4 research outputs found

    Effect of nursing interventions on anxiety and vital signs in patients undergoing endoscopy: a randomized clinical trial study

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    زمینه و هدف: بیماری های دستگاه گوارش یکی از اختلالات شایع بوده و آندوسکوپی مهم ترین روش تشخیصی برای این اختلالات است که به علت تهاجمی بودن، می تواند باعث ترس و اضطراب بیماران گردد. اضطراب قبل از آندوسکوپی باعث کاهش تمایل بیماران و افزایش زمان انجام آندوسکوپی می شود. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین تأثیر مداخلات پرستاری بر میزان اضطراب و برخی علایم حیاتی بیماران کاندیدای آندوسکوپی انجام گرفت. روش بررسی: این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی سازی شده به صورت یک سو کور بر روی 80 بیمار واجد شرایط آندوسکوپی مراجعه کننده به بیمارستان آیت الله طالقانی ارومیه در سال 1392 انجام شد. نمونه ها با روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه مساوی کنترل و مداخله تقسیم شدند. مداخلات پرستاری برای گروه مداخله قبل از آندوسکوپی و در روز آندوسکوپی اجرا گردید. میزان اضطراب، فشارخون و نبض قبل از مداخله و بلافاصله قبل از آندوسکوپی در دو گروه اندازه گیری شد. ابزار اندازه گیری اضطراب، پرسشنامه اضطراب آشکار اسپیل برگر بود. یافته ها: قبل از مداخله تفاوت آماری معنی داری بین دو گروه کنترل و مداخله از نظر متغیرهای جمعیت شناختی وجود نداشت (05/0P). نتیجه گیری: اجرای مداخلات پرستاری در بیماران کاندیدای آندوسکوپی می تواند باعث کاهش اضطراب بیماران قبل از انجام این روش تشخیصی شود. بنابراین می توان از تکنیک های مداخله ای پرستاری به عنوان یکی از روش های غیر دارویی برای کاهش اضطراب بیماران، قبل از انجام روش های تشخیصی تهاجمی استفاده کرد

    The Impact of problem-solving based learning education on the self-efficacy of nursing students

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    Abstract: Self-efficacy in applying scientific and professional knowledge and skills is important. One of the proposed ways to create such traits in students is teaching them with active and problem-oriented learning techniques such as problem-solving based learning. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of problembased learning education in nursing students' self-efficacy. Methods: This quasi-experimental study is included 80 fourth-year nursing students. 40 students was selected in the intervention and control groups equally. In the both of groups completed General Self-Efficacy-Schwarzer (GSES) questionnaire before education and a month after the education. Students in the intervention group attended in the five small groups in problem solving education classes for six sessions. Data analysis was done by SPSS software, t-independent and paired t-tests, chi-square. Results: The results of this study showed that mean score of students self-efficacy before and after problem solving education in the intervention group, have significant difference. T-independent test showed a logical statistical difference between mean score difference in the self-efficacy scores between the two groups, after intervention (p=0.002). Conclusions: Problem-solving based learning education program improve students self-efficacy. Thus, it is recommended to pay more attention to this educational method in higher education curriculum. [Masumeh Hemmati Maslakpak, Samira Orujlu

    Survey of safety climate from the viewpoints of nurses working in one of the hospitals in Urmia city, Iran, in 2014

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    Introduction: Safety climate is the perception of personnel about the priority of safety in an organization. The objective of this study was to evaluate safety climate using Nordic questionnaire in a hospital. Material and Method: In this cross-sectional study, 92 nurses working in different wards of a hospital in uromia city, Iran, filled out the NOSACQ-50 questionnaire. The responses of nurses were recorded with a 4-point Likert scale. The results were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. Results: Seventy-two percent of nurses were female and the remainders (28%) were men. The mean score of safety climate dimensions was different. “Management safety priority, commitment, and competence” and “Safety communication, learning, and trust in co-workers safety competence” dimensions obtained the lowest and the highest scores by nurses, respectively. The mean score of safety climate ranged 2.49 to 2.67 in different wards of the hospital. What is more, the mean safety climate was not statistically differed among nurses of various age and work experience categories (P-value> 0.05). Conclusion: According to the results, it can be noted that the level of safety climate in the hospital was fairly good from the nurses’ viewpoint. However, attempts should be made to improve it, especially in the safety management related dimensions. Corrective control measures should be implemented in all wards of the hospital for all personnel with any age and work experience