14 research outputs found

    Phytochemical screening and In Vitro Antioxidant potential of Memecylon umbellatum Burm leaf extracts

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    Objective: Different dry extracts of Memecylon umbellatum Burm leaf obtained by various solvents such as petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, acetone, methanol and chloroform water (IP) was screened to reap the benefits of its antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties using ascorbic acid as standard antioxidants. Methods: The in vitro free radical scavenging activity was evaluated using diphenyl picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical method using various concentrations of dry extract in distilled water (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 20 μg/ml) against blank with ascorbic acid as a standard in same concentrations. Results: Among the all extracts, Methanol leaf extract has showed higher Antioxidant activity (84.65 ± 0.064 %) having IC50 Value 11.81 ± 0.033 μg/ml at 20 μg/ml. While, IC50 value for ascorbic acid was found to be 8.91 ± 0.084 μg/ml. Conclusion: The results clearly indicate that Methanol leaf extract of Memecylon umbellatum is effective in free radical scavenging. So in future, this may emerge as promising natural herbal source of powerful antioxidant. Keywords: Memecylon umbellatum, DPPH reagent, Antioxidant activity, Ascorbic acid, IC50

    Towards environment friendly hydrothermally synthesized Li+, Rb+, In3+ intercalated phosphotungstate (PW12O40) thin films

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    In the present investigation, a one-step hydrothermal approach is proposed to synthesize Li+, Rb+, and In3+intercalated PW12O40 (PTA) thin films. The photoelectrochemical performance of the deposited Li3PW12O40 (Li−PTA), Rb3PW12O40 (Rb−PTA), and In3PW12O40 (In−PTA) photocathodes were investigated using a two-electrode cell configuration of FTO/Li3PW12O40/(0.1 M I−/I3−)aq./Graphite. The energy band gaps of 2.24, 2.11, and 2.13 eV were observed for the Li−PTA, Rb−PTA, and In−PTA films, respectively, as a function of Li+, Rb+, and In3+. The evolution of the spinal cubic crystal structure with increased crystallite size was observed for Rb+ intercalation within the PTA Keggin structure, which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed a modification in the surface morphology from a rod-like structure to a densely packed, uniform, and interconnected microsphere to small and large-sized microspheres for Li−PTA, Rb−PTA, and In−PTA, respectively. Compositional studies confirmed that the composing elements of Li, Rb, In, P, W, and O ions are well in accordance with their arrangement for Li+, Rb+, In3+, P5+, W6+, and O2− valence states. Furthermore, the J-V performance of the deposited photocathode shows power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of 1.25%, 3.03%, and 1.62%, as a function of the incorporation of Li+, Rb+, and In3+ ions. This work offers a one-step hydrothermal approach that is a prominent way to develop Li+, Rb+, and In3+ ions intercalated PTA, i.e., Li3PW12O40, Rb3PW12O40, and In3PW12O40 photocathodes for competent solar energy harvesting

    Microscopic Evaluation of Leaves of Memecylon umbellatum Burm

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    Objective. Aim of present work is to perform the microscopic evaluation and physicochemical analysis and to explore the morphology parameters of Memecylon umbellatum Burm leaves. Methods. Fresh, dried and desiccated powdered leaf samples were studied for their morphology, microscopy, organoleptic characters, and an assortment of other WHO recommended methods for standardisation. Results. The microscopy revealed the dorsiventral nature of the leaf. Midrib showed presence of nonlignified phloem, lignified xylem with well-defined xylem fibers, vessels, and parenchyma. Presence of Phloecentric vascular bundles surrounded by endodermis and crystal sheath. Well-defined patches of collenchyma were observed above and below the vascular bundles in the midrib area. Trichomes are mostly absent and stomata (anomocytic) were observed on both epidermal surfaces. Conclusions. It can be concluded that the microscopic analysis and pharmacognostic parameters can serve as tool for developing standards for proper authentication, quality, and purity of Memecylon umbellatum Burm leaves

    Novel analytical method development for some amide group containing drugs using Bougainvillea spectabilis bract extracts

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    AbstractObjectiveTo develop and validate a simple, accurate and precise colorimetric method using Bougainvillea spectabilis (B. spectabilis) bract color previously not exploited for estimation of amide group containing drugs i.e. lidocaine and ranolazine in pharmaceutical formulations.MethodsMethanolic extract of B. spectabilis was prepared and evaluated for stability of its color at different pH and temperature for a period of 3 weeks. The accuracy and reliability of the proposed method was ascertained by evaluating various validation parameters like linearity, precision, limit of detection, limit of quantitation and specificity according to International Conference on Harmonization guidelines. About 0.5% of B. spectabilis bract color was added to the working standard solutions of the drugs separately and after formation of color complex, and absorbances were noted at 418 nm.ResultsFor color complexes of lidocaine and ranolazine, linearity was found to be in the range of 4 to 24 and 5 to 25 μg/mL respectively. The % relative standard deviation was found to be within specification limits. Presence of lone pair of electron on nitrogen of amide group of both drugs shows basic nature, contributed in formation of color complex between amide and the color pigment obtained from B. spectabilis bracts.ConclusionsIt can be concluded that the method is simple, accurate, economic, and rapid hence can be employed for routine analysis

    Biogenic and biomimetic functionalized magnetic nanosystem: Synthesis, properties, and biomedical applications

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    Biogenic and biomimetic nanosystems (BBS) are the advanced hybrid nanomaterial used for treatment and diagnosis. These nanosystems' true bench-to-bedside potential makes them a more promising approach for biomedical applications. These nanoparticles are synthesized using biological microorganisms such as bacteria, algae, fungi, etc. A biosynthetic process like extracellular and intracellular biosynthesis can quickly fabricate these nanoparticles. Extracellularly it can be produced from microorganisms and could be between 14 and 16 ​nm. The extracellular enzymes are involved in the biosynthesis of biogenic and biomimetic nanosystems. Moreover, this has proven antifungal and antibacterial activities. Intracellularly, ions can conduct biosynthesis by ions, and crystalline nanosystems can be produced. The present review discusses the various biosynthetic procedures for synthesizing organic and inorganic hybrid nanosystems; additionally, the functionalization of nanosystems is also reported. An external magnetic field is also discussed to target the drug encapsulated in the magnetic nanosystem. The properties of the BBS required for getting the desired outcome in terms of their efficiency and targeted delivery of drugs and the diagnostic property are also given. This review also reports the biomedical applications of these hybrid nanosystems

    Implementation of time release technology in formulation development and evaluation of sustained release tablet of Lornoxicam

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    In present study, the attempts have been made to formulate sustained release tablets of lornoxicam by direct compression method. Based on viscosity grades different proportions of hydrophilic polymers (HPMC K4M, HPMC K15M, HPMC K100M) are used for preparation of lornoxicam sustained release matrix tablet. The drug excipient mixtures were subjected to preformulation studies comprising of micromeritic properties. The tablets were subjected to various studies like as physicochemical studies, in vitro drug release, kinetic studies, etc. FTIR studies shown there was no interaction between drug and polymers. The physicochemical properties of tablets were found within the limits. Lornoxicam is a first generation analgesic, inflammatory and antipyretic agent used in relieving symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acute sciatica and low back pain. From developed formulations batch F1 have shown zero order drug release behavior and prolong drug release over a period of 12 h which was deemed as suitable and optimum formulation for sustained drug delivery. Results of the present study indicated the suitability of the low viscous polymer in the proportion of (drug:polymer) 1:1 in the preparation of sustained release formulation of lornoxicam

    Expulsion by Ionic Complexation: Benchmark Therapy for Atherosclerosis A Review

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    Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) chelation therapy has been practiced since longtime for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, alone or in combination with other treatments. It has been recommended as a harmless, relatively inexpensive and non-surgical method of restoring blood flow in atherosclerotic vessels. Ability of EDTA to form complex with heavy metals like calcium, lead, copper is used to remove calcium from arthrosclerosis plaques which ultimately improves the condition. It can be concluded that chelation therapy is emerging form of complementary or alternative medicine to surgery and can be used in safe manner. Still there is insufficient evidence to decide on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of chelation therapy in improving clinical outcomes of patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

    Process Optimization for the Bioinspired Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using <i>Cordyceps militaris</i>, Its Characterization, and Assessment of Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy

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    The promising therapeutic implications of nanoparticles have spurred their development for biomedical applications. An eco-friendly methodology synthesizes gold nanoparticles using Cordyceps militaris, an edible mushroom (Cord-Au-NPs), using a quality-by-design approach (central composite design). UV-visible spectroscopy analysis revealed an absorption peak at 540–550 nm, thus confirming the synthesis of gold nanoparticles. Cord-Au-NPs have a crystalline structure, as evidenced by the diffraction peaks. The zeta potential value of −19.42 mV signifies the stability of Cord-Au-NPs. XRD study shows gold facets and EDX analysis revealed a strong peak of spherical nanoparticles in the gold region with a mean particle size of 7.18 nm and a polydispersity index of 0.096. The obtained peaks are closely associated with phenolic groups, lipids, and proteins, as examined by FTIR, suggesting that they function as the reducing agent. Cord-Au-NPs exhibited dose-dependent antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antibacterial activity. The method is eco-friendly, nontoxic, less time-consuming, and does not use synthetic materials, leading to higher capabilities in biomedical applications

    Towards Environment Friendly Hydrothermally Synthesized Li+, Rb+, In3+ Intercalated Phosphotungstate (PW12O40) Thin Films

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    In the present investigation, a one-step hydrothermal approach is proposed to synthesize Li+, Rb+, and In3+intercalated PW12O40 (PTA) thin films. The photoelectrochemical performance of the deposited Li3PW12O40 (Li&minus;PTA), Rb3PW12O40 (Rb&minus;PTA), and In3PW12O40 (In&minus;PTA) photocathodes were investigated using a two-electrode cell configuration of FTO/Li3PW12O40/(0.1 M I&minus;/I3&minus;)aq./Graphite. The energy band gaps of 2.24, 2.11, and 2.13 eV were observed for the Li&minus;PTA, Rb&minus;PTA, and In&minus;PTA films, respectively, as a function of Li+, Rb+, and In3+. The evolution of the spinal cubic crystal structure with increased crystallite size was observed for Rb+ intercalation within the PTA Keggin structure, which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed a modification in the surface morphology from a rod-like structure to a densely packed, uniform, and interconnected microsphere to small and large-sized microspheres for Li&minus;PTA, Rb&minus;PTA, and In&minus;PTA, respectively. Compositional studies confirmed that the composing elements of Li, Rb, In, P, W, and O ions are well in accordance with their arrangement for Li+, Rb+, In3+, P5+, W6+, and O2&minus; valence states. Furthermore, the J-V performance of the deposited photocathode shows power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of 1.25%, 3.03%, and 1.62%, as a function of the incorporation of Li+, Rb+, and In3+ ions. This work offers a one-step hydrothermal approach that is a prominent way to develop Li+, Rb+, and In3+ ions intercalated PTA, i.e., Li3PW12O40, Rb3PW12O40, and In3PW12O40 photocathodes for competent solar energy harvesting