13 research outputs found

    Desain dan Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Mobile Learning Menggunakan Moodle Mobile App

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    The purpose of this study is to produce instructional media of ICT guidance based on Mobile Learning using Moodle Mobile App that is valid, practical, and effective. This type of research is Research and Development (R & D). The development model used is the ADDIE model. The experimental method used Intact-Group Comparison. The sample was students of class X at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Geringging. The instrument was validation questionnaire to measure validity, response questionnaires to measure the practice, and post-test questions of multiple choice to measure the effectiveness of developed media.  The results showed that media declared valid by the validator assessment, and practically use by teachers and learners. Percentage of classical completeness at experiment group reached 87,5%, and 12,5%  for classical incompleteness. While the control group reached 25% for classical completeness, and 75% for classical incompleteness. It means that ICT guidance media based on Mobile Learning using Moodle Mobile App is "valid, practically, and effective" to use in ICT guidance learning process

    Media Interaktif Pengenalan Bahasa Isyarat Bisindo

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    Sign language is the communication that used by the deaf people. Sign language is also a form of accessibility for deaf people to be able to socialize with people around them. Deaf socialization with normal people in the society is not optimal because most of the people does not yet know sign language. Based on these problems, this study aims to develop an interactive media introduction to BISINDO sign language based on augmented reality for the community in supporting a society that is more inclusive of the deaf. This study uses a Research and Development (R&D) approach. The sample in this study was deaf people who participated in the Gerkatin Padang community, and people from various professions in the city of Padang. The data collection technique was carried out using a questionnaire and a focused group discussion technique. Based on the results of the collection of 100 respondents' perceptions data from the public towards sign language obtained: 1) the level of getting to know the community towards sign language is still low at 57%, 2) the level of skills using sign language is still low at 83%, 3) the importance level of sign language according the community is 81%, 4) The level of community needs to learn Sign Language is obtained by 88%, and 5) The level of selection of the right media for learning Sign Language, 74% of respondents choose media in the form of a smartphone application. The validity of the interactive media prototype introduction BISINDO sign language developed in terms of substance that is the suitability of sign language in the application obtained a validator rating of 89.33%, then in terms of the media obtained a validator value of 89.67%. It can be concluded that the interactive media prototype in the form of a smartphone application that was developed very well in terms of substance and media so that it is very feasible or valid to be used in the introduction of BISINDO sign language

    Career Exploration System (C-EXSYS) in Era Society 5.0 Based on Expert System

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    There are many strategies that have been launched by the government in increasing graduate marketing and reducing unemployment, but this program is only able to absorb 12% of graduates, this is still considered not optimal. In addition, each program is still separate or not integrated with one another, so that the data and information obtained are invalid, practical and effective. Based on the description above, graduate marketing problems can be classified as follows: 1) Job matching applications managed by vocational high schools are not optimal, 2) Existing applications have not been integrated with vocational high school programs that support graduate marketing, 3) Applications that support distribution programs Existing graduates have not been able to map and provide career recommendations and connect graduates with work partners. This article aims to explain the process of designing an integrated career expert system capable of recommending careers and jobs based on personality. The method used in this research is the 4D method, namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. The results of this study are an expert system application that is able to provide job recommendations based on six personality types focused on vocational. The results of the constructs validation test obtained a fit model where, the value of p = 0.26972 and RMSEA = 0.029, the expert validity test of the design aspects was 0.88 (Valid), Operation 0.88 (Valid), and Benefits 0.90 (Very Valid), practicality test results 0.83 (Practical)


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    System operasi mobile yang sangat popular pada saat ini adalah android. Pada saat ini hampir semua orang di dunia menggunakan system operasi mobile ini. Android menawarkan pendekatan yang menyeluruh pada pengembangan aplikasi, dimana satu aplikasi android yang dibangun dapat berjalan di berbagai perangkat yang menggunakan system operasi android, baik yang digunakan smartphone, smartwatch, tablet, dan perangkat lainnya. Sebagai system operasi, android mempunyai fungsi sebagai penghubung antara perangkat keras dengan pengguna (user). Android adalah sistem operasi berbasis Linux yang dirancang untuk perangkat bergerak layar sentuh dari telepon pintar dan komputer tablet. Android Studio adalah Integrated Development Environment (IDE) resmi untuk pengembangan aplikasi Android, yang didasarkan pada IntelliJ IDEA. Selain sebagai editor kode dan fitur developer IntelliJ yang andal, Android Studio menawarkan banyak fitur yang meningkatkan produktivitas Anda dalam membuat aplikasi Android, seperti: Sistem build berbasis Gradle yang fleksibel; Emulator yang cepat dan kaya fitur; Lingkungan terpadu tempat Anda bisa mengembangkan aplikasi untuk semua perangkat Android; Terapkan Perubahan untuk melakukan push pada perubahan kode dan resource ke aplikasi yang sedang berjalan tanpa memulai ulang aplikasi; Template kode dan integrasi GitHub untuk membantu Anda membuat fitur aplikasi umum dan mengimpor kode sampel; Framework dan alat pengujian yang lengkap; Alat lint untuk merekam performa, kegunaan, kompatibilitas versi, dan masalah lainnya; Dukungan C++ dan NDK; dan Dukungan bawaan untuk Google Cloud Platform, yang memudahkan integrasi Google Cloud Messaging dan App Engine. Buku ini menyajikan dasar-dasar Android Studio dan membuat Aplikasi Mobile Sederhana, Buku ini juga memudahkan para pengembang aplikasi mobile android baru untuk memahami penggunaan aplikasi android studio ini. Buku diawali dengan pembahasan pendahuluan yang memuat pengenalan android, sejarah, versi-versi android, kekurangan dan kelebihan dari android studio, dan didalam modul ini juga mengajarkan cara menginstal aplikasi android studio bagi pemula, pembuatan aplikasi sederhana, sampai publish aplikasi di Google Playstore

    Sistem Pelayanan Bantuan Mentor Bimbingan Belajar (Bambimbel) Berbasis Web

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    The existence of demands for the acceptance of new students by using the national selection exam of tertiary institutions in Indonesia, high school / vocational high school graduates are expected to master a number of basic subjects. Based on the primary data, the students' interview in choosing the majors for college which was conducted in Senior High School / Vocational High School in Indonesia are insufficient for the students to take the national exam. The purpose of this study is to produce a service system in the form of giving the facilities for students to abilities in teaching practice and facilitate students who want to learn but having a financial issue. It is expected that with the assistance by student teacher, it will be easier for other students to understand and gain sort of interest in the study. Based on the observation, both from the point of view of college students and the point of view of high school / vocational high school students, then it is considered essential to create this service system. Learning with this tutoring facility is very effective because it directly encourages the students in the competency section that they do not fully understand with the help of tutors who have a better understanding. The method used is a web-based system design with UML modelling, using use case diagrams, activities, collaborations and class diagrams to plan the flow of data transactions that exist in the mentoring assistance service system of tutoring

    E-Jobsheet Based on Mobile Pocket Book as Digital Learning Resources (DLRs)

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    This study aims to develop an E-jobsheet based on a mobile pocket book in the form of a digital pocket book on algorithms and basic programming courses. This research is a Research & Development (R&D) research with the Borg & Gall development model which consists of 10 stages, but in this research, the researcher limits it to producing an initial product in the form of an initial product or to the 5th stage, namely main product revision. The research instrument in collecting data used validation questionnaires, response questionnaires, and unstructured interviews to users during small-scale trials. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive data analysis with a quantitative approach. Based on the validation results from the media and material aspects, the overall product validity level is 85.46% with a valid category, the student response rate in a small-scale trial of the E-jobsheet is 86% with a very good category. So, it can be stated that the E-jobsheet based on the mobile pocket book that was developed is valid and suitable for further use on a wider scale

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Meta-Analisis

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    Pandemi COVID-19 juga telah merubah tatanan sistem pendidikan di seluruh dunia, hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya penutupan lembaga pendidikan seperti sekolah dan juga perguruan tinggi secara total. Dimasa pandemi covid-19, lembaga pendidikan harus dituntut untuk mengadopsi model pembelajaran terbaik agar proses pembelajaran tetap berlangsung. Salah satu solusi yang bisa diterapkan oleh lembaga pendidikan agar proses pembelajaran bisa berjalan dengan baik adalah dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran blended learning. Metode yang diterapkan dalam riset ini merupakan meta analisis. Peneliti mengkaji 10 artikel, dimana artikel yang digukan merupakan hasil pencarian melalui google scholar dan aplikasi publish or perish. Dari hasil analisis Implementasi model pembelajaran blended Learning dimasa pandemi Covid-19 berdampak signifikan terhadap hasil belajar, ditunjukkan dengan size effect size 1,23 dalam kategori sedang. Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa tergolong tinggi, dengan rata-rata hasil 10 sampel naik menjadi 77,45 dari yang sebelumnya 56,88. Dari data tersebut terlihat adanya peningkatan yang jelas yaitu 20,57. Artinya model pembelajaran blended Learning ini berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar selama penerapannya dimasa pandemi Covid-19