581 research outputs found

    Minimizing Rental Cost for n-Jobs, 2-Machines Flow Shop Scheduling, Processing Time Associated with Probabilities Including Transportation Time and Job Block criteria

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    This paper deals with a heuristic algorithm to minimize the rental cost of the machines for two stage flow shop scheduling problem under specified rental policy in which processing times are associated with their respective probabilities. Further, the transportation time from one machine to another machine and an equivalent job block criteria is being considered. The purposed algorithm is easy to understand and provide an important tool for the decision makers. A computer program followed by a numerical illustration is also given to justify the algorithm. Keywords: Equivalent job, Flow Shop, Rental Policy, Transportation Time, Elapsed Time

    Development and evaluation of novel biodegradable nanoparticles for vaccine delivery

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    The development and evaluation of a chitosan-dextran sulfate nanoparticulate vaccine delivery system, with incorporation of Immunoglobulin-A as an immunological adjuvant with M-cell targeting potential, are described in this thesis. This research project highlights the importance of nanoparticulate systems and novel adjuvants in the development of efficient and safe vaccines with an emphasis on defining a correlation between pharmaceutical formulation factors and in-vivo immunological responses

    Optimal Three Stage Flow Shop Scheduling in which Processing Time, Set Up Time, Each Associated With Probabilities Including Transportation Time and Jobs in a String of Disjoint Job-Blocks

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    The paper deals with n jobs, 3 machines flow shop production scheduling in which processing times and set up times are associated with their respective probabilities involving transportation time and jobs are processed in two disjoint job blocks in a string. A heuristic method with an objective to minimize the total time elapsed time/idle time of the jobs/machines is discussed. A computer program followed by numerical illustration is given to clarify the algorithm. Keywords: Disjoint job-block, Set up time, Processing time, Transportation time, Equivalent jo

    Minimizing Rental Cost under Specified Rental Policy in Two Stage Flowshop Set Up time, Processing Time Each Associated with Probabilities Including Break-down interval and Job Block Criteria

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    This paper is an attempt to study two stage flow shop scheduling problem in which the processing times and independent setup times each associated with probabilities of the jobs are considered to minimize rental cost under specified rental policy including break-down interval and equivalent job-block criteria. The study gives an optimal schedule for the problem. The method is justified with the help of numerical example and a computer program. Keywords: Equivalent-Job, Rental Policy, Makespan, Elapsed Time, Idle Time, Breakdown Interval, Utilization Tim

    Bicriteria in Constrained n x 3 Flow Shop to Minimize the Rental Cost, Setup Time, Processing Time Each Associated with Probabilities Including Transportation Time and Job Block Criteria

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    This paper is an attempt to obtain an optimal solution for minimizing the bicriteria taken as minimizing the total rental cost of the machines subject to obtain the minimum makespan for  constrained n jobs 3 machines flowshop scheduling problem in which the processing times, independent set up times each associated with probabilities including transportation time and job block concept. The two criteria of minimizing the maximum utilization of the machines or rental cost of machines and minimizing the maximum makespan are one of the combinations of our objective function reflecting the performance measure. The proposed method is very simple and easy to understand. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is given to clarify the algorithm. Keywords: Flowshop Scheduling, Heuristic, Processing Time, Set Up Time, Transportation Time, Rental Cost , Job Block

    Solving n-Jobs, 3-Machines Constrained Flow Shop Scheduling Processing Time, Setup Time Each Associated with Probabilities Including Job-Block Criteria

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    This paper is pertain to heuristic technique for n-jobs, 3-machines flowshop scheduling problem in which   processing times and setup times are associated with their respective probabilities involving transportation time, break down interval and job block criteria is taken in to account. Further jobs are attached with weights to indicate their relative importance. The proposed method is very easy to understand and also provide an important tool for decision makers. A numerical illustration followed by a computer programme is also given to clarify the algorithm. Keywords: Flow shop scheduling, Processing time, Setup time, Transportation time, Break down, Weights of job, Job block

    On Linkage of a Flow Shop Scheduling Model Including Job Block Criteria with a Parallel Biserial Queue Network

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    This paper is an attempt to establish a linkage between a flowshop scheduling model having job block criteria with a parallel biserial queue network linked with a common channel in series. The arrival and service pattern both follows Poisson law in queue network. The generating function technique, law of calculus and statistical tools have been used to find out the various characteristics of queue. Further the completion time of jobs in a queue system form the set up time for the first machine in the scheduling model. A heuristic approach to find an optimal sequence of jobs with a job block criteria with minimum total flow time when the jobs are processed in a combined system with a queue network is discussed. The proposed method is easy to understand and also provide an important tool for the decision makers when the production is done in batches. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is given to justify the algorithm. Keywords: Queue Network, Mean Queue length, Waiting time, Processing time, Job-block, Makespan, Biserial Channe

    Bicriteria in n x 3 Flow Shop Scheduling Under Specified Rental Policy, Processing Time Associated with Probabilities including Transportation Time and Job Block Criteria

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    This paper deals with bicriteria in n-jobs, 3-machines flowshop scheduling problem in which the processing times are associated with probabilities including transportation time and job block criteria. The objective of the study is to obtain an optimal solution for minimizing the bicriteria taken as minimizing the total rental cost of the machines subject to obtains the minimum makespan. A heuristic approach method to find optimal or near optimal sequence has been discussed. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is give to clarify the algorithm. Keywords: Flowshop Scheduling, Heuristic, Processing Time, Transportation Time, Rental Cost, Idle Time, Job block, Makespa

    Bicriteria in n x 3 Flow Shop Scheduling under Specified Rental Policy, Processing Time Associated with Probabilities including Transportation Time and Job Block Criteria

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    This paper deals with bicriteria in n-jobs, 3-machines flowshop scheduling problem in which the processing times are associated with probabilities including transportation time and job block criteria. The objective of the study is to obtain an optimal solution for minimizing the bicriteria taken as minimizing the total rental cost of the machines subject to obtains the minimum makespan. A heuristic approach method to find optimal or near optimal sequence has been discussed. A computer programme followed by a numerical illustration is give to clarify the algorithm. Keywords: Flowshop Scheduling, Heuristic, Processing Time, Transportation Time, Rental Cost, Idle Time, Job block, Makespa

    Minimizing Rental Cost under Specified Rental Policy in Two Stage Flow Shop, the Processing Time Associated with Probabilities Including Break-down Interval and Job – Block Criteria

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    In real world scheduling applications, machines might not be available during certain time periods due to deterministic or stochastic causes. This paper is an attempt to study the two machine general flow shop problem in which the processing time of the jobs are associated with probabilities, following some restrictive renting policy including break-down interval and equivalent job-block criteria. The objective of the paper is to find an algorithm to minimize the rental cost of the machines under specified rental policy with break-down interval and job block criteria. The proposed method is very simple and easy to understand and also, provide an important tool for decision makers. The method is justified with the help of numerical example and a computer program
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