10 research outputs found

    Psychological violence and harassment at work: perception and coping strategies of adolescent workers

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    Introdução - A violência no trabalho geralmente consiste em desequilíbrio nas relações interpessoais. Centra-se no abuso de poder, em ameaças e ações desrespeitosas. A violência psicológica no trabalho pode se apresentar como uma situação pontual ou de forma sistemática, como no assédio moral no trabalho. Ambos podem causar ou contribuir com várias psicopatologias, doenças psicossomáticas ou distúrbios de comportamento, conforme estudos divulgados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Objetivo - Investigar e discutir as experiências relatadas por jovens aprendizes e estagiários acerca de situações abusivas e de assédio moral ocorridos no trabalho. Procedimentos metodológicos - Foram entrevistados 40 (quarenta) adolescentes entre 15 e 20 anos de idade, sendo 22 homens e 18 mulheres, alunos do Programa de Estágio e do Programa de Aprendizagem Profissional de uma instituição não governamental de São Paulo, Capital. Pela semelhança encontrada nos relatos de aprendizes e estagiários, estes foram aqui apresentados e analisados independentemente da divisão inicial entre os grupos. Para apreender o significado dos discursos dos jovens, as informações foram analisadas com o olhar da análise hermenêutico-dialética. Resultados As categorias empíricas surgidas após a análise foram: expectativas, relacionamentos interpessoais, mal-estar no trabalho, percepção a respeito do assédio moral no trabalho, enfrentando o assédio moral no trabalho. Um tema central que emergiu nas falas dos adolescentes foi: Mal-estar no trabalho onde foram classificados todos os relatos dos adolescentes, aprendizes e estagiários, a respeito de situações de humilhação, abusos de poder, constrangimentos e assédio sexual. Algumas situações de humilhação sofridas nas empresas estão ligadas à condição social dos adolescentes trabalhadores entrevistados, geralmente moradores de bairros periféricos da cidade de São Paulo, cujas famílias são de baixa renda e baixa escolaridade. Conclusões - O estudo revela que os adolescentes recém-ingressantes no mundo do trabalho estão expostos a situações de estresse psicológico no trabalho. Também foi observado que, conhecer a legislação trabalhista não é garantia de proteção, pois enfrentar uma situação abusiva cometida por um superior hierárquico remete à possibilidade de punição ou demissão. Contudo, o conhecimento a respeito de direitos e deveres pode ser um meio de evitar ou contornar situações claras de exploraçãoIntroduction - Workplace violence usually consists of imbalance in interpersonal relationships. It focuses on abuse of power, threats and disrespectful actions. The psychological violence at work can be presented occasionally or in a systematic way, such as harassment at work. Both can cause or contribute to various psychopathology, psychosomatic illnesses or behavioral disorders, according to studies by the World Health Organization and International Labor Organization. Aim - To evaluate and discuss the experiences reported by young apprentices and trainees about abusive situations and harassment occurred at work. Methodological procedures - Forty adolescents, 22 men and 18 women, with age brackets of 15 and 20 years old, were interviewed in this study. The participants were students of an Internship and Professional Learning programs of a non-governmental organization of São Paulo, Capital. Due to the similarity found in the reports of apprentices and trainees, those were presented and analyzed regardless the initial division between the two groups. In order to understand the meaning of youngsters speeches, data were analyzed using the hermeneutic-dialectic theoretical frame. Results - Empirical categories that emerged after the analysis were: expectations, interpersonal relationships, malaise at work, perceptions of harassment at work, and facing workplace harassment. A central theme that emerged from adolescents speeches was: \"Malaise at work\" in which were classified all reports of apprentices and trainees referring to humiliating situations, abuse of power, constraints and sexual harassment. Some humiliating situations were linked to the social status of the adolescent workers: they were usually residents of outskirts areas of the city of São Paulo, and their families received a low income and have low education. Conclusions - The study reveals that adolescents newly entering the world of work are exposed to situations of psychological distress at work. It was also observed that be informed about the labor legislation is no guarantee of protection, as facing an abusive situation perpetrated by a supervisor refers to the possibility of punishment or dismissal. However, knowledge about workers rights and duties can be a way to avoid or bypass clear situations of exploitatio

    Violence, gender and power relations: work effects on subjectivities and mental health of military police officers

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    Introdução Os trabalhadores interlocutores neste estudo caracterizam-se pelo somatório simultâneo de duas profissões, de policial e de militar. Ambas exigem extremo engajamento subjetivo e incluem vivências violentas. As peculiaridades e exigências do trabalho destes profissionais fazem com que eles geralmente não sejam associados à categoria trabalhadores e fiquem à margem das discussões e ações pertinentes à área de Saúde do Trabalhador. Com este estudo pretende-se contribuir para a ampliação dos estudos sobre saúde mental e trabalho, especificamente considerando as relações de gênero e os elementos relacionados ao equilíbrio/desequilíbrio entre as esferas pessoal e profissional. Objetivo Apreender, a partir do referencial de gênero, as mediações entre subjetividades, trabalho, violências e sofrimento psíquico de homens e mulheres trabalhadores na condição de policiais militares de uma corporação localizada em Brasília/DF. Método Foram entrevistados individualmente a partir de roteiro norteador 7 mulheres e 17 homens policiais militares com posições diversas na hierarquia que atuavam ou tivessem atuado no policiamento ostensivo. Foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo temática, de cunho compreensivo e indutivo, do conjunto do material obtido. Este tipo de análise tem uma dimensão descritiva e outra interpretativa apoiada em conceitos teórico- analíticos. Na análise das entrevistas em profundidade utilizaram-se como categorias analíticas os seguintes conceitos teóricos estruturadores do estudo: subjetividade, relações de gênero, violência relacionada ao trabalho, saúde mental. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da FSP/USP. Resultados e discussão A organização do trabalho foi apontada pelos informantes como um fator mais nocivo à saúde mental do que o conteúdo do trabalho de lidar com a violência urbana. A militarização molda a subjetividade dos policiais, e causa impedimentos para que estes indivíduos enfrentem as situações abusivas e expressem emoções, resultando em sofrimento psíquico para os trabalhadores. Paralelamente, as relações de gênero podem afetar negativamente ou exercer efeito protetor sobre a saúde mental dos policiais militares, a depender da qualidade das relações estabelecidas no trabalho e com familiares. Conclusão São urgentes e necessárias ações preventivas e de promoção da saúde mental nas corporações policiais militares, de forma a melhorar a qualidade de vida e o bem-estar psíquico dos trabalhadores e familiares, com implicações, inclusive, sobre a violência intra e interpessoal, seja de cunho policial, doméstico ou social.Introduction Workers, interlocutors in this study, are characterized by the simultaneous sum of two professions, police and military. Both require extreme subjective engagement and include violent experiences. Job peculiarities and job demands entails that these professionals are not usually seen as workers and they frequently stay on the sidelines of discussions and relevant actions in the Occupational Health field. This study aims to contribute to the expansion of studies on mental health and work, specifically considering gender relations and the elements related to balance or imbalance between personal and professional lives. Aim To apprehend, from the gender frame, mediations between subjectivities, work, violence and psychic suffering of men and women workers in the condition of military police officers of a corporation located in Brasilia, Federal District of Brazil. Methodological procedures Interviews using a guiding script were conducted individually with 7 military policewomen and 17 military policemen from different positions in the organization hierarchy, who worked or had worked in ostensive policing. A thematic content analysis, comprehensive and inductive, was performed. This type of analysis has a descriptive and an interpretative dimension supported by theoretical and analytical concepts. In the analysis of in-depth interviews the following theoretical concepts were used as analytical categories: subjectivity, gender relations, work-related violence, and mental health. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of School of Public Health/University of São Paulo. Results Work organization was identified by informants as more harmful to the mental health than the work content (to deal with urban violence). Militarization shapes the subjectivity of police workers, hindering them to face the abusive situations and expressing emotions, resulting in psychological distress. At the same time, gender relations may adversely affect or have a protective effect on mental health of military police, depending on the quality of relationships at work and with family. Conclusion Preventive actions and mental health promotion in the military police organizations are required and urgent in order to improve the quality of life and psychological well-being of workers and their families, with implications, including, on the intra and interpersonal violence, either police, domestic or social violence

    Harassment at work? Empowerment and autonomy as coping strategies of young workers

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    There is a considerable number of researches about workplace violence, but few relate young workers and work harassment. This study aimed to investigate the reported perceptions of young apprentices and trainees about moral harassment at work and related coping strategies. Forty adolescent workers (22 men and 18 women) between 15 and 20 years old who received training by a non-governmental organization in Sao Paulo, Brazil, participated in the study. Data collection included individual and collective interviews. It was used an in-depth semi structured interview protocol. The discourses were analyzed using the hermeneutic-dialectic frame. Results showed that young workers reported little or no knowledge of strategies to cope with moral harassment at work, showing vulnerability to the effects of aggression. Effective coping strategies at work should embrace two important concepts of health promotion: empowerment and autonomy.FAPESP [2009/12515-0]CNPq [473138/2008-5; 301605/2009-2

    Effects of Working Full-Time and Studying in the Evening Hours Among Young Apprentices and Trainees

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    Objective: This research aims to assess apprentices' and trainees' work conditions, psychosocial factors at work, as well as health symptoms after joining the labor force. Background: Despite the fact that there are over 3.5 million young working students in Brazil, this increasing rate brings with it difficult working conditions such as work pressure, heavy workloads, and lack of safety training. Method: This study was carried out in a nongovernmental organization (NGO) with 40 young members of a first job program in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. They filled out a comprehensive questionnaire focused on sociodemographic variables, working conditions, and health symptoms. Individual and collective semi-structured interviews were conducted. Empirical data analysis was performed using analysis of content. Results: The majority of participants mentioned difficulties in dealing with the pressure and their share of responsibilities at work. Body pains, headaches, sleep deprivation during the workweek, and frequent colds were mentioned. Lack of appropriate task and safety training contributed to the occurrence of work injuries. Conclusion: Having a full-time job during the day coupled with evening high school attendance may jeopardize these people's health and future. Application: This study can make a contribution to the revision and implementation of work training programs for adolescents. It can also help in the creation of more sensible policies regarding youth employment.CNPq [473138/2008-5]CNPqFAPESP [2008/51661-9]FAPES


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    Embora se saiba da elevada prevalência de estudantes universitários trabalhadores, tem-se ainda evidências limitadas sobre as características do trabalho que influenciam o seu desempenho acadêmico. Assim, este estudo objetiva identificar as características do trabalho associadas ao desempenho acadêmico de universitários trabalhadores. Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado em 2007/2008 com uma amostra de alunos de graduação de uma universidade pública (n=211). Para estimar a associação entre as variáveis explicativas e o desempenho acadêmico, utilizou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltiplo. Apresentaram associação positiva com o baixo desempenho acadêmico: o sexo masculino; maiores jornada de trabalho e demanda; e baixos controle e apoio social no trabalho. Destacou-se a necessidade de atenção dos alunos e dos docentes na seleção de ambientes de trabalho/estágio potencialmente favoráveis ao melhor desempenho acadêmico

    Sleep patterns and sleepiness of working college students

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    The double journey (work and study) may result or aggravate health problems, including sleep disturbances, as observed in previous studies with high school students. The aim of this study is to analyze the sleep-wake cycle and perceived sleepiness of working college students during weekdays. Twenty-three healthy college male students, 21-24 years old, working during the day and attending classes in the evening, participated in this study. During five consecutive days, the students filled out daily activities logs and wore actigraphs. Mean sleeping time was lower than 6 hours per night. No significant differences were observed in the sleep-wake cycle during the weekdays. The observed lack of changes in the sleep-wake cycle of these college students might occur as participants were not on a free schedule, but exposed to social constraints, as was the regular attendance to evening college and day work activities. Sleepiness worsened over the evening school hours. Those results show the burden carried by College students who perform double activities - work and study