen of Java bulls at before freezing or post thawing observation