14 research outputs found

    Avaliação fisioterapêutica dos sistemas mastigatório e respiratório de um portador de Síndrome Otodental: um estudo de caso

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    INTRODUÇÃO:Síndrome Otodental é uma síndrome autossômica rara de caráter dominante que apresenta como principais manifestações, anomalias dentárias e perda gradual da audição. Objetivos:Detectar através de avaliação fisioterapêutica alterações nos sistemas mastigatório, respiratório e postura corporal em uma portadora da Síndrome Otodental. Metodologia:Foram realizadas a avaliação postural e inspeção facial, palpação dos músculos mastigatórios e respiratórios, medidas de amplitude da articulação temporomandibular e cirtometria toracoabdominal, além de coleta de dados na anamnese. Resultados e Discussão:Foram observados respiração bucal associada a maior mobilidade da região axilar, e não foram encontrados sinais ou sintomas de desordens temporomandibulares. Os achados das características faciais e postura foram comuns aos de portadores de respiração bucal, sugerindo um desenvolvimento de alterações respiratórias secundárias à Síndrome Otodental. No entanto, a raridade desta patologia associada à descrição na literatura restrita a área odontológica, dificultam uma análise comparativa com os dados do presente estudo.<br>Background: Otodental syndrome is a rare autosomal syndrome of dominant characteristic in which dental anomalies and gradual loss of hearing are the main manifestations. Objective: To detect abnormalities in the masticatory and respiratory systems and posture of a patient with otodental syndrome, based on physiotherapeutic evaluation. Method: Posture was evaluated; facial inspection was performed; masticatory and respiratory muscles were palpated; temporomandibular joint range of movement was measured; and thoracoabdominal cirtometry was performed. Data were also obtained by anamnesis. Results and Discussion: Oral respiration was found to be associated with increased mobility in axillary region. No signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorders were found. Facial and postural findings were common among patients presenting oral respiration, thus suggesting the development of respiratory alterations secondary to otodental Syndrome. However, the rarity of this pathological condition, together with descriptions in literature that are restricted to the field of dentistry, makes it difficult to comparatively analyze the data from the present study

    Home-based pulmonary rehabilitation improves clinical features and systemic inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

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    Eloisa Sanches Pereira do Nascimento,1 Luciana Maria Malos&aacute; Sampaio,1 Fabiana Sobral Peixoto-Souza,1 Fernanda Dultra Dias,1 Evelim Leal Freitas Dantas Gomes,1 Flavia Regina Greiffo,2 Ana Paula Ligeiro de Oliveira,2 Roberto Stirbulov,3 Rodolfo Paula Vieira,2 Dirceu Costa11Laboratory of Functional Respiratory Evaluation (LARESP), 2Laboratory of Pulmonary and Exercise Immunology (LABPEI), Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), S&atilde;o Paulo, SP, Brazil; 3Department of Pneumology, Santa Casa University Hospital, S&atilde;o Paulo, SP, BrazilAbstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a respiratory disease characterized by chronic airflow limitation that leads beyond the pulmonary changes to important systemic effects. COPD is characterized by pulmonary and systemic inflammation. However, increases in the levels of inflammatory cytokines in plasma are found even when the disease is stable. Pulmonary rehabilitation improves physical exercise capacity and quality of life and decreases dyspnea. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation (HBPR) program improves exercise tolerance in COPD patients, as well as health-related quality of life and systemic inflammation. This prospective study was conducted at the Laboratory of Functional Respiratory Evaluation, Nove de Julho University, S&atilde;o Paulo, Brazil. After anamnesis, patients were subjected to evaluations of health-related quality of life and dyspnea, spirometry, respiratory muscle strength, upper limbs incremental test, incremental shuttle walk test, and blood test for quantification of systemic inflammatory markers (interleukin [IL]-6 and IL-8). At the end of the evaluations, patients received a booklet containing the physical exercises to be performed at home, three&nbsp;times per week for 8 consecutive weeks. Around 25 patients were enrolled, and 14 completed the pre- and post-HBPR ratings. There was a significant increase in the walked distance and the maximal inspiratory pressure, improvements on two components from the health-related quality-of-life questionnaire, and a decrease in plasma IL-8 levels after the intervention. The HBPR is an important and viable alternative to pulmonary rehabilitation for the treatment of patients with COPD; it improves exercise tolerance, inspiratory muscle strength, quality of life, and systemic inflammation in COPD patients.Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, home-based pulmonary rehabilitation, inflammation, physical exercise, interleukin, health-related quality of lif

    Uso del aparato bucal PMpositioner" en el tratamiento del ronquido y la apnea obstructiva del sueño

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    La elección de un aparato bucal apropiado para lograr los mejores resultados en el tratamiento de la apnea obstructiva del sueño es importante. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de un aparato bucal específico, el PMPositioner, para el tratamiento del ronquido y la apnea obstructiva del sueño leve, a través de polisomnografía y la Escala de Epworth del sueño, después de seis meses de uso del mencionado aparato. Se incluyeron en el estudio 17 pacientes divididos en dos grupos: un grupo de roncadores integrado por 7 pacientes y otro grupo de 10 pacientes con apnea obstructiva leve. Los resultados fueron significativos para el segundo grupo, revelando una disminución en el índice de apnea-hipoapnea de 7,4 .plusmn; 5,0 a 3,0 .plusmn; 2,5 (p <0,05), un aumento de la saturación de oxígeno en un rango de 88,0 .plusmn; 6,0 a 90,0 .plusmn; 2,8 (p <0,05), aumento del sueño REM de 16,0.plusmn;4,0 a 19.plusmn;6,0 y una mejora de la somnolencia en la Escala Epworth de 12,5.plusmn;5,4 a 7,4.plusmn;2,4. Asimismo, se constató una disminución en los ronquidos y los síntomas subjetivos de acuerdo a lo informado por los pacientes y sus parejas. Se concluyó que el aparato bucal evaluado, PMPositioner, fue efectivo en el tratamiento de los ronquidos y la apnea obstructiva leve, así como en la reducción de la somnolencia y de otros síntoma

    Utilidade da teoria de autocuidado na assistência ao portador do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana/ Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida Utilidad de la teoría del autocuidado en la asistencia al portador del Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana/Síndrome de la Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida Utility of the self-care theory to assist the bearer of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar dentro da Teoria geral de Orem, a utilidade da Teoria de Autocuidado para pacientes com Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana/ Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (HIV/AIDS), segundo o modelo de análise de teorias MÉTODOS: Estudo de revisão bibliográfica realizado nas Bases de Dados LILACS, MEDLINE e BDENF com as palavras-chave: autocuidado, Orem e HIV/AIDS. Adotou-se o modelo de análise da teoria de Meleis focando o componente utilidade. Foi identificado um estudo que utilizou a Teoria de Orem com pacientes portadores de HIV/AIDS. RESULTADOS: A teoria demonstrou ser útil para orientar a sistematização da assistência de enfermagem ao portador de HIV/AIDS; construir instrumentos de avaliação e orientação; medir a qualidade da assistência; testar modelos; classificar o paciente e ajudar como apoio-educação. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo de Meleis possibilitou compreender a utilidade da Teoria de Orem para a prática, pesquisa, educação e administração.<br>OBJETIVO: Analizar dentro de la Teoría general de Orem, la utilidad de la Teoría del Auto-cuidado para pacientes con Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana/Síndrome de la Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (HIV/SIDA), según el modelo de análisis de teorías. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio de revisión bibliográfica realizado en las Bases de Datos LILACS, MEDLINE y BDENF con las palabras clave: auto-cuidado, Orem y HIV/SIDA. Se adoptó el modelo de análisis de la teoría de Meleis enfocando el componente utilidad. Fue identificado un estudio que utilizó la Teoría de Orem con pacientes portadores de HIV/SIDA. RESULTADOS: La teoría demostró ser útil para: orientar la sistematización de la asistencia de enfermería al portador de HIV/SIDA; construir instrumentos de evaluación y orientación; medir la calidad de la asistencia; comprobar modelos; clasificar el paciente; y, ayudar como apoyo para la educación. CONCLUSIÓN: El modelo de Meleis posibilitó comprender la utilidad de la Teoría de Orem para la práctica, investigación, educación y administración.<br>OBJECTIVE: To analyze, within Orem's general theory, the utility of the Self-care Theory to assist patients who carries the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), according to the standard model to analyze theories. METHODS: Literature review conducted in the databases LILACS, BDENF and MEDLINE with the keywords: self-care, Orem and HIV/AIDS. It was utilized the Meleis's analysis model of theories, focusing on the component of usefulness. It was identified a study that used Orem's Theory on patients who carries the HIV/AIDS. RESULTS: The theory proved useful to: guide the systematization of nursing care on patients with HIV/AIDS; build assessment and guidance tools; measure the quality of care; verify models; classify patients; and, as an aid to support education. CONCLUSION: The Meleis model allowed to understand the usefulness of Orem's theory into practice, research, education and administration

    Using Xbox kinect motion capture technology to improve clinical rehabilitation outcomes for balance and cardiovascular health in an individual with chronic TBI

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    Abstract Background Motion capture virtual reality-based rehabilitation has become more common. However, therapists face challenges to the implementation of virtual reality (VR) in clinical settings. Use of motion capture technology such as the Xbox Kinect may provide a useful rehabilitation tool for the treatment of postural instability and cardiovascular deconditioning in individuals with chronic severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a Kinect-based VR intervention using commercially available motion capture games on balance outcomes for an individual with chronic TBI. The secondary purpose was to assess the feasibility of this intervention for eliciting cardiovascular adaptations. Methods A single system experimental design (n = 1) was utilized, which included baseline, intervention, and retention phases. Repeated measures were used to evaluate the effects of an 8-week supervised exercise intervention using two Xbox One Kinect games. Balance was characterized using the dynamic gait index (DGI), functional reach test (FRT), and Limits of Stability (LOS) test on the NeuroCom Balance Master. The LOS assesses end-point excursion (EPE), maximal excursion (MXE), and directional control (DCL) during weight-shifting tasks. Cardiovascular and activity measures were characterized by heart rate at the end of exercise (HRe), total gameplay time (TAT), and time spent in a therapeutic heart rate (TTR) during the Kinect intervention. Chi-square and ANOVA testing were used to analyze the data. Results Dynamic balance, characterized by the DGI, increased during the intervention phase χ 2 (1, N = 12) = 12, p = .001. Static balance, characterized by the FRT showed no significant changes. The EPE increased during the intervention phase in the backward direction χ 2 (1, N = 12) = 5.6, p = .02, and notable improvements of DCL were demonstrated in all directions. HRe (F (2,174) = 29.65, p = < .001) and time in a TTR (F (2, 12) = 4.19, p = .04) decreased over the course of the intervention phase. Conclusions Use of a supervised Kinect-based program that incorporated commercial games improved dynamic balance for an individual post severe TBI. Additionally, moderate cardiovascular activity was achieved through motion capture gaming. Further studies appear warranted to determine the potential therapeutic utility of commercial VR games in this patient population. Trial registration Clinicaltrial.gov ID - NCT0288928