35 research outputs found

    Metallurgy in the Czech Republic: a spatio-temporal view

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    The objective of this paper is to introduce the stochastic input-output model of the impact of metallurgy sector on the Czech economy. Contrary to original input-output model, which is of deterministic nature, we reckon with interval estimates of the development of metallurgy sector. They help us to surpass deterministic impediments when analyzing and forecasting the possible developmental tendencies of metallurgy sector in various economies.Web of Science561-225124

    The application of winning key metrics in a metallurgical firm

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    This article is focused on creating a system of metrics and its application in a metallurgical fi rm. Its aim is to highlight the dangers associated with the creation and application of an eff ective system of metrics. Its objective is also to demonstrate the process (initial steps) in the development of this system in the real family metallurgical fi rm. In the experimental part an example of causal links among key metrics in the chosen metallurgical fi rm is presented. Risks associated with the selection of appropriate metrics are presented for discussion.Web of Science53473072

    Alkaline carbonates in blast furnace process

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    The production of iron in blast furnaces is a complex of physical, chemical and mechanical processes. The input raw materials contain not only metallic components, but also a number of negative elements. The most important negative elements include alkaline carbonates. They can significantly affect the course of the blast furnace process and thus the overall performance of the furnace. As a result of that, it is essential to accurately monitor the alkali content in the blast furnace raw materials. The article analyzes the alkali content in input and output raw materials and their impact on the blast furnace process.Web of Science53455254

    Formation and planning of virtual production networks (VPN) in metallurgical clusters

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    A significant problem of small and medium enterprises in the metallurgical sector is that submitted orders very often exceed the individual production capacity at the disposal of each company according to production capacity limitations (machinery, equipment and time availability), competencies, skills, etc. Therefore, the idea of the creation of virtual production networks (VPN) of small and medium enterprises within a metallurgical cluster appears to be particularly attractive. The development of such networks depends on design solutions and tools which help companies to quickly plan a VPN to jointly execute production orders. In the paper, the new method for formation and rapid planning of virtual production network within metallurgical clusters is proposed.Web of Science53472772

    A hybrid decision support system for iron ore supply

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    Many European metallurgical companies are forced to import iron ore from remote destinations. For these companies it is necessary to determine the amount of iron ore that will have to be ordered and to create such a delivery schedule so that the continuous operation of blast-furnace plant is not disrupted and there is no exceedingly large stock of this raw material. The objective of this article is to design the decision support system for iron ore supply which would effi ciently reduce uncertainty and risk of that decision-making. The article proposes a hybrid intelligent system which represents a combination of diff erent artifi cial intelligence methods with dynamic simulation technique for that purpose.Web of Science511939

    Benefits and barriers of participation in production networks in a metallurgical cluster - research results

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    In this paper, the research results of surveys which were conducted in a Polish metallurgical cluster and among enterprises which are potential members of such production networks are presented. These results show that there is a high level of free capacity that can be used in the formation of production networks. The idea of the creation of long term clusters of industry or service enterprises give new possibilities to increase performance and productivity and seek higher levels of innovation. Through exploitation of the synergy effect, such concepts allow better economic results and a competitive advantage over other market players to be obtained. The key concerns about the functioning of enterprises in production networks within a cluster are following: a lack of confidence in potential partners, loss of data and concerns about the division of costs and revenues.Web of Science54357056

    Export, import, production and use of wire in the Czech Republic

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    The article deals with the statistics of drawn and rod wires in various areas. The first one is focused on the statistics of export and import of drawn and rod wires within the frame of the Czech Republic during the period of 1999 – 2012. The second area of the statistical factual research will deal with the production of drawn and rod wire. The last research area compares the ratio of use and the total production of wires in the Czech Republic. The research revealed interesting information such as the increasing trend of import of rod and drawn wire, or the ratio of production of rod and drawn wire.Web of Science53471671

    Factors of human resource planning in metallurgical company

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    The objective of this article is to define the factors that have the most profound impact on the outputs of human resource (HR) plans and on the business plans they should be based on. The solution involved the Delphi and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method and close cooperation with HR specialists from the Czech metallurgical branch.Web of Science54124624

    Factors of human resource planning in metallurgical company

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    The objective of this article is to define the factors that have the most profound impact on the outputs of human resource (HR) plans and on the business plans they should be based on. The solution involved the Delphi and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method and close cooperation with HR specialists from the Czech metallurgical branch.Web of Science54124624

    Efficiency of Polish metallurgical industry based on data envelopment analysis

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    The main purpose of this paper is to compare the technical efficiency of 12 sectors manufacturing basic metals and metal products in Poland. This article presents the use of Data Envelopment Analysis models, to determine overall technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of metallurgical branches in Poland. The average technical efficiency of metallurgical industry in Poland was quite high. The analysis gives a possibility to create a ranking of sectors. Three branches were found to be fully efficient: manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferroalloys, manufacture of basic precious and other non - ferrous metals and manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings, of steel. The results point out the reasons of the inefficiency and provide improving directions for the inefficient sectors.Web of Science55224824