4 research outputs found

    Individual Effector/Regulator T Cell Ratios Impact Bone Regeneration

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    There is increasing evidence that T lymphocytes play a key role in controlling endogenous regeneration. Regeneration appears to be impaired in case of local accumulation of CD8+ effector T cells (TEFF), impairing endogenous regeneration by increasing a primary "useful" inflammation toward a damaging level. Thus, rescuing regeneration by regulating the heightened pro-inflammatory reaction employing regulatory CD4+ T (TReg) cells could represent an immunomodulatory option to enhance healing. Hypothesis was that CD4+ TReg might counteract undesired effects of CD8+ TEFF. Using adoptive TReg transfer, bone healing was consistently improved in mice possessing an inexperienced immune system with low amounts of CD8+ TEFF. In contrast, mice with an experienced immune system (high amounts of CD8+ TEFF) showed heterogeneous bone repair with regeneration being dependent upon the individual TEFF/TReg ratio. Thus, the healing outcome can only be improved by an adoptive TReg therapy, if an unfavorable TEFF/TReg ratio can be reshaped; if the individual CD8+ TEFF percentage, which is dependent on the individual immune experience can be changed toward a favorable ratio by the TReg transfer. Remarkably, also in patients with impaired fracture healing the TEFF/TReg ratio was higher compared to uneventful healers, validating our finding in the mouse osteotomy model. Our data demonstrate for the first time the key-role of a balanced TEFF/TReg response following injury needed to reach successful regeneration using bone as a model system. Considering this strategy, novel opportunities for immunotherapy in patients, which are at risk for impaired healing by targeting TEFF cells and supporting TReg cells to enhance healing are possible

    Epigenetic immune monitoring for COVID-19 disease course prognosis

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    BackgroundThe course of COVID-19 is associated with severe dysbalance of the immune system, causing both leukocytosis and lymphopenia. Immune cell monitoring may be a powerful tool to prognosticate disease outcome. However, SARS-CoV-2 positive subjects are isolated upon initial diagnosis, thus barring standard immune monitoring using fresh blood. This dilemma may be solved by epigenetic immune cell counting.MethodsIn this study, we used epigenetic immune cell counting by qPCR as an alternative way of quantitative immune monitoring for venous blood, capillary blood dried on filter paper (dried blood spots, DBS) and nasopharyngeal swabs, potentially allowing a home-based monitoring approach.ResultsEpigenetic immune cell counting in venous blood showed equivalence with dried blood spots and with flow cytometrically determined cell counts of venous blood in healthy subjects. In venous blood, we detected relative lymphopenia, neutrophilia, and a decreased lymphocyte-to-neutrophil ratio for COVID-19 patients (n =103) when compared with healthy donors (n = 113). Along with reported sex-related differences in survival we observed dramatically lower regulatory T cell counts in male patients. In nasopharyngeal swabs, T and B cell counts were significantly lower in patients compared to healthy subjects, mirroring the lymphopenia in blood. Naïve B cell frequency was lower in severely ill patients than in patients with milder stages.ConclusionsOverall, the analysis of immune cell counts is a strong predictor of clinical disease course and the use of epigenetic immune cell counting by qPCR may provide a tool that can be used even for home-isolated patients

    The role of soluble mediators in the clinical course of EBV infection and B cell homeostasis after kidney transplantation

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation can lead to serious complications in kidney transplant patients, including post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD). Here, we have assessed the impact of EBV on B cell homeostasis at cellular and humoral level. In a multicenter study monitoring 540 kidney transplant patients during the first post-transplant year, EBV reactivation was detected in 109 patients. Thirteen soluble factors and B cell counts were analyzed in an EBV+EBV^{+} sub-cohort (N = 54) before, at peak and after EBV clearance and compared to a control group (N = 50). The B cell activating factor (BAFF) was significantly elevated among EBV+EBV^{+} patients. No additional soluble factors were associated with EBV. Importantly, in vitro experiments confirmed the proliferative effect of BAFF on EBV-infected B cells, simultaneously promoting EBV production. In contrast, elevated levels of BAFF in EBV+EBV^{+} patients did not lead to B cell expansion in vivo. Moreover, diminished positive inter-correlations of soluble factors and alterations of the bi-directional interplay between B cell and soluble factors were observed in EBV+EBV^{+} patients at peak and after clearance. Our data suggest that such alterations may counteract the proliferative effect of BAFF, preventing B cell expansion. The role of these alterations in lymphoma development should be analyzed in future studies