22 research outputs found

    Study of the effect of family patterns Style on shyness in Iranian Students

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    AbstractThe Goal of present study was examining the effect of family Parents Style on shyness. The sample group included 85 girls and 115 boys. Revised version of cheek Shyness Questionnaire and Schaefen Family Patterns Style Questionnaire were used.Cronbakh alpha coefficient was calculated in order to determine of reliability of the measures.. The results showed acceptable reliability of the in strum. By using two way ANOVA the effect of patterns Style on shyness, was verified. Results showed the Authoritarian Parenting of family, is the powerful determinant factor of shyness

    Confirmatory Factor Analysis on Multidimensional Adjustment Scale

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    AbstractThe purpose of the study was to exam the factor structure of the Multidimensional Adjustment Scale (MAS). The sample consisted of 166 female and 114 male between 19 to 62 years old. All participants filled out the MAS. The MAS consisted of five subscales: personal, social, academic, family, and job. Each subscale includes 3 items with a nine-point scale. To check the factor structure of the MAS, Maximum Likelihood (ML) factor analysis was used. The results of the ML factor analysis revealed that there is a three factors structure for the MAS. These extracted factors were named personal/inter-personal adjustment, academic adjustment, and work and family adjustment. Alpha coefficients for these factors were ranged between .86 to .90. In sum, the results confirm a three factor structure for the MAS. Also the results showed that the factor structure is a valid and reliable for research job

    The family processes, family content and adolescence emotional problems

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to compare the emotional profile of children in different family types based on the family process and content model (FPC Model). The research was conducted at 8 high schools with 496 students. In addition, questionnaires were self-report family process scale (SFP Scale), self-report family content scale (SFC Scale) and depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS). Generally in this research, significant results concerning the effects of family process and family content factors on the depression, anxiety and stress levels of students were obtained

    The development of L2 speaking skill and the related components: Insight from philosophical questions

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    AbstractThis study was an attempt to find out if philosophical questions and dialogs, introduced for the first time by the present researchers, can enhance EFL college students’ speaking skill. It also set out to identify which components of this skill will be developed (more) through a newly developed approach to language pedagogy called Philosophy- based Language Teaching (PBLT). To this end, 34 Iranian students were randomly assigned into two groups of experimental (PBLT) and control (conventional). The results revealed that the students in experimental group (EG) superseded those in control group (CG) on speaking skill and all its related components except one (accuracy). Findings of the study have implications for educationists, in general, and second/foreign language teachers, in particular

    Mediating Role of Self-Concept in Perfectionism and Mental Health of Adolescents in the City of Shiraz in 2012

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    Background and Objective: The goal of this study was to describe the mediating role of self-concept in perfectionism and mental health.Materials and Methods: The sample group in this study included 400 high school students (200 boys and 200 girls) from Shiraz with the mean age of 16.37±0.93 for the girls and 16.12±0.63 for the boys. Data were gathered through the application of three scales: Mandaglio and Pyerist Self-concept Scale (P.M.S.P.S) Depression and Anxiety and Stress Scale of Lovibond and Lovibond (DASS-21) and Negative and Positive Perfectionism Scale of Terri-Short et.al. The validity and reliability of these scales were reviewed during this study.   Results: The result of the Path analysis test showed the mediating role of self-concept in perfectionism and mental health. This analysis illustrated that negative and positive perfectionism, both in a direct and indirect way, had a significant role in mental health. The rate of the direct effect of positive perfectionism on mental health was 0.17 (p value ;amplt0.001) and the rate of the indirect variable through self-concept was 0.06 (p value ;amplt0.001). Also, the rate of the direct effect of negative perfectionism on mental health was 0.39 (p value ;amplt0.001) and rate of the indirect effect of this variable on self-concept was 0.01(p value ;amplt0.001).Conclusion: the findings of this study showed that self-concept had a mediating role in mental health and perfectionism. In other words, positive perfectionism of a person has a positive effect on self-concept and, as a result, positive self-concept confers mental health improvement. On the other hand, negative perfectionism leading to a decrease in mental health and an increase in excitement problems of a person

    A comparative on marital satisfaction and mental health in relative and non-relative parents of mental disability children.

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    The present research was conducted with the purpose of comparison of marital satisfaction and mental health in relative and non-relative parents of children with mental disabilities. This research is a causal – comparative study. The statistical population of this research consisted of all relative and non-relative parents of children with mental disabilities in Shiraz, Marvdasht and Fasa in Fars state. Of the population, 50 relative parents and 100 non- relative parents of children with mental disabilities were selected based on convenience sampling.To collect the data, General Health Questionnaire-28 questions and Afrooz Marital Satisfaction Scale Revised (AMSS-R) were used. The results of analysis of t -test for independed sampels group, multivariate variance and test of pearson corelation showed that there is not a significant difference between the two groups of relative and non-relative parents of children with mental disabilities in marital satisfaction and mental health.Therfor relative and non-relative not effect on marital satisfaction and mental health in parents

    Investigating the Role of Religious Orientation in Mental Health: A Review of Educational Studies

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    The present study has qualitatively reviewed the association between religious orientation and mental health in educational setting. This research is a review study that has been done by reviewing about fifteen citations. In this paper, we review the religious orientation literature, with a focus on educational contexts. Searches of relevant databases and reference lists were used to source articles for this narrative review. Evidence regarding religious orientation variable associated with educational researches is discussed. In general, there are two internal and external dimensions in the discussion of religious orientation, and each of which determines how people interact with the world around them. People with an internal religious orientation are those in whom religiosity is the highest motivation and belief in God is the basis of their actions and behavior. They worship God not only out of a desire to achieve something, but their goal is to give thanks to God. People with an external religious orientation may use religion in different ways to achieve their personal goals. They either do not firmly believe in their religious beliefs or choose and shape them according to their needs. These people have a utilitarian approach and view religion as a meaningful source of social status. In other words, instead of giving themselves over to religious teachings, these people define religion in terms of their personality and needs. Further research to understand and expand the literature about association between religious orientation and mental health in educational context would be beneficial