63 research outputs found

    Stark-Heegner points on modular jacobians

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    We present a construction which lifts Darmon’s Stark–Heegner points from elliptic curves to certain modular Jacobians. Let N be a positive integer and let p be a prime not dividing N. Our essential idea is to replace the modular symbol attached to an elliptic curve E of conductor Np with the universal modular symbol for Γ0(Np). We then construct a certain torus T over Qp and lattice L ⊂ T, and prove that the quotient T/Lis isogenous to the maximal toric quotient J0(Np) p-new of the Jacobian of X0(Np).This theorem generalizes a conjecture of Mazur, Tate, and Teitelbaum on the p-adic periods of elliptic curves, which was proven by Greenberg and Stevens. As a by-product of our theorem, we obtain an efficient method of calculating the p-adic periods of J0(Np) p-new

    Ranks of matrices of logarithms of algebraic numbers I: the theorems of Baker and Waldschmidt-Masser

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    Let L\mathscr{L} denote the Q\mathbf{Q}-vector space of logarithms of algebraic numbers. In this expository work, we provide an introduction to the study of ranks of matrices with coefficients in L\mathscr{L}. We begin by considering a slightly different question, namely we present a proof of a weak form of Baker's Theorem. This states that a collection of elements of L\mathscr{L} that is linearly independent over Q\mathbf{Q} is in fact linear independent over Q\overline{\mathbf{Q}}. Next we recall Schanuel's Conjecture and prove Ax's analogue of it over C((t))\mathbf{C}((t)). We then consider arbitrary matrices with coefficients in L\mathscr{L} and state the Structural Rank Conjecture, which gives a conjecture for the rank of a general matrix with coefficients in L\mathscr{L}. We prove the theorem of Waldschmidt and Masser, which provides a lower bound giving a partial result toward the Structural Rank Conjecture. We conclude by stating a new conjecture that we call the Matrix Coefficient Conjecture, which gives a necessary condition for a square matrix with coefficients in L\mathscr{L} to be singular.Comment: 45 page

    On Constructing Extensions of Residually Isomorphic Characters

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    This is an exposition of our joint work with Kakde, Silliman, and Wang, in which we prove a version of Ribet's Lemma for GL2\mathrm{GL}_2 in the residually indistinguishable case. We suppose we are given a Galois representation taking values in the total ring of fractions of a complete reduced Noetherian local ring T\mathbf{T}, such that the characteristic polynomial of the representation is reducible modulo some ideal ITI \subset \mathbf{T}. We assume that the two characters that arise are congruent modulo the maximal ideal of T\mathbf{T}. We construct an associated Galois cohomology class valued in a T\mathbf{T}-module that is "large" in the sense that its Fitting ideal is contained in II. We make some simplifying assumptions that streamline the exposition -- we assume the two characters are actually equal, and we ignore the local conditions needed in arithmetic applications.Comment: 23 page

    Brumer-Stark Units and Hilbert's 12th Problem

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    Let FF be a totally real field of degree nn and pp an odd prime. We prove the pp-part of the integral Gross-Stark conjecture for the Brumer-Stark pp-units living in CM abelian extensions of FF. In previous work, the first author showed that such a result implies an exact pp-adic analytic formula for these Brumer-Stark units up to a bounded root of unity error, including a "real multiplication" analogue of Shimura's celebrated reciprocity law in the theory of Complex Multiplication. In this paper we show that the Brumer-Stark units, along with n1n-1 other easily described elements (these are simply square roots of certain elements of FF) generate the maximal abelian extension of FF. We therefore obtain an unconditional solution to Hilbert's 12th problem for totally real fields, albeit one that involves pp-adic integration, for infinitely many primes pp. Our method of proof of the integral Gross-Stark conjecture is a generalization of our previous work on the Brumer-Stark conjecture. We apply Ribet's method in the context of group ring valued Hilbert modular forms. A key new construction here is the definition of a Galois module  ⁣L\nabla_{\!\mathscr{L}} that incorporates an integral version of the Greenberg-Stevens L\mathscr{L}-invariant into the theory of Ritter-Weiss modules. This allows for the reinterpretation of Gross's conjecture as the vanishing of the Fitting ideal of  ⁣L\nabla_{\!\mathscr{L}}. This vanishing is obtained by constructing a quotient of  ⁣L\nabla_{\!\mathscr{L}} whose Fitting ideal vanishes using the Galois representations associated to cuspidal Hilbert modular forms.Comment: 70 page

    The p-adic L-functions of Evil Eisenstein Series

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    We compute the pp-adic LL-functions of evil Eisenstein series, showing that they factor as products of two Kubota--Leopoldt pp-adic LL-functions times a logarithmic term. This proves in particular a conjecture of Glenn Stevens.Comment: 49 page

    On the Brumer-Stark Conjecture

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    Let H/FH/F be a finite abelian extension of number fields with FF totally real and HH a CM field. Let SS and TT be disjoint finite sets of places of FF satisfying the standard conditions. The Brumer-Stark conjecture states that the Stickelberger element ΘS,TH/F\Theta^{H/F}_{S, T} annihilates the TT-smoothed class group ClT(H)\text{Cl}^T(H). We prove this conjecture away from p=2p=2, that is, after tensoring with Z[1/2]\mathbf{Z}[1/2]. We prove a stronger version of this result conjectured by Kurihara that gives a formula for the 0th Fitting ideal of the minus part of the Pontryagin dual of ClT(H)Z[1/2]\text{Cl}^T(H) \otimes \mathbf{Z}[1/2] in terms of Stickelberger elements. We also show that this stronger result implies Rubin's higher rank version of the Brumer-Stark conjecture, again away from 2. Our technique is a generalization of Ribet's method, building upon on our earlier work on the Gross-Stark conjecture. Here we work with group ring valued Hilbert modular forms as introduced by Wiles. A key aspect of our approach is the construction of congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series that are stronger than usually expected, arising as shadows of the trivial zeroes of pp-adic LL-functions. These stronger congruences are essential to proving that the cohomology classes we construct are unramified at pp.Comment: 99 pages (A reference is updated in the new version