227 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Health Evidence Summary No.45

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    This is a weekly summary of the daily COVID-19 health evidence summary (HES) which are based on 3 hours of desk-based research each day. The summary is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of available evidence on COVID-19 but aims to make original documents easily accessible to decision makers which, if relevant to them, they should go to before making decisions. This summary covers publications on Clinical characteristics and management; Epidemiology and modelling ; Infection Prevention and Control; Testing; Therapeutics; Vaccines; Indirect impact of COVID-19; Comments, Editorials, Opinions, Blogs, News; Guidelines, Statements & Tools; Dashboards & Trackers; C19 Resource Hubs; and Online learning & events

    Dispute resolution and access to justice with particular reference to the construction industry in the United Kingdom.

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    This work examines dispute resolution in the construction industry, namely arbitration under the Arbitration Act 1996 and adjudication under the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996, in the light of The Right Honourable the Lord Woolfs definition of access to justice. 1 Both a theoretical and an empirical approach have been adopted by this study so as to provide a robust analytical methodology. The theoretical analysis of arbitration and adjudication conducted by this work highlights both the potential successes and failures of the reforms with regard to the promotion of access to justice. Broadly speaking, whilst both statutes were compliant with Woolfs criteria for affording access to justice, three main areas of concern were highlighted, calling into question the compliance of the mechanisms with the civil procedure reforms. These areas of concern were identified as relating to: procedure; cost; and juridification. Turning to consider the procedural concerns, loopholes were uncovered in both Acts that demonstrated a potential avenue for exploitation by disputing parties who were seeking to gain a tactical advantage over their opponent. For example, the speed with which proceedings must be conducted once notice to arbitrate or adjudicate has been given provides parties with the ability to prepare their case in advance and then ambush their opponent with dispute resolution proceedings. In a complex dispute, such ambushing tactics may confer a procedural advantage that may be exploited so as to confer a unilateral benefit. With regard to issues of cost, the financial structure of arbitration and adjudication was seen to raise issues as to the equal access of parties to proceedings. That is, without state aid, can it be said that all parties to a dispute have an equal opportunity to pursue the method of dispute resolution of their choice

    Modelling the dispersion and deposition of solid wastes from fish farming with a continuum approach

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    Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sustainability of the environment in coastal ecosystems is of great concern due to aquaculture. There are many unknowns and constraints in the predictive modelling of fish farm waste due to the limitations of obtaining information in the farming area. By understanding the gaps in the information, the necessary research projects can be established, therefore improving the predictive modelling. This project presents an academic case for Delft3D-FLOW to predict the dispersion and deposition of organic mariculture waste using a continuum approach. The continuum approach allows us to model the waste interaction with the seabed as a cohesive sediment, which can be done using Delft3D-FLOW. More information is needed on how the wastes interact with the seabed as it has been observed that the erosion and deposition of the waste is sensitive to the cohesive properties. Delft3D-FLOW was used for the simulation as it includes modules of multi-dimensional hydrodynamic flows and transport phenomena, including the transport of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. The simulation represents a growth cycle of six months for Atlantic salmon within a simple rectangular grid, using the background currents of a fjord in the Faroe Islands. A six month simulation period was chosen due to time constraints, allowing for a feasible simulation time and time to conduct a sensitivity analysis on the interaction of the waste with the seabed. The growth data of the simulation period was gathered from existing data in order to determine the amount of feed used, therefore representing the growth cycle of the Atlantic salmon. Using the feed cycle and information from literature, the corresponding waste output of the farm was calculated. Observing the output from the simulations, the waste has been completely dispersed from the grid at the end of the cycle, indication a highly dispersive site. These results correlates with the high currents that were calculated within the fjord. Further, an investigation was conducted into the critical deposition and erosion stresses in order to observe the affect the stresses have on the resultant deposition and dispersion of the waste at the seabed. The results of the sensitivity analysis of the shear stresses result in validation that low critical shear stresses were chosenAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volhoubaarheid van die natuurskoon in kus-ekosisteme word bedreig as gevolg van akwakultuur boerdery. Met betrekking tot die modellering van vis afval in vis boerdery, vir die doel van voorspelling, is daar vele onbekendes en beperkings wat bestaan. Daar is groot leemtes in die verkryging en versameling van inligting oor vis boerdery. Om al die leemtes te verstaan, kan vele navorsingsprojekte daarvoor bemagtig word, om die skep van voorspellingsmodelle te verbeter. Dié projek stel ’n akademise toetsgeval voor vir die Delft3D-FLOW sagteware om die dispersie en deposisie van organsiese materiaal te voorspel, met behulp van ’n kontinuum benadering. Die kontinuum benadering laat toe dat ons nie net die afval modelleer nie, maar ook die interasie daarvan met die seebodem as ’n kohesiewe sediment. Meer informasie word benodig ten opsigte van die interaksie van die vis afval met die seebodem, aangesien die erosie en ontbinding daarvan sensitief is tot kohesie eienskappe. Ons maak gebruik van Delft3D-FLOW vir die simulasies aangesien dit modules bevat vir die modellering van multi-dimensionele hidrodinamika en transport verskynsels. Die transport verskynsels sluit in die vervoer van kohesiewe en nie-kohesiewe sedimente. Die simulasie bestaan uit ’n ses maande groeisiklus van Atlantiese salm, binne ’n eenvoudige reghoekige area (rooster). Die simulasie maak gebruik van waterstrome in die agtergrond van ’n fjord in die Faroe Eilande. ’n Ses maande simulasie periode word gebruik as gevolg van tyd beperkinge. Die simulasie periode laat nie net toe vir ‘n realistiese simulasie tydperk nie maar ook om sensitiwiteits analise te doen oor die interaksie van die vis afval met die seebodem. Die groei data vir die simulasie was verkry vanaf reeds bestaande data, om die hoeveelheid voer wat gebruik is te bepaal. Dit verteenwoordig die groeisiklus van Altantiese salm. Deur van die groeisiklus gebruik te maak en inligting beskikbaar in literatuur, kon die resultante vis afval gegenereer deur vis boerdery bereken word. Deur na die uitsette van die simulasies te kyk, het ons gesien dat die afval heeltemal versprei het vanaf die reghoekige area teen die einde van die ses maande siklus. Dus, stel dit ‘n hoë verspreidings area voor. Die resultate was gekorreleer met die hoë water spoede in die fjord. Daar was verder ondersoek ingestel na die kritiese deposisie en erosie stresse wat ervaar word deur die vis afval en die impak daarvan op die seebodem. Die resultate van die sensitiwiteits analiese van die stresse, bevestig dat lae kritiese sleurspanning gekies was.Master

    FEResearchmeet. A Further Education (FE) practitioner-researcher led initiative to share and develop capacity for research and scholarship across Wales and England : analysing and theorising the period of initial development.

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/This paper analyses emergent issues from four conceptualisers of FEResearchmeet. FEResearchmeet claims to be a free and democratic model for building and supporting engagement with research, led by practitioners. The narratives presented seek to document and analyse FEResearchmeet as a movement across the first three years since its inception (2017–2020). After setting out the context and methodology of the work, narrative one explores how a reaction against New Public Management (NPM) sparked an event and how this grew into a movement of collaborating individuals seeking to reposition their voices and knowledge. The second narrative looked at how an early ‘meet’ was used to challenge norms and barriers to research by creating safe spaces for the development of expertise. Narrative three journeys through the early months of COVID-19 to explore how capacity building through collaboration allows sector workers to value their voices. These narratives lead to a critique of the epistemological changes these experiences have developed and have the potential to develop in the future. The paper concludes by arguing that FEResearchmeet was a reaction against NPM by agentic practitioners who used collaboration and capacity building as tools to create new pools of knowledge in an attempt to change this position.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of Remediation Support in UK Dentistry

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    Evaluation of Remediation Support in UK Dentistry

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    Effectiveness of active support for adults with intellectual disability in residential settings : systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background The review examined the effectiveness of Active Support (RQ1) and stakeholders’ experiences of the model (RQ2). Method Data were meta-analysed (RQ1; Studies=14) and synthesised narratively (RQ2; Studies=10). Results By follow-up (six-months post-training), effect sizes (RQ1) for resident total activity engagement were significant and ranged from small (d=0.33, 95% CIs: 0.10, 0.50) to large (Tau-U=0.95, 95% CIs: 0.64, 1.25) depending on study design. Follow-up changes in staff assistance were moderate (d=0.56, 95% CIs: 0.23, 0.89; Tau-U 0.63, 95% CIs: 0.32 to 0.93) and large for quality of support (d=1.03, 95% CIs: 0.61, 1.44). Other outcomes did not change. Conclusions Active Support was more effective following complete staff training, in larger settings, at lower staff-to-resident ratios, and with less experienced staff. Active Support training and outcomes were valued by staff and residents (RQ2), and staff experienced increased job satisfaction. Lower staff turnover and organisational readiness appear crucial for maintaining implementation
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