4 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Students’ Problems in Writing Procedure Text at The Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Sepang

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    Writing is one of the basic English language abilities that should be mastered by English Learners. However, many Indonesian students, especially at the High School level, face difficulties in writing. Evidently, in the context of this study was conducted to find out students’ abilities and to explore the main problems faced by students in writing procedure texts. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative research. The sample of this research was 29 students of class X IPA2 at SMA Negeri 1 Sepang. Form of writing procedure text was used as the instrument to collect the data and a documentation technique was applied to collect the data. Afterward, the data were analyzed with a rubric analytical scale by brown (2007). The result showed that 13,8% of students were in a very good level, 17.2% of students in a good level, 17.2% of students in a fair level, and 51.6% of students were in a poor level. Therefore, 24.1% of students are classified in the poor level of language features category which means, language features are the most difficult area faced by the tenth-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sepang with the number frequency 24.1% students in a poor level


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    ABSTRACT Anggriawan, Fredy. 2019. The Effect Of Using Picture In Teaching Oral Descriptive Text On Student’s Speaking Skill At Tenth Grade Of SMAN 1 Katingan Hilir. English Education Study Program, Language and Art Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Palangka Raya. Advisors : (I) Drs. Tampung N. Saman, M.Lib (II) Prof. Dr. Wahjuningsih Usadiati, M.Pd. The objective of this research was to explore the effect of picture in teaching oral descriptive text on students speaking skill at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Katingan Hilir. The population of this research was the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Katingan Hilir and the sample was taken from IPA-1. The speaking test was in form of oral test to collect the data and the researcher used questionnaire to know the students interest in learning oral descriptive text by using picture. The treatment was applied in two time meetings. The research method that was used in this research was pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. The data were processed and analyzed according to the following steps: giving pretest, treatment, posttest and then compared with T-table with significance level at 5% (0.05). Based on the result of the t-test calculation, it was found that the value of t-table (-11.274) was lower than the value of the T-Table (-1.729), since t-table < t05 = -11.274 < -1.729. From the data, it could be concluded that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accapted. In other words, the results of Teaching Oral Descriptive Text on Student’s Speaking Skill at Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Katingan Hilir showed a significance effect

    The Effect of Using Videoscribe as a Teaching Media on Writing Descriptive Text of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK YPSEI Palangka Raya

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    Learning Process during pandemic covid-19 has become harder for teacher and students. The learning process has to encourage, motivate, and stimulate the students so the learning process can be done effectively. This study aims to find out the effect of using videoscribe as a teaching media on writing descriptive text of the tenth grade students of SMK YPSEI Palangka Raya. The research subject was the tenth grade students of SMK YPSEI Palangka Raya. This Study is a quantitative method that using Randomized-Groups Pre-Test-Post-Test Control Group Design. The instrument that used was writing descriptive. The data were collected in several steps: pre-test, treatment, and post-test; the data were processed in several steps: collecting data, scoring, and calculating; data analysing was conducted using SPSS application including tests of data normality and tests of Hypothesis. The data analysing was conducted using Non-parametric tests on two paired samples which was Wilcoxon Sign Rank test. The result of this study conclude that the use of videoscribe as a teaching media has significant effect for the students in writing descriptive text


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    Mata pencaharian masyarakat di Desa Banyu Landas pada umumnya sebagai penyadap karet dan karyawan di perusahaan batu bara. Meski begitu tidak semua masyarakat Desa Banyu Landas bekerja di lapangan. Masa awal hingga pasca COVID-19 berdampak tidak baik pada mata pencaharian masyarakat, sehingga perlu adanya alternatif lain agar mampu memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat. Desa Banyu Landas memiliki tanaman khas berupa tanaman Jelai. Jelai adalah tanaman sorgum khas Kalimantan Tengah berbentuk biji-bijian. Keunikan dari biji-bijian tanaman Jelai terlihat dari karakteristiknya. Biji Jelai memiliki lubang di tengahnya, bertekstur keras dan licin serta tidak mudah lapuk. Jelai biasa terbagi menjadi 2 (Dua) jenis, yaitu Jelai Pilus dan Jelai Batu. Biji Jelai memiliki karakteristik yang sangat cocok menjadi bahan baku pembuatan aksesoris. Mahasiswa berinovasi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat melalui pembuatan kerajinan tanaman khas daerah berupa aksesoris dari biji Jelai. Aksesoris dari biji Jelai dapat dikombinasikan dengan manik-manik agar dapat menghasilkan desain yang beragam dan menambah nilai jual. Pembuatan dan penjualan aksesoris dari biji Jelai dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan ekomomi masyarakat pasca COVID-19 di Desa Banyu Landas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode observasi dan wawancara dengan melibatkan peserta KKN-T dan memperpraktekan secara langsun