73 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Kedaulatan Dengan Menggunakan Model Jigsaw Di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 4 Bati Bati

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang: pertama bagaimana hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model Jigsaw pada materi kedaulatan di kelas VIII C SMPN 4 Bati-Bati. Kedua Bagaimana aktivitas guru dengan menggunakan model Jigsaw pada materi kedaulatan di kelas VIII C SMPN 4 Bati-Bati. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa presentase tingkat keaktivan siswa pada siklus 1 pertemuan 1 memang sudah baik (80) dan siklus 1 pertemuan 2 meningkat 90, namun hal tersebut belum memuaskan peneliti dan oleh sebab itu dilakukan perbaikan yang merupakan hasil refleksi siklus 1. Ada Perubahan yang cukup menggembirakan setelah dilakukan perbaikan, yaitu pada siklus 2 pertemuan 1 dan 2 tingkat keaktivan siswa sudah mencapai 96,25 tetapi hal tersebut belum memuaskan peneliti dan oleh sebab itu dilakukan perbaikan hasil refleksi siklus 3tingkat keaktivan siswa sudah mencapai 100% Artinya, semua siswa dalam kelompok bekerja sama, aktif, dinamis, penuh kebersamaan sehingga dapat mengerjakan tugas kelompoknya dengan baik. Berdasaran tabel dan grafik diatas dapat disimpulkan pada siklus 1 ada kekurangan dikegiatan inti dan akhir, di siklus 2 pertemuan 1 kekurangan dikegiatan inti dan akhir, pada pertemuan 2 kekurangan di kegiatan inti. Kekurangan itu sudah terlihat pada siklus 1 dan 2 kemudian diusahakan perbaikan pada siklus 3, Alhamdulillah hasilnya sudah optimal. Jadi dalam pembelajaran Model Jigsawbisa diterapkan, untuk mengembangkan penalaran dan menumbuhkan semangat kerjasama antar siswa serta keberanian mengeluarkan pendapat

    Uji Beberapa Jenis Kompos Pada Pertumbuhan Bibit Tanaman Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell Arg.) Stum Mini

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    The research was carried out at the experimental garden of Agriculture Faculty, University of Riau starting from January to April 2014 with aim to determine the effect of compost type on the growth of rubber seedlings mini stump and to determine the type of compost that gives the best effect for mini stump rubber seedlings. This research was carried out using a Randomized Design Completely (RDC), which consist of 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments in this research are: K1: without treatment, K2: TKKS compost 100 g/polybag(20 tonnes/ha), K3: Rice straw compost 100 g/polybag(20 tonnes/ha), K4: Water Hyacinth Compost 100 g/polybag(20 tonnes/ha), K5: Compost BJKS 100 g/polybag(20 tonnes/ha), K6: Compost Legume Cover Crop (LCC) 100 g/polybag(20 tonnes/ha). Data were analyzed statistically using Duncan's test New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5% level. Parameters measured are high accretion of shoot (cm), number of leaves (blade), increased diameter of shoot (cm), crown root ratio (g). The result of research shown, water hyacinth and BJKS compost types (100 g/polybag) effected on high increase of shoots and crown roots ratio. From some treatments, BJKS compost shown the best results are on increased number of leaves, increased diameter of shoot tunas and crown root ratio, while that at high gain the best results in the treatment plant water hyacinth compost

    Kaetotaksi Larva Caplak Marga Ixodes (Acarina: Ixodidae)

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    Salah satu hambatan perkembangan penelitian ektoparasit ialah susahnya mengenal tingkat-tingkat pradewasa kebanyakan jenis-jenis parasit.Ini terutama disebabkan karena besarnya perbedaan morfologi, bentuk maupun ukuran, cara hidup serta habitat antara tingkat pradewasa dengan yang dewasa. Hal ini terasa makin perlu ditanggulangi apabila berhubungan dengan jenis-jenis penting dalam segi ekonomi ataupun kesehatan. Masalah pengenalan larva caplak suku Ixodidae sedikit banyak telah dapat dipecahkan setelah diperkenalkannya sistim penggunaan kaetotaksi oleh Clifford & Anastos (1960). Dengan sistim ini dimungkinkan untuk mengenal identitas larva meskipun sifatnya tidak menyeluruh hanya sampai tingkat marga saja

    Uji Beberapa Urine Hewan Ternak Pada Pertumbuhan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.)di Pembibitan Utama

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    The objectives of this study was todetermine the influence ofsomelivestockurineto the growth of oil palmandgetthe best forthe growth ofoil palminthe mainnursery. Study has beencarried outinthe land of Plant Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty,University of RiaufromFebruary to May2014. Thisstudy arranged experimentally using Completely Randomized Design(CRD), consistof5 treatmentsandeach treatmentwas repeated4times then obtained20experimental units, while thetreatment givenisurinelivestockconsistof:sheep urine, goaturine,buffalo urine, horseurineandcow urine. Parametersmeasured were: the increment of seeds height, increment of hump diameter, increment ofleafmidrib,root length, root volume, rootcrownratioanddry weightof seedlings. Data were analyzedusingANOVAandfollowed byfurther Different Real Honest (DRH)testat5% level. From the study thathas beencarried out, showthat thegiving ofurineofdifferenttypes oflivestockonoil palm seedshowedsignificant effecton the overall observed parameters. Treatmentgoat urine showedthe best resultsforall parametersobserved. Comparedwiththe growth of oil palmseedstandardseven-month-old,goaturine and sheep urineturnsgivingexceeding thegrowth of oil palmseedinseeds height, hump diameterandnumber ofleaf midrib

    Uji Beberapa Konsentrasi Pupuk Cair Azolla (Azolla Pinnata) pada Pertumbuhanbibitkelapasawit (Elaeisguineensisjacq.) di Pembibitan Utama

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    The objective of the research wasto determine the influence of someAzolla liquid fertilizerconcentrationsand to get the best concentration on the growth of oil palm seeds in main nursery. Research was carried out in land of Plant Laboratory – Agriculture Faculty University of Riau, from February to May 2014. This research arranged experimentaly using Completely Randomized Design (CRD), consist by 5 treatments and each treatment was repeated 4 times then obtained 20 experimental units. The treatment given was concentration of Azolla liquid fertilizer, consist of: A1 = concentration 50 g/l, A2 = concentration 75 g/l, A3 = concentration 100 g/l, A4 = concentration 125 g/l and A5 = concentration 150 g/l. Parameters measured were the increment of seeds height, increment of leaves number, increment of stump diameter, leaf width, root length, root volume, crown root ratio and seeds dry weight. Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and further test followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. The results showedthat giving some concentration of Azollaliquidfertilizerongrowthof oil palm seedssignificantly effect onallparametersobserved. The best resultsfor the growthof oil palm seedsshown by giving 125 g/l concentrationof Azolla liquidfertilizer

    Pemberian Air Kelapa Muda Dan Air Cucian Beras Pada Bibit Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) Stum Mata Tidur

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    The objective of this study was to determine the best effect of giving interval coconut water and rice water dosage on the growth of rubber seeds sleeping eyes stum. The experiment was carried out in the greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty University of Riau, from February to May 2014. The study arranged experimentally using Completely Randomized Design(CRD) factorial two factor, factor I is an interval giving coconut water consists of 3 levels: 3 days, 6 days and 9 days. Factor II is rice water dosage consists of 3 levels: 0.75 l/plant, 1 l/plant and 1.25 l/plant and there are 9 combinations of treatments and treatments was repeated 3 times then obtained 27 experimental units, with each unit 3 seeds population. Parameters measured were the time of buds growth, trunk height, trunk diameter,number of leaves and leaf width. Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and followed by DNMRT at level of 5%. The results showed that the combination of intervals and coconut water 9 days and a dose of rice water 1,25 l/plant is the best result for trunk diameter, number of leaves and leaf width
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