2,686 research outputs found

    Diaspora, Développement et Citoyenneté: Les Migrants Originaires du Bassin du Fleuve Sénégal

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    The author analyses the contribution of the diaspora on the development of their locality

    The Impact of Millet, Sorghum, and Cowpea Research and Technology Transfer in Niger

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    Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Downloads July 2008 - June 2009: 9,

    An Economic Analysis of Research and Technology Transfer of Millet, Sorghum, and Cowpeas in Niger

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    This study analyzes returns to investments in Niger's research and technology transfer system for millet, sorghum, and cowpea between 1975 and 1991. Sixty-eight percent of the country's public-sector outlays for agricultural research and 58% of its agricultural researchers were devoted to research on these three crops between 1986 and 1990. Most of this research was done by INRAN, the national agricultural research institute of Niger (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger).food security, food policy, millet, sorghum, cowpeas, Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Downloads July 2008 - July 2009: 11, R11,

    Influence de la croissance racinaire d'Acacia raddiana sur la courbe d'étalonnage de l'humidimétre neutronique dans un sol ferralitique

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    Ce travail consiste en une étude comparative des courbes d'étalonnage neutronique établies dans un sol ferralitique nu (sans végétation) reconstitué en case lysimétrique avec celles obtenues pour le même sol sous culture d'#Acacia raddiana. L'objectif de cette étude étant de déterminer l'influence d'une croissance racinaire d'#A. raddiana sur la courbe d'étalonnage de l'humidimétrie neutronique dans un sol ferralitiqu

    Nollywood: Indigenous Culture, Interculturality, and the Transplantation of American Popular Culture onto Postcolonial Nigerian Film and Screen

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    Nigeria, the Giant of Africa, has three big tribes: Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa. It was a British colony which was amalgamated in 1914. The country became independent in 1962 and was right away bedeviled by military coups d’états and a bloody civil war (1967-1970). In 1999, the country experienced democratic dispensation. In the 1990s, the Nollywood nascent movie industry—following in the footpath of Hollywood and Bollywood—flourished. The movie industry grew thanks to four factors: Rapid urbanization; the hand-held video camera; the advent of satellite TV; and, the overseas migrations of Nigerians. Local languages are used in these films; however, English is the most prominent, along with Nigerian pidgin broken English. Many themes are treated in these films: tradition and customs, religion, witchcraft and sorcery, satire, urban and rural lives, wealth acquisition, consumerism, etc. I discuss the ways in which American popular culture is adopted in Nigeria and recreated on screen. Nigeria and USA share Federalism, the superlative mode, and gigantism (houses, cars, people, etc.), and many Nigerians attend American universities. In the final analysis, the arguments exposed in this paper highlight the multitude of ways in which Nigerians navigate the treacherous waters of modernity and globalization

    Alien Registration- Samba, Anna (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Real Exchange Rate Undervaluation and Growth: Is there a Total Factor Productivity Growth Channel?

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    Undervaluation of the currency is generally believed to affect growth through two main transmission channels: the "capital accumulation channel" and the "total factor productivity (TFP) growth channel". This paper carries out the first empirical investigation on the TFP growth channel. More specifically, we provide answers to the three following questions: Does undervaluation of the currency boost the overall productivity level in the economy? If so, does this "undervaluation-induced" productivity improvement significantly enhance growth? And finally, what is the magnitude of the TFP growth channel compared to the capital accumulation channel? The analysis is conducted on a panel of 72 countries over 1970-2008. The results give strong support to the TFP growth channel: a 10% increase in undervaluation enhances growth on average by 0.14% via an improvement in productivity. Most interestingly, our estimates suggest that this channel conveys the most important part of the growth-enhancing effect of undervaluation. The model has been subject to various robustness checks to support these findings

    Beggar-thy-Neighbor Effects of Currency Undervaluation: Is China the Tip of the Iceberg?

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    This paper examines empirically one of the most popular views in international economics, yet barely tested: undervaluation of the currency is a "beggar-thy-neighbor" policy. It assesses simultaneously the two closely related implications of the beggar-thy-neighbor view: (i) undervaluation of the domestic currency improves the domestic trade balance; and most importantly, (ii) undervaluation of the domestic currency negatively impacts the other countries' trade balances. Starting from the traditional imperfect substitutes model, we propose an empirical framework allowing the estimation of both the internal and external impacts of currency undervaluation. This framework is then applied to a panel of 62 advanced and emerging markets over the period 1990-2007. The results give strong support to the beggar-thy-neighbor hypothesis. We find that currency undervaluation is robustly and significantly associated with an improvement of the domestic trade balance. We also find that countries that keep their currencies undervalued tend to negatively impact the other countries' trade balances. Finally, our estimates suggest that the external effect of China's renminbi, which has been the focus of the profession thus far, might be "the tip of the iceberg": the latter two results carry over when China's trade data are excluded from the analysis

    Considering Football Teams from a Resource Dependency Theory Perspective

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    Football is known to be one of the most popular and widely viewed sports around the world. This sport is a well-followed source of entertainment by people from all four corners of the world and its recognition is tremendously increasing. The aim of this study is to examine the actions and strategies football teams use/implement in other to reduce their resource dependency on other teams. The findings of our literature review indicate that football teams use mergers, hiring, executive succession and training as strategies in reducing their resource dependency on other teams. Despite few studies or non-looking at resource dependency theory in a football team perspective this research tried to look at the strategic decisions they can take (football teams) in a highly competitive environment to reduce their resource dependency on other teams. The limitations of our paper includes the lack of enough reference materials when it comes to football most specifically the strategies that football teams use in reducing their resource dependency on other teams as well as our examples being limited to only England and Spain which is not a total representation of all football teams. Keywords Football, Football Teams, Resource Dependency Theory, Strategies DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/43-01 Publication date:September 30th 201
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