8,305 research outputs found

    Spin density wave selection in the one-dimensional Hubbard model

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    The Hartree-Fock ground state phase diagram of the one-dimensional Hubbard model is calculated, constrained to uniform phases, which have no charge density modulation. The allowed solutions are saturated ferromagnetism (FM), a spiral spin density wave (SSDW) and a double spin density wave} (DSDW). The DSDW phase comprises two canted interpenetrating antiferromagnetic sublattices. FM occurs for small filling, SSDW in most of the remainder of the phase diagram, and DSDW in a narrow tongue near quarter (and three-quarter) filling. Itinerant electrons lift the degeneracy with respect to canting angle in the DSDW. The Hartree-Fock states are metallic except at multiples of a quarter filling. Near half filling the uniform SSDW phase is unstable against phase separation into a half-filled antiferromagnetic phase and a hole-rich SSDW phase. The dependence of the ground state wave number on chemical potential is conjectured to be a staircase. Comparison is made with higher dimensional Hubbard models and the J1−J2J_{1}-J_{2} Heisenberg model.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, 5 Postscript figures in uuencoded file. To appear in J Phys: Condensed Matter. Requires files ioplppt.sty, iopl10.sty, iopl12.sty (available at http://www.ioppublishing.com/Journals/texstyle.html

    Phase-space path-integral calculation of the Wigner function

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    The Wigner function W(q,p) is formulated as a phase-space path integral, whereby its sign oscillations can be seen to follow from interference between the geometrical phases of the paths. The approach has similarities to the path-centroid method in the configuration-space path integral. Paths can be classified by the mid-point of their ends; short paths where the mid-point is close to (q,p) and which lie in regions of low energy (low P function of the Hamiltonian) will dominate, and the enclosed area will determine the sign of the Wigner function. As a demonstration, the method is applied to a sequence of density matrices interpolating between a Poissonian number distribution and a number state, each member of which can be represented exactly by a discretized path integral with a finite number of vertices. Saddle point evaluation of these integrals recovers (up to a constant factor) the WKB approximation to the Wigner function of a number state.Comment: 16 pages. Small number of typos corrected, including sign in eq A2

    Exact Classical Effective Potential

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    A quantum spin system can be modelled by an equivalent classical system, with an effective Hamiltonian obtained by integrating all non-zero frequency modes out of the path integral. The effective Hamiltonian H_eff(S_i) derived from the coherent-state integral is highly singular: the quasiprobability density exp(-beta H_eff), a Wigner function, imposes quantisation through derivatives of delta functions. This quasiprobability is the distribution of the time-averaged lower symbol of the spin in the coherent-state integral. We relate the quantum Monte Carlo minus-sign problem to the non-positivity of this quasiprobability, both analytically and by Monte Carlo integration.Comment: 4 page

    Electron energy analyzer

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    Electrostatic deflection analyzer with three spherically concentric grids allows production of electrons within a small volume at the center of the inner sphere. By applying a retarding potential between the middle and inner spheres, the energies of the electrons can be measured

    Absorption cross sections of minor constituents in planetary atmospheres from 1050 to 2100 angstrom

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    Absorption cross sections of minor constituent gases in planetary atmospheres from 1050 to 2100

    On the ionization potential of molecular oxygen

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    The ionization potential of O2 was measured by the technique of high resolution photoelectron spectroscopy taking into account the influence of rotational structure on the shape of the vibrational bands. A value of 12.071 + or - .001 eV (1027.1 + or - 0.1 A) was found for the ionization potential. A lowering of the ionization potential caused by a branch-head when delta N = -2 gave an appearance potential for ionization of 12.068 + or - .001 eV (1027.4 + or - 0.1 A)

    Vibrational intensity distributions for continuum photoionization of oxygen

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    Results from measurements of vibrational intensity distributions for continuum photoionization of O2 are reported. Measurements were made using the 584 and 304 A He lines. The photoionization cross section of O2 shows a substantial dip in magnitude over a 20 A band centered about 590 A; thus the possibility exists that a 584 A photoelectron spectrum of O2 includes an autoionized contribution and the vibrational intensity distributions may not correspond to those of continuum ionization. Oxygen photoionization cross section shows no structure around 304 A and purley continuum ionization is expected

    Collecting efficiency of a cylindrical mirror electron energy analyzer with preretarding lens

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    The electron collecting efficiency of a cylindrical mirror energy analyzer incorporating retardation of the electrons prior to analysis has been determined over the range 0 to 30 eV by two methods. The first method requires the use of a vacuum ultraviolet monochromator to produce monoenergetic electrons of different energies; the second method involves measuring the energy-brightness relationship of the retarding optics and should be applicable to any deflection analyzer with pre-retarding optics. The results of the two methods are compared and the limitations of the latter method are discussed
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