229 research outputs found

    Preventive Measures against Speech Disorders in Early Childhood

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    AbstractThis article investigates the theoretical and practical aspects of speech disorders in early childhood. The article contains both the analysis of young children's speech diagnostics results and main aspects of a preventive kids’ program “I learn how to speak correctly”. The program is aimed at improving gross, fine and articulatory motor skills, psychical processes (memory, attention, thinking, perception), impressive and expressive kids’ speech, developing parents’ pedagogic behavior concerning the speech development problem in early childhood

    Some Problems of Anti-recessionary Public Management in Russia at Present

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    The most significant, in the author’s opinion, problems of anti-recessionary public management in Russia have been brought out in the article. The genesis of these problems having formed at present has been revealed. It has been shown that the whole complex of problems was generated with the change of the territorial approach to the public management. Some problems of public management of economic and political genesis have been formulate

    The population settlement in Russias Arctic Zone: facts and trends

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    In the paper the authors present the study of facts and trends in population settlement in regions of Russian Arctic Zone. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the location of the population in the Arctic Zone depends not only on the socio-economic development of the Arctic territories, but also on Russias geopolitical security. The authors considered population settlement from two interrelated positions: the process of a certain territory settling in the process of migration and the result of this process- the residents resettlement in region

    Dipole moments and conformations of 2-(4-pyridyl)ethyl alkyl(aryl) sulfides

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    Study of the 2-(4-pyridyl)ethyl akyl sulfides has shown that these compounds exist as equilibrated mixtures of structures with trans- and gauche-oriented C-Py and C-S fragments, the content of the first making up 0.6-0.7 fraction of the whole. © 1977 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    The experience of using GRI Standards in sustainable development reports by Russian industrial corporations

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    The experience of disclosing information in the field of sustainable development by the largest metallurgical corporations having assets in the Russian Federation has been presented and analyzed as well. The research has shown that using the unified GRI Standards recommendations, management of each corporation independently determines the number and composition of indices required to assess the Triple Bottom Lin

    Оценка эффективности затрат на проведение профилактики перинатального инфицирования ВИ Ч и программ планирования семьи среди ВИ Ч-инфицированных женщин

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    The manuscript provides comparative cost assessment of HIV PMTCT and family planning program among HIV infected women.Materials and Methods: calculation is based on the state healthcare system costs of complex/combined 3-stage perinatal HIV prophylaxis, follow up antiretroviral therapy and social costs related to rehabilitation and education HIV infected children. Cost benefit analysis is conducted on utility per 1 RUB of budget investment.Results and discussion: HIV PMTCT cost benefit is 3,33 per 1 RUB of investment in long-term perspective. Analysis stated average family planning expenditure will be 3,69 K RUB despite 21,72 K RUB per patient without family planning service. As result cost benefit family planning program among HIV infected women is 4,89 RUB per 1 RUB of investment.Conclusion. Broad access to reproductive health service is key milestone of quality of life among HIV infected patients and it would be positioning as economically reasonable HIV prevention and cost containment measure.Произведена оценка эффективности затрат на проведение профилактики перинатального инфицирования ВИЧ и программ планирования семьи у ВИЧ-инфицированных женщин.Материалы и методы: оценка осуществлялась на основе государственных расходов на проведение комплексной трехэтапной перинатальной профилактики ВИЧ, последующей антиретровирусной терапии и затрат на содержание воспитанников в государственных учреждениях. В качестве критерия фармакоэкономической оценки использовали экономическую выгоду в расчете на 1 рубль бюджетных инвестиций.Результаты и обсуждение: при профилактике перинатального инфицирования ВИЧ у беременных экономическая выгода в долгосрочном плане составит 3,33 руб. дополнительно на один вложенный рубль Анализ показал, что затраты при использовании средств планирования семьи (ПС) составят в среднем 3,69 тыс. руб. в год в расчете на 1 пациентку, а при отсутствии средств ПС – 21,72 тыс. руб. в год. Таким образом, выгода на средства ПС у ВИЧ-инфицированных женщин, не планирующих беременность, составит 18,03 тыс. руб. в расчете на 1 пациентку в год, или 4,89 руб. дополнительно в расчете на 1 рубль бюджетных инвестиций.Выводы. Расширение услуг по охране репродуктивного здоровья является не только существенным фактором повышения качества жизни населения, но и важной экономически обоснованной мерой противодействия распространению ВИЧ и сокращения бюджетных расходов