420 research outputs found

    Commercial development of bio-combustible fuels from hydrothermal liquefaction of waste using solar collectors

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    Current methods to improve the viability of microalgae based biofuel production depend on improved microalgae strains, biorefinery concepts and identification of higher value applications such as cosmetics and nutraceuticals. Despite such efforts, the energy inputs into the microalgae conversion process remain high. The technical approach presented is to design, deploy and field test an integrated set-up of Concentrated Solar Power and Hydrothermal Liquefaction systems to produce bio-oil and evaluate the production and conversion processes. Phycofeeds’ approach is to integrate CSP and HTL technologies into the conversion process to improve the energy efficiency and the economic case for scaling microalgae based biofuel production. Further sustainability enhancements are achieved by integrating wastewater feedstock and market integration of output by-products for the aquaculture feed industry. This paper presents the microalgae harvesting and HTL bio-oil formation analysis procedures on a pre-pilot field scale. Solar concentrating captors are described and theoretical values obtained prior to experimental work that will be carried out in India

    A Multiparameter Degeneracy in Microlensing Events with Extreme Finite Source Effects

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    For microlenses with sufficiently low mass, the angular radius of the source star can be much larger than the angular Einstein ring radius of the lens. For such extreme finite source effect (EFSE) events, finite source effects dominate throughout the duration of the event. Here, we demonstrate and explore a continuous degeneracy between multiple parameters of such EFSE events. The first component in the degeneracy arises from the fact that the directly observable peak change of the flux depends on both the ratio of the angular source radius to the angular Einstein ring radius and the fraction of the baseline flux that is attributable to the lensed source star. The second component arises because the directly observable duration of the event depends on both the impact parameter of the event and the relative lens-source proper motion. These two pairwise degeneracies become coupled when the detailed morphology of the light curve is considered, especially when including a limb-darkening profile of the source star. We derive these degeneracies mathematically through analytic approximations and investigate them further numerically with no approximations. We explore the likely physical situations in which these mathematical degeneracies may be realized and potentially broken. As more and more low-mass lensing events (with ever decreasing Einstein ring radii) are detected with improving precision and increasing cadence from microlensing surveys, one can expect that more of these EFSE events will be discovered. In particular, the detection of EFSE microlensing events could increase dramatically with the Roman Space Telescope Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey

    Isle of Gold - a story in music

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    Out of the great abundance of stories available to humans throughout history, opera composers and their librettists have favored a surprisingly small subset of these stories in the production of their works. Thus, a significant amount of very interesting subject matter has remained largely unexplored by the compositional community. One such seldom attempted story is Plato’s tale of Atlantis, both its existence and its fall. At present, only a small handful of composers have attempted large scale musico-dramatic works dealing with the legend, and arguably none of these works have taken hold in the greater operatic canon, if they are even known in the first place. Despite its neglect, this particular legend, which depicts the conflict of an idealized primal state with one ruined by arrogance and both of their eventual destructions by catastrophe, is ripe for interpretation. This work is an attempt to begin to begin to address the story’s neglect. My focus in exploring the topic and composing this stage piece has been foremost on the idea of repetition, and key to that exploration has been the use of carefully structured anachronism. Symbolically, Atlantis can be made to function as a stand-in for nearly any powerful nation or empire in nearly any time period. As such, textually, “the Isle” as it is called in the piece, is ostensibly placed in the distant past; however, there are textual elements that problematize this assumption, such that it could indeed be set in the distant future or even as a continuously repeating event, removed from the normal workings of time. Similarly, the orchestration consists of essentially only instruments present in an early baroque orchestra, and while they are generally asked to play in a conventionally baroque style, the harmonic, melodic, and formal material is decidedly contemporary. Furthermore, from time to time, both the instruments and voices are asked to perform techniques and in styles borrowed from many different times and places. All these elements and others taken together serve to underscore the universality and timelessness of the tale, especially highlighting its relevance to the modern world and our place in it

    Fall Risk Identification and Reduction Among the Gerontological Population at a Long-term Care Facility

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    Abstract Problem: Data obtained from the facility from February 2022 to July 2023 showed that there were a total of 110 falls at the facility with 51% resulting in injury. The facility also lacked a standardized fall assessment tool with minimal follow up after fall incidents. Context: A microsystem assessment of the geriatric population at the long-term care facility indicated the need for a standardized fall risk screening tool to accurately assess patients. Interventions: A staff presentation was created highlighting the high rate of falls at the facility as well as to educate on the implementation of the Morse Fall Scale. Additionally, a presentation was created for residents to provide education on factors that increase the risk of falls and prevention measures to encourage active participation in their care. Measures: Data from February 2022-July 2023 was obtained and organized in an electronic database created on a Google Sheet. To measure the outcome, the number of falls in January 2023 will be compared to data from January 2024 to determine if there has been a 20% decrease in resident falls. Results: Due to time constraints, the results will not be obtained. The expected outcome of this project is to reduce the number of falls in the facility by 20% within six months and prevent future incidents, as evidence shows that fall assessment and interventions can reduce falls rates by 20-30% (Morris & O\u27Riordan, 2017). Conclusion: Equipping the staff with a standardized electronic Morse Fall Scale assessment tool will improve the assessment of residents\u27 fall risk. Education provided to residents will allow them to be active and mindful in their own care ultimately reducing the fall rate and achieving the best patient outcomes

    Foreign Development Assistance and Macroeconomic Policy Stance: The Underlying Levers of Growth in Emerging SSA Countries

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    The economic growth of emerging Sub-Saharan African countries is investigated in this study, with the aim of determining the relative impacts of foreign development assistance (FDA) and macroeconomic policies. The GMM and VECM models are respectively employed in estimating the long-run and short-run impacts. The short-run results indicate that FDA strongly complemented fiscal policy only, in facilitating economic growth within the period 1980–2019. The long-run results, on the other hand, show that FDA complemented both monetary and fiscal policies in driving growth. The results further reveal that exchange rate played a non-complementary role, and economic growth did not respond significantly to its own lag. Generally, the estimated impacts conform to theoretical expectations of the models. The results are also considered reliable for policy making. The possible policy measures emanating from the estimation results include sustenance of FDA inflow, reinforcement of monetary policy framework, maintenance of fiscal policy framework, enhancing efficiency of the exchange rate system, and allowing market forces to drive the economy
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