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    The formulation of problem in this research is "whether an increase hand-eye coordination to play baseball learners class B junior deaf Extraordinary Dharma Asih Pontianak to catch a small ball throwing game. The method used was classroom action research. Subjects were students of class B Dharma Asih Deaf School Pontianak total sample peelitian 25. The results showed an increase of 8% at the end of the second cycle. While in the first cycle is not increased. The number of students who scored criteria very well in initial tests and the first cycle to the second cycle no (0%) Number of students criteria for a good value that was originally in early tests no (0%), on the second cycle increased to 8%. Number of students who received sufficient criteria on sikuls I is 0%, the second cycle as much as 28%. As for the category of less value in the first cycle does not exist or 0%, in the second cycle as much as 28%. In the category of very less in the first cycle there is 100% and the second cycle 36%

    Perbandingan Pengaruh Dosis 75% dan 100% terhadap Penurunan Berat Setelah Melakukan Latihan

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    The exercise dose needs to be selected to determine the expected results. The exercise dosage is also chosen based on the training objectives. The application of exercise doses will influence the expected variables. Exercises for weight loss are characterized by burning fat. There are options in determining the exercise dose for weight loss. This study aimed to compare the 75% and 100% exercise intensity doses to fluctuations in weight loss. This study does not focus on the press and post-test alone, but rather on proving how effective it is between 75% and 100%. Experimental research design provides 75% treatment of circuit training with 100% weights and circuits. The research was conducted on 12 students as a sample. Exercises are performed using 12 tools. Before and after exercise, weigh the body. Based on the recording during exercise, it turns out that the bodyweight will decrease more if you use a higher intensity (100%) with a mean value of 0.3113 and 0.2592, based on the normality test, it turns out that the data is not normal. Non-parametric analysis with Wilcoxon W has a significance value of 0.033, so it can be concluded, first, that 75% and 100% intensity affects the weight loss after exercise, that there is a difference between the two intensities with 100% more effective intensity