521 research outputs found

    Interpreting Typical Profi le of Transition Leaders – Case Croatia

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    The main goal of this empirical research was to define those crucial leadership characteristics and behaviours of experienced individuals that confirmed them as leaders in the Croatian transition economy, based on success of their entrepreneurial or social affirmations. The basic research question was: What is the empirical base for classifying leaders into homogeneous groups? Results of the general characteristics cluster analysis singled out three clusters Moderates, Internalists and Globalists. Inductive approach and supporting intermediate cluster analysis based on subjective dimension “career development expectations” aligned leaders from the sample in two homogenous groups: Leaders who seek self-actualisation and Leaders who seek for self-affirmation. Three clusters, Classical capitalists – materialists, Liberal capitalists – idealists and Capitalists non materialists were derived based on the confirmation of the personal success

    Endogenous leukemia inhibitory factor protects photoreceptor cells against light-induced degeneration

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    PURPOSE: Expression of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) by a subset of Müller glia cells has recently been implicated in an endogenous survival response to photoreceptor injury in a model of inherited retinal degeneration. To investigate whether such a LIF-controlled survival pathway might be commonly induced upon photoreceptor injury independently of the nature of the toxic stimulus, we analyzed the role of LIF during light-induced retinal degeneration. METHODS: Lif(+/-) and Lif(-/-) mice were exposed to 15,000 lx of white light for 2 h. Retinal morphology and rhodopsin content were analyzed nine days after light exposure. Gene expression studies were done using real-time PCR. Protein levels were determined by western blotting using specific antibodies. RESULTS: A lack of LIF reduced survival of photoreceptor cells after light exposure. In the absence of LIF several genes encoding molecules involved in the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (Jak/STAT) signaling pathway were not activated after light exposure. Presence or absence of LIF did not affect AKT (also known as protein kinase B, PKB) signaling and had only a mild effect on extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation. Stress-induced glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) induction was minimal in the absence of LIF. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that increased retinal expression of LIF is a general response to photoreceptor injury. Independent of the nature of the toxic insult (gene mutation, light), LIF may activate an endogenous rescue pathway that protects viable photoreceptor cells, leading to an increased photoreceptor survival in the stressed retina. This defense system may depend on the Jak/STAT pathway and may involve endothelin 2 (EDN2) but not (or only minimally) AKT and ERK1,2 signaling

    Compulsory Patent Licensing: Is It a Viable Solution in the United States

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    As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, so do the number of patents that cover every aspect of making, using, and selling these innovations. In 1996, to compound the rapid change of technology, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that business methods are also patentable. Hence in the current environment, scores of patents, assigned to many different parties, may cover a single electronic device or software--making it increasingly impossible to manufacture an electronic device without receiving a cease and desist letter or other notice from a patentee demanding a large royalty or threatening an injunction. Companies, particularly those in the high technology sector, have been asserting for some time now that they are under constant threat of lawsuits that threaten to shut them down. As a result, numerous radical changes to the U.S. Patent Act and patent practice before the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office have been proposed. Certain proposed changes, however, are meeting with resistance because of a reliance on long term patent protection and exclusivity of patent rights by different industries. Notwithstanding, certain foreign governments have already enacted provisions making it possible to obtain a compulsory patent license in the event that a patentee is not practicing his invention or is simply refusing to license the rights to his invention for a reasonable royalty fee

    Student Leadership, Career Development, and Personal Success Profiles

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    The main goal of this empirical research was to define those predominant leadership characteristics and behaviours found among all four generations of undergraduates at RIT Croatia\u27s Dubrovnik campus. The basic research question was: What is the empirical basis for classifying students into homogeneous groups? The first part of the questionnaire was based on The Big Five Model of Personality characteristics, but the principal research method was the leadership characteristics, career development, and personal success questionnaire created by applying inductive research methodologies to 100 Croatian leaders’ interviews. In order to answer the research question, four cluster analyses were conducted. The null hypothesis that there is not a correlation between leadership characteristics among an undergraduate population and demographic variables (number of siblings, place of growing up - city, small place, and large city) was accepted. Based on The Big Five Model of Personality the first cluster analysis generated threehomogenous groups of students. The basis for the second cluster analysis was leadership characteristics of RIT Croatia students. The third cluster analysis depended on what represents confirmation of personal success. The final, fourth, cluster analysis was based on the subjective dimension of career development expectation. All four cluster analyses produced three distinct clusters

    Career Development and Personal Success Profile of Students - Followers and Students - Potential Future Leaders: The Case of RIT Croatia

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    This study examines the differences among students in terms of self-reported leadership characteristics. It was conducted among all three programs and four generations of undergraduates at RIT Croatia. The goal of this study is to determine the differences among students who report being more and less leadership prone (Potential Future Leaders and Followers, respectively) with regard to demographic characteristics, reported self reliance socialization pattern, college level and program choice, career focus attainment and development, and reported attitudes regarding the importance of specific personality traits in leadership, the importance of specific career development factors and success indicators. Research showed that generation and college program are not related to student reported leadership proneness, suggesting that college education’s impact on leadership traits is not significant. Only one socio-demographic factor considered was significantly different between clusters; namely, the respondents who had moved once were significantly more represented in the Potential Future Leaders cluster, suggesting that study-abroad programs might play a role in leadership development. In terms of ranking career development factors, success indicators, the importance of emotional stability and openness to experience as a specific leadership trait, Potential Future Leaders reported higher scores in comparison with Followers cluster, potentially resulting from their forwardlooking, goal-oriented attitude


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    In the mythical structure characters and conflicts also arise from the basic opposition man's world versus higher power as the hero has a peculiar cultural position of mediator. Literary heroes, regardless of genre and stylistic formation, are realized and recognized in several semantic levels, with their typical traits and characterization establishing various relations towards category of national, religious, social or gender identity. Character-symbol grows, absorbs these components, and is recognized in every community in the same way. The creation and reception of epic folk songs require an emotional engagement of both singer and audience. The primary signal – nomenclature already suggest features of “his” and “others” cultures. This paper will point out the various processes of shaping an epic hero, whose characteristics are caused by a wider social context (time and place of improvisation). The most frequent consequences of “moving” a hero from his cultural zone / environment (absolute antagonism – his own : his own, his own: others; antipodes; partial adaptation; adoption) will be allocated from the corpus of epic poems coming from the South Slavic area.Карактеризација књижевних јунака изграђује се у више семантичких равни, мада често већ номенклатура активира ,,информације“ о националном, конфесионалном, социјалном или родном идентитету. Ликсимбол прераста све те компоненте и препознаје се у свакој средини на исти начин. За настанак и рецепцију епске народне песме, међутим, изузетно је важно емотивно ангажовање стваралаца и колектива, те се већ кроз именовање, као примарни сигнал, сугеришу обележја ,,своје“ и ,,туђе“ културе. Процесе обликовања епских јунака и њихове одлике условљавају поетичке законитости, али и друге компоненте: таленат стваралаца, усаглашеност њихових ставова са назорима публике, време и место импровизације. Ипак, грађа са јужнословенског простора открива различите и динамичне последице ,,премештања“ јунака из једне културне зоне у другу, чак и онда када су поетске биографије засноване на сећањима о даљој и ближој историјској прошлости