17 research outputs found

    Iterative density matrix revisited: Excitonic phenomena to InAs quantum well as a saturable absorber

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    By solving the Liouville equation, third-order nonlinear terms is found via iterative density matrix. Regarding the improved modeling, all frequency range is taken instead of weak absorptive limit. Considered process can be compared with saturation fitting for heavy-hole excitons in the InAs quantum well

    Pseudospin Symmetry in Position-Dependent Mass Dirac-Coulomb Problem by Using Laplace Transform and Convolution Integral

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    The exact pseudospin symmetry solutions of Dirac equation with position-dependent mass (PDM) Coulomb potential in the presence of Colulomb-like tensor potential are obtained by using Laplace transform (LT) approach. The energy eigenvalue equation of the Dirac particles is found and some numerical results are given. By using Laplace convolution integral, the corresponding radial wave functions are presented in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions

    Relativistic Treatment of Spin less Particles Subject to a q-Deformed Morse Potential

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    The approximate analytical solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with equal scalar and vector q-deformed Morse potential are presented for arbitrary l-states by using Laplace integral transform. The energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions are obtained for n and values. In this study, in the non-relativistic limit c -> infinity, it has been also provided that the energy eigenfunctions for Klein-Gordon system turn into those for Schrodinger one

    Nonrelativistic a""-State Solutions for Schioberg Molecular Potential in Hyperspherical Coordinates

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    The approximate analytical solutions of the N-dimensional Schrodinger equation for hyperbolic-type molecular potential, V(r) = D[1 - sigma coth(alpha r)](2) are obtained by using asymptotic iteration method (AIM). The bound state energy eigenvalues and corresponding radial eigenfunctions are derived for arbitrary a""-states

    Exact solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with ring-shaped oscillator potential by using the Laplace integral transform

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    We present exact solutions for the Klein-Gordon equation with a ring-shaped oscillator potential. The energy eigenvalues and the normalized wave functions are obtained for a particle in the presence of non-central oscillator potential. The angular functions are expressed in terms of the hypergeometric functions. The radial eigenfunctions have been obtained by using the Laplace integral transform. By means of the Laplace transform method, which is efficient and simple, the radial Klein-Gordon equation is reduced to a first-order differential equation

    Existence of quantum states for Klein-Gordon particles based on exact and approximate scenarios with pseudo-dot spherical confinement

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    In the present study, Kummer's eigenvalue spectra from a charged spinless particle located at spherical pseudo-dot of the form r2+1/r2r^2+1/r^2 is reported. Here, it is shown how confluent hypergeometric functions have principal quantum numbers for considered spatial confinement. To study systematically both constant rest-mass, m0c2m_{0}c^2 and spatial-varying mass of the radial distribution m0c2+S(r)m_{0}c^2+S(r), the Klein-Gordon equation is solved under exact case and approximate scenario for a constant mass and variable usage, respectively. The findings related to the relativistic eigenvalues of the Klein-Gordon particle moving spherical space show the dependence of mass distribution, so it has been obtained that the energy spectra has bigger eigenvalues than m0=1m_{0}=1 fmβˆ’1^{-1} in exact scenario. Following analysis shows eigenvalues satisfy the range of E<m0E<m_{0} through approximate scenario

    Relativistic solutions for diatomic molecules subject to pseudoharmonic oscillator in arbitrary dimensions

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    The exact solutions of the N-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation in the presence of an exactly solvable potential of V(r) = D-e (r/re - re/r)(2) type have been obtained. The N-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation has been reduced to a first-order differential equation via Laplace transformation. The exact bound state energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions for CH, H-2, and HCl molecules interacting with pseudoharmonic oscillator potential in the arbitrary N dimensions have been determined. Bound state eigenfunctions used in applications related to molecular spectroscopy are obtained in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions

    The equation-transform model for Dirac-Morse problem including Coulomb tensor interaction

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    The approximate solutions of Dirac equation with Morse potential in the presence of Coulomb-like tensor potential are obtained by using Laplace transform (LT) approach. The energy eigenvalue equation of the Dirac particles is found and some numerical results are obtained. By using convolution integral, the corresponding radial wave functions are presented in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Iterative density matrix revisited: Excitonic phenomena on the InAs quantum well as a saturable absorber

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    By solving the Liouville equation, third-order nonlinear terms of the optical absorptive two quantum-level system are obtained through iterative density matrix calculations. In the improved model, the full frequency range is taken into account instead of just the weak absorptive limit. he process investigated in this study can be likened to saturation fitting for heavy-hole excitons in the InAs quantum well. Additionally, we demonstrate that the iterative method used for analyzing band-to-band excitonic spectra enables easy retrieval of the static dielectric constant

    Dirac equation with multiparameter-potential and Hulth,n tensor interaction under relativistic symmetries

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    The pseudospin and spin symmetric solutions of the Dirac equation with Hulth,n-type tensor interaction are obtained under multi-parameter-exponential potential (MEP) for arbitrary kappa states. The energy eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenfunctions are also obtained using the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. Some numerical results are also obtained for pseudospin and spin symmetry limits