14 research outputs found

    Dakar la ville double

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    La migration, facteur urbanisant et de développement socio territorial dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal

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    For decades, migrants from the Senegal River Valley (mainly the regions of Saint-Louis and Matam) have been attracted by major investments in social development. Development support whose spinoffs from these individual or associative actors (with or without external financial support) make a significant and sometimes decisive contribution to the local economy. This contribution places them among the main actors of development in terms of public service supplies. In the villages and communes, faced with the absence of intervention of the State with regard to the establishment of collective social and economic services, these ‘small donors, as we can call them locally, have replaced the public power in areas as diverse as health, education or village hydraulics, etc. So, do migrants deserve to be called ‘developers’ or ‘developers’? It is to this essential question that this article attempts to provide some answers

    La migration, facteur urbanisant et de développement socio territorial dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal

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    For decades, migrants from the Senegal River Valley (mainly the regions of Saint-Louis and Matam) have been attracted by major investments in social development. Development support whose spinoffs from these individual or associative actors (with or without external financial support) make a significant and sometimes decisive contribution to the local economy. This contribution places them among the main actors of development in terms of public service supplies. In the villages and communes, faced with the absence of intervention of the State with regard to the establishment of collective social and economic services, these ‘small donors, as we can call them locally, have replaced the public power in areas as diverse as health, education or village hydraulics, etc. So, do migrants deserve to be called ‘developers’ or ‘developers’? It is to this essential question that this article attempts to provide some answers

    Use of Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) as a means of determining the location of waste management infrastructure and urban cleanliness facilities in Touba Mosque

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    Marked by a very strong demographic growth, rampant urbanization, and a dynamic economy, the city of Touba is also experiencing new consumption patterns (retail sale, fast food, popular use of disposable textiles, etc.), once prevalent in the world's largest cities. These elements are among other decisive and essentially responsible factors for the significant amount of waste produced in this city. This proliferation of waste, which is accompanied by the multiplication of illegal and recurrent dumping sites, justifies on one hand, the need to disseminate waste management infrastructure in this city so as to maximize waste collection activity, on the other hand to bring the population closer to this public service, which is waste collection. Thus, the usage of solutions offered by GIS seems essential to model a justified distribution of these infrastructures. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the current spatial distribution of urban cleanliness equipment in Touba and to concretely explore GIS solutions that will enable optimal distribution of these waste management infrastructures through Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA). The methodological approach used in this research is quantitative, with the development of a questionnaire using Kobotoolbox to collect information on the urban equipment deployed in the city of Touba Mosque, but also technical, with the explanation of the various processes used to carry out the MCA. The results of this study have shown that the city of Touba is facing a high production of waste, hence the presence in several locations of waste management infrastructure (IGD). The audit of the dissemination of urban cleanliness equipment shows that it does not rely on justified selection criteria regarding the locations of the sites where the IGDs should be located. This is why the idea of using the MCA method has been proposed, which makes it possible to identify favorable or suitable sites for the implementation of IGDs and urban cleanliness furniture

    Hommages, reconnaissance et témoignages à Cheikh SARR. Revisiter les relations villes-campagnes dans une Afrique plus urbaine

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    This article explores the spatial dynamics of secondary cities in Senegal, whose evolutionary processes differ from those of former regional cities. Specifically, the commune of KĂ©bĂ©mer has experienced significant spatial expansion since the late 1970s, primarily due to drought that led to agricultural decline and rural exodus. These phenomena, combined with other factors, have contributed to a remarkable spatial dynamic. The objective of this research is to trace the evolution of spatial expansion in KĂ©bĂ©mer and analyze its causes. The study's methodology is based on a literature review as well as quantitative and qualitative surveys. This approach has highlighted the path of spatial dynamics in this secondary city by analyzing the trajectory of KĂ©bĂ©mer’s spatial evolution and the determining factors of its spatial extension

    Étude de la complexitĂ© de la gestion des espaces publics Ă  vocation de transport Ă  Dakar (SĂ©nĂ©gal)

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    L’organisation et la gestion des espaces publics en milieu urbain sont au centre des prĂ©occupations de la puissance publique. Cet intĂ©rĂȘt est liĂ© dans les pays en dĂ©veloppement aux nombreux dysfonctionnements recensĂ©s dans la ville. Ces difficultĂ©s sont entretenues par la dĂ©mographie galopante, l’urbanisation informelle et Ă  l’accroissement des activitĂ©s industrielles, commerciales entre autres. À Dakar, la question de la mobilitĂ© urbaine est exacerbĂ©e par les puissants mouvements pendulaires entre la ville centrale et la pĂ©riphĂ©rie amplifiĂ©s par les stationnements anarchiques et par l’inorganisation des modes de transports urbains.Le type d’espace public choisi pour cet article est une gare routiĂšre situĂ©e au cƓur du Plateau de Dakar : Petersen. Elle apparaĂźt comme l’une des plus importantes gares routiĂšres du pays, surtout en matiĂšre de frĂ©quentation avec plus de 50 000 personnes par jour. Le mode de gestion appliquĂ© ici est la concession, une convention par laquelle la puissance publique confie la gestion de l’équipement Ă  la SAGES une structure privĂ©e prenant en charge les intĂ©rĂȘts parfois trĂšs contradictoires des diffĂ©rents acteurs.The organization and management of public spaces in urban areas is a central concern of public authorities. This interest is linked in developing countries with numerous shortcomings identified in the city. These difficulties sustained by massive population growth, urbanization informal, and increased industrial activities, commercial and others. In Dakar, the question of urban mobility is exacerbated by the significant commuting between the city center and the periphery that are amplified by the chaotic parking lots and the disorganization of urban transport modes.The type of public space chosen for this article is a bus station in the heart of the Plateau de Dakar: Petersen. It appears as one of the largest bus stations in the country, especially in terms of attendance with over 50,000 people per day.The management method applied here is the concession, an agreement by which the public entrusts the management of equipment at the SAGES, a private organization that supports some very conflicting interests of different actors

    Étude de la complexitĂ© de la gestion des espaces publics Ă  vocation de transport Ă  Dakar (SĂ©nĂ©gal)

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    The organization and management of public spaces in urban areas is a central concern of public authorities. This interest is linked in developing countries with numerous shortcomings identified in the city. These difficulties sustained by massive population growth, urbanization informal, and increased industrial activities, commercial and others. In Dakar, the question of urban mobility is exacerbated by the significant commuting between the city center and the periphery that are amplified by the chaotic parking lots and the disorganization of urban transport modes.The type of public space chosen for this article is a bus station in the heart of the Plateau de Dakar: Petersen. It appears as one of the largest bus stations in the country, especially in terms of attendance with over 50,000 people per day.The management method applied here is the concession, an agreement by which the public entrusts the management of equipment at the SAGES, a private organization that supports some very conflicting interests of different actors