2 research outputs found

    Effect of a hyper-protein diet on Wistar rats development and intestinal function

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    This study was designed to investigate the long-term effects of a high-protein diet on the functional and histological structure of the intestinal epithelium. Sixteen adult male Wistar rats (180 ± 2.27 g) were divided into two groups: 1) the control group, (n = 30) were fed a normal diet of 14% protein; 2) the P50-group (n = 30) were fed a 50% protein diet. The effects of a high-protein diet were studied over a period of 2 months. Functional and morphological differences between the high-protein and control groups were compared. Internal organs (liver, stomach, lungs, heart, kidneys, spleen, intestine, skin, surrenal glands, white and brown adipose tissues) were removed from each sacrificed animal. The organs were weighed, and histological studies were performed on jejunal fragments. The weight of the P50 group rats increased 79%, while the weight of the control-group increased 98% (p< 0.01 0.05). The weight of the white adipose tissue, the skeleton and the skin were significantly greater in control-group rats (p< 0.01). An important modification of the epithelial structure in the intestine was observed in rats of the P50 group. The average length of their villi was significantly reduced and there was a significant increase in their IEL (p< 0.01). Our results indicate that ingestion of a protein-rich diet over a long period leads to modification of the histological structure of the intestinal epithelium, as indicated by; pronounced atrophy of mucosa; marked inflammatory infiltration of lymphocytes in the chorion; and many intra-epithelial lymphocytes

    Conséquences de l'adaptation à un régime hyperprotéique sur la structure de l'épithélium intestinal chez le rat Wistar

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    Dietary proteins are derived from animal and plant food stuff. The evaluation of the nutritional quality of dietary proteins of different sources consists of relating the characteristics of food intake and energy requirement of the organism. The recommendation by WHO/UNU is of 0.8g/kg/day of high quality protein for the adult man. This work aims to evaluate the consequences of a high-protein diet on the functional and morphological modification in the growing rat. In particular, we measure the effect of a 50% protein diet on body weight, weight of several organs and intestinal structure. For that purpose, 96 male wistar rats weighing between 175 and 185g (180±2,27g) are divided in 5 groups.The 1st group (n=30) receives an average-protein level diet (14%) and constitutes the control group. The 2nd group (n=12) receives an high-protein diet (50%) The 3rd group (n=12) receives a diet based on plant proteins (14.5%) the 4th group (n=12) receives a diet based on soya (50%) the 5th group (n=12) receives a diet based on gluten (50%).All diets are administered during a period of 60 days. Our results show that a high intake of dietary proteins results in significant body weight loss and causes modification of the histological structure of the intestinal epithelium, with an atrophy of the villaea accompanied with an important increase of intra-epithelial lymphocytes.2These modifications could be the consequence of toxic reactions induced by a chronic/regular exposure of the intestinal epithelium to high levels/quantities of proteins. We conclude that an over-consumption of proteins has consequences on the body composition and intestinal function. Therefore, the long-term use of high-protein diets in man should be monitored more closely.Les protéines alimentaires se trouvent principalement dans des aliments traditionnels d'origine animale et végétale. L'évaluation de la qualité nutritionnelle de différents sources de protéines alimentaires consiste à mettre en relation les caractéristiques de l'apport alimentaire et les caractéristiques de la demande métabolique concept relatif à l'état de l'individu. La recommandation de base WHO/UNU est de 0,8g /kg /j de protéine de bonne qualité pour l'homme adulte. L'objet de ce travail est d'évaluer les conséquences d'une adaptation à un régime hyperprotéique sur des modifications fonctionnelles et morphologique chez le rat en croissance. Plus particulièrement, on a analysé les effets d'un régime à 50% en protéines sur l'évolution du poids corporel, le poids de certains organes ainsi que sur la structure intestinale du rat. Dans ce but, 96 rats mâles de souche wistar pesant entre 175 et 185g (180±2,27g), sont répartis en 5 groupes : le 1er groupe (n=30) reçoit un régime normoprotéique à base de protéine totale de lait (14%) et constitue le groupe témoin, le 2ème groupe (n=30) reçoit un régime hyperprotéique (50%) à base de protéine totale de lait, le 3ème groupe (n=12) reçoit un régime normoprotéique (14,5%) à base de protéine végétale onab , le 4ème groupe (n=12) reçoit un régime hyperprotéique (50%) à base de protéine de soja, le 5ème groupe (n=12) reçoit un régime hyperprotéique (50%) à base de gluten. Tous ces régimes sont administrés pendant 60 jours, durée de l'expérimentation. Les résultats montrent qu'une surconsommation de protéines s'accompagne d'une diminution significative du poids corporel et d'une modification de la structure histologique de l'épithélium intestinal qui se traduit par une atrophie villositaire et par une augmentation des lymphocytes intra-épithéliaux. Ces modifications seraient la manifestation de phénomènes induits par l'exposition chronique de l'épithélium intestinal à des teneurs élevés en protéines. Nous avons conclu qu'une surconsommation de protéines n'est pas sans conséquence sur la composition corporelle et la fonction intestinale. Il convient donc d'observer une certaine prudence dans l'utilisation à long terme de formules diététiques enrichies en protéines chez l'homme