17 research outputs found

    First Results of Wild Ass Research in the South Gobi Aymag/Mongolia in 2003 and 2004

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    The population of the Mongolian wild ass belongs to the nominate form Equus hemionus hemionus described by Pallas in 1775. This species is adapted to semidesert habitats in the Gobi region and is listed in the Red Book of Mongolia as well as on appendix I of the Washington Convention (CITES). Mapping of the northern border of the distributional range showed a remarkable decrease in size in comparison to the maps of Murzaev (1954) or Bannikov (1954). The pressure of civilization, settlements, motorization, and increasing numbers of domestic livestock in connection with the occupation of water resources and illegal hunting are the main reasons for the decrease of population density of Dschiggetajs in the neighborhood of herdsmen. Nearly 100% of the studied dead animals were poached. It can be assumed that thousands of killed wild asses can be found in the Gobi zone. Analysis of the population structure of 1830 alive wild asses resulted in a reproduction rate of 23% in September/October 2003. In July 2004 out of at total of 3,387 observed Dschiggetajs 611 were foals, therefore reproduction rate was 21.2%. First coprological investigations showed a high level of endoparasites. The collected material is a valuable basis for morphometric and genetic analysis in the near future. We will study the age structure of the found skeletons and the genetic diversity of Equus hemionus. At the other hand possibilities for a better protection and management have to be discussed with all experts, local authorities of nature conservation services, organizations of Somons and Aymags, as well as in the international context. This includes management of water resources, new wildlife reserves, control of hunting weapons and a higher protection by national law

    Hohes Lebensalter von \u3ci\u3eSalpingotus crassicauda\u3c/i\u3e und erfolgreiche Fortpflanzung von \u3ci\u3eCardioeranius paradoxus\u3c/i\u3e (Mammalia: Dipodidae) in der Gefangenschaft

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    Noch immer gelten zahlreiche Arten der zentralasiatischen Säugetierfauna als kaum bis wenig erforscht. Fundierte ökologische Untersuchungen an den mongolischen Springmausarten liegen bisher nicht vor. Sowohl Salpingotus crassicauda als auch Cardiocranius paradoxus sind durch ihre begrenzten Vorkommen in Kasachstan bzw. Tuva sogar im Rotbuch der Sowjetunion (1985, Literatur S. dort) verankert

    Current State of Ixodidae Research in Mongolia

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    Our research presents the Ixodidae-fauna in Mongolia. The current taxonomic state in Mongolia shows 19 Ixodidae taxa extracted in 308 locations from 115 bird and mammal species. In 1980, the species Ixodes persulcatus SCHULZE, 1930 and Ixodes berlesei Birula, 1895 were detected in Inget Tolgoi and Ixodes laguri OLENEV, 1929 on Meriones unguiculatus 10 km southeast of Ulaanbaatar for the first time. In 2000 the species Haemaphysalis concinna Koch, 1844 was detected in the Selenge-river area and Argas (Argas) vulgaris FILIPPOVA, 1961 was detected in the Gobi area. From the collection of M. and A. STUBBE 1 N (Nymphae) Ixodes persulcatus was detected on Microtus sp. at the Minž-gol (river in Khentey) on July 25, 2002

    Beaver Research in the Uvs Nuur Region

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    In 1985, 1988, and 2002 Castor fiber birulai was introduced to the Tes Gol of the Uvs Nuur basin in North-western Mongolia. The beavers migrated through the Republic of Tyva and settled in the middle part of Tes Gol near the Tyvinian-Mongolian border. About 10 colonies were recorded in this region in 2002. Strict protection of Castor fiber birulai has to be ensured in Mongolia and the Republic of Tyva in future

    Hohes Lebensalter von \u3ci\u3eSalpingotus crassicauda\u3c/i\u3e und erfolgreiche Fortpflanzung von \u3ci\u3eCardioeranius paradoxus\u3c/i\u3e (Mammalia: Dipodidae) in der Gefangenschaft

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    Noch immer gelten zahlreiche Arten der zentralasiatischen Säugetierfauna als kaum bis wenig erforscht. Fundierte ökologische Untersuchungen an den mongolischen Springmausarten liegen bisher nicht vor. Sowohl Salpingotus crassicauda als auch Cardiocranius paradoxus sind durch ihre begrenzten Vorkommen in Kasachstan bzw. Tuva sogar im Rotbuch der Sowjetunion (1985, Literatur S. dort) verankert

    Historische und aktuelle Daten zum Wolf in der Mongolei

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    Zusammenfassung Die Mongolei beherbergt trotz intensiver Verfolgung einen der besten Wolfsbestände Eurasiens. Der Wolf kommt als wertvoller Großsäuger in allen Vegetationszonen der Mongolei vor. Bereits zahlreiche Steinzeichnungen künden von Mensch-, Haus- und Wildtierkonflikten mit dem wehrhaften Beutegreifer Wolf. Er ist und bleibt ein Konkurrent des Nomaden und andererseits ein wertvoller Pelzlieferant und Regulator in den Nahrungsnetzen. Die geringe menschliche Besiedlung und die in freier Weidewirtschaft gehaltenen Haustiere sowie eine reiche Fauna an kleinen und großen Wildsäugetieren bereiten der Wolfspopulation optimale nahrungsökologische Bedingungen. Seit geraumer Zeit hat die Haustierhaltung die 50 Millionengrenze überschritten. Der ökonomische Schaden des Wolfes in der Viehwirtschaft ist beträchtlich und teilweise von existenzieller Bedeutung. Die jagdlichen Eingriffe mit umfangreichen Jagdkampagnen im ganzen Land haben während der letzten 100 Jahre in keiner Weise den Wolfsbestand ernsthaft gefährden können. Die Wissenschaft ist gefordert, sich künftig mit allen Parametern der Populationsökologie des Wolfes intensiv auseinanderzusetzen. Dies betrifft auch die Klärung des taxonomischen Status der mongolischen Wölfe mit Hilfe von morphologischen Studien, durch die Anlage umfangreicher Kollektionen und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen. Die Reduzierung des Wolfsbestandes auf ein für die Viehwirtschaft erträgliches Maß wird seit langem von der Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft gefordert und von Tierschutz- sowie Naturschutzkreisen negiert. Die Erhaltung eines gesicherten Bestandes dieses bemerkenswerten Großsäugers steht als gemeinsamer Nenner außer Frage. Summary Historical and present data on wolves in Mongolia Mongolia is one of the best regions for wolves in the Palaearctic. Wolves are spread over all vegetation zones of all Palearctic countries. Historically, human hunting pressure has been enormous on the wolf population with great hunting campaigns taking place all year, but the population was not endangered before now. Conflict between nomads\u27 livestock and wolves has also occurred throughout history. The open herding of millions of domestic animals (currently more than 50 million head) within reach of wildlife fauna makes for optimal conditions for the feeding ecology of the great carnivores. The economic damage is significant and sometimes ruinous for the nomads. In some years it is documented that more than 200,000 animals, especially sheep and goats, are the prey of wolves. In addition, wolf skin is valuable, and the organs and meat are made available illegally on the black market. In 1990, no bag record existed in Mongolia for wildlife hunting. There is a great deficit in scientific investigations in all parameters of population ecology and taxonomy. Collections of skulls and samples for genetic analyses are utterly necessary. The population density of wolves should be regulated in light of the livestock economy of the nomads, while at the same time the goals of nature conservation and animal protection should be considered to guarantee a sure future for this wonderful and important predator

    Biodiversity in Space and Time: Towards a Grid Mapping for Mongolia

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    In the future, grid mapping of animal and plant organisms will also play a major role in Mongolia. Based on geographical coordinates, a grid with a resolution of 100 x 100 km was created, which contained 561 cells. Methods and level of current understanding are exemplified by means of two raptors and three mammal species. This establishes a basis for an initial project, which will summarize all breeding occurrences of raptors based on all records, publications, or diary notes. For the first time, the short toed Eagle was verified in Mongolia as a breeding bird in 2004. By 2006, ten offspring of Circaetus gallicus had been observed. We urge all enthusiasts of the Mongolian avi-fauna to contribute their breeding confirmations to our data review

    Das Arteninventar der Avifauna der Mongolei während einer Nord-Süd-Durchquerung 1997

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    Here we present a detailed report on bird biodiversity of ecosystems along a North-South transect through Mongolia in 1997whic h serves as a guideline for further research projects and training for students in all Mongolian vegetation zones from northern steppes to southern deserts. Two hundred fifty-five bird species were observed between 21st of July and 10th of August 1997. The main study sites were located in the North the Selenge-Orchon-basin with meadows and dune woodlands 15 km southern from Suchbaatar, the Middle Gobi-Aimag with desert steppes and sajrs (covered with Ulmus pumila) and in the Bordzongijn-gobi in the South including a landscape mosaic of desert and semidesert habitats. Quantitative data of all observations regarding bird communities, population density, reproduction, ecology and taxonomy are summarized. The following bird families were noticed: Gaviidae (1), Podicipedidaa (4), Phalacrocoracidae (1), Ardeidae (1), Ciconiidae (1), Anatidae (21), Accipitridae (19), Falconidae (8),Phasianidae (2), Gruidae (1), Rallidae (6), Otidae (1), Charadriidae (6), Recurvirostridae (2), Scolopacidae (23), Laridae (6), Pteroclidae (1), Columbidae (6), Cuculidae (2), Strigidae (4), Caprimulgidae (1), Apodidae (3), Alcedinidae (1) Upupidae (1), Picidae (6), Hirundinidae (5), Alaudidae (7), Motacillidae (12), Troglodytidae (1), Prunellidae (3), Turdidae (21), Sylvidae (16), Muscicapidae (4), Aegithalidae (1), Paridae (5), Sittidae (1), Certhidae (1), Remizidae (1), Oriolidae (1), Laniidae (5), Corvidae (10), Sturnidae (3), Passeridae (5), Fringillidae (10), and Emberizidae (15)

    Quo vadis \u3ci\u3eEquus hemionus hemionus\u3c/i\u3e in Mongolia?

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    Caused in studies on biodiversity in the South Gobi we were confronted with the human impact on animal communities and endangered animal species, especially the Asiatic wild ass. So was born the idea to organize an international conference with the aim to actualize the status of Equus hemionus in Central Asia and to find ways for better conservation of this species and its habitats. A short review is given on historical exploration, decreasing area and population number of the Dschiggetai. Today the range of the nominate form of Equus hemionus is located in the Gobi region of southern Mongolia/northern China only. Therefore international engagement is necessary to save this indicator species of the arid zone of Central Asia

    Zur Nahrungsökologie des Uhus \u3ci\u3eBubo bubo\u3c/i\u3e in der Mongolei = Feeding Ecology of the Eagle Owl \u3ci\u3eBubo bubo\u3c/i\u3e in Mongolia

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    This paper presents further results on the food ecology of the eagle owl in western Mongolia for the years 1984 to 1992. Additional to the already known sites we investigated two new resting places. At least 27 mammal and 17 bird species were recorded. The results confirm previous studies. Small to medium sized mammals (Cricetidae, Dipodidae, Arvicolidae) dominate the prey of the eagle owl whereas birds and invertebrates are less important