163 research outputs found

    Can social safety nets alleviate seasonal deprivation ? evidence from northwest Bangladesh

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    This paper examines the role of social safety-net programs in Bangladesh run by the government and nongovernmental organizations to mitigate seasonal deprivation in the country's highly vulnerable northwest region. Specifically, the paper explores whether social safety nets are limited to averting seasonal deprivation or can also address seasonality of income and employment more generally. Using a recent survey from the greater Rangpur (northwest) region, the paper finds that social safety nets have a positive effect on mitigating both seasonal and non-seasonal food deprivation. The results are robust, owing to the recent expanded coverage of social safety-net programs run by nongovernmental organizations active in the region. But given the annual recurrence of monga (seasonal food insecurity) in the northwest region owing to agricultural seasonality and an overwhelming dependence on agriculture for livelihoods, social safety nets are not a reliable tool for monga eradication. Programs are also needed to promote the income and productivity of the poor through diversification of income and employment.Safety Nets and Transfers,Rural Poverty Reduction,Food&Beverage Industry,Regional Economic Development,Housing&Human Habitats

    Energy poverty in rural and urban India : are the energy poor also income poor ?

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    Energy poverty is a frequently used term among energy specialists, but unfortunately the concept is rather loosely defined. Several existing approaches measure energy poverty by defining an energy poverty line as the minimum quantity of physical energy neededto perform such basic tasks as cooking and lighting. This paper proposes an alternative measure that is based on energy demand. The energy poverty line is defined as the threshold point at which energy consumption begins to rise with increases in household income. This approach was applied to cross-sectional data from a comprehensive 2005 household survey representative of both urban and rural India. The findings suggest that in rural areas some 57 percent of households are energy poor, versus 22 percent that are income poor. For urban areas the energy poverty rate is 28 percent compared with 20 percent that are income poor. Policies to reduce energy poverty would include support for rural electrification, the promotion of more modern cooking fuels, and encouraging greater adoption of improved biomass stoves. A combination of these programs would play a significant role in reducing energy poverty in rural India.Energy Production and Transportation,Rural Poverty Reduction,Energy and Environment,Environment and Energy Efficiency,Energy Demand

    Seasonal and extreme poverty in Bangladesh : evaluating an ultra-poor microfinance project

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    Microfinance is often criticized for not adequately addressing seasonality and hard-core poverty. In Bangladesh, a program known as PRIME was introduced in 2006 to address both concerns. Unlike regular microfinance, PRIME introduces a microfinance scheme that offers a flexible repayment schedule and consumption smoothing, as well as production, loans. It targets the ultra-poor, many of whom are also seasonally poor, with a severe inability to smooth consumption during certain months of the year. Besides providing loans, PRIME offers extension and training services. This paper uses a quasi-experimental survey design to evaluate PRIME against regular microfinance programs. The results show that PRIME is more effective than regular microfinance in reaching the ultra-poor, as well as the seasonal poor. PRIME also helps reduce seasonal deprivation and extreme poverty. Although the program has demonstrated its promise, it is too early to conclude whether the accrued benefits are large enough to contain both seasonal and chronic poverty on a sustained basis.Rural Poverty Reduction,Regional Economic Development,Food&Beverage Industry,Debt Markets

    Welfare impacts of rural electrification : a case study from Bangladesh

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    Lack of access to electricity is one of the major impediments to growth and development of the rural economies in developing countries. That is why access to modern energy, in particular to electricity, has been one of the priority themes of the World Bank and other development organizations. Using a cross-sectional survey conducted in 2005 of some 20,000 households in rural Bangladesh, this paper studies the welfare impacts of households'grid connectivity. Based on rigorous econometric estimation techniques, this study finds that grid electrification has significant positive impacts on households'income, expenditure, and educational outcomes. For example, the gain in total income due to electrification can be as much as 30 percent and as low as 9 percent. Benefits go up steadily as household exposure to grid electrification (measured by duration) increases and eventually reach a plateau. This paper also finds that rich households benefit more from electrification than poor households. Finally, estimates also show that income benefits of electrification on an average exceed cost by a wide margin.Energy Production and Transportation,Access to Finance,Engineering,Electric Power,Rural Poverty Reduction

    Diagnosis and management of the neonatal cloaca

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    Modulation technique for software defined radio application,

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    Abstract: The role of radio in the communication systems have been extended from simple radio to mobile communications and beyond. Minimization or the replacement of hardware in communication technology through software has been resulted in the birth of a new technology, widely known as Software Defined Radio (SDR). This paper deals with the development of SDR to transfer information from one place to another place through channel. The incoming analog signal is modulated using phase shift keying (PSK) type modulation. Then add noise or interference to the channel. The transceiver is demodulated the modulated signal in order to retrieve the transmitted information. The results are confirmed that the programmed SDR can demodulate the various kinds of audio signal or any signal by software programming

    Effect of Intervention in Subjects with High Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in Pakistan

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    Aims. To observe the rate of conversion from impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to diabetes following lifestyle modification (LSM) or a combination of lifestyle and metformin compared to a control population with 18-month followup. Methods. Forty screening camps were organized, which 5000 people attended. Around 2300 persons filled the questionnaire and 1825 subjects were identified as high risk. Of 1739 subjects who took the oral glucose tolerance test, 317 subjects were identified as IGT. The 317 IGT subjects were randomized into three groups: control group was given standard medical advice, LSM group was given intensive lifestyle modification advice, while LSM + drug group was given intensive lifestyle advice and metformin 500 mg twice daily. Results. At the end, 273 subjects completed the study, giving a compliance rate of 86%. Total of 47 incident cases of diabetes were diagnosed (overall incidence was 4 cases per 1000 person-months with the incidence of 8.6 cases in control group, 2.5 cases in the LSM, and 2.3 cases in the LSM + drug groups). Conclusions. Study showed that lifestyle intervention had a major impact in preventing diabetes among IGT subjects in this region. Adding drug did not show any improved results. We recommend lifestyle advice and followup should be incorporated in primary health care

    Mechanistic and Predictive QSAR Analysis of Diverse Molecules to Capture Salient and Hidden Pharmacophores for Anti-Thrombotic Activity

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    Thrombosis is a life-threatening disease with a high mortality rate in many countries. Even though anti-thrombotic drugs are available, their serious side effects compel the search for safer drugs. In search of a safer anti-thrombotic drug, Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) could be useful to identify crucial pharmacophoric features. The present work is based on a larger data set comprising 1121 diverse compounds to develop a QSAR model having a balance of acceptable predictive ability (Predictive QSAR) and mechanistic interpretation (Mechanistic QSAR). The developed six parametric model fulfils the recommended values for internal and external validation along with Y-randomization parameters such as R2tr = 0.831, Q2LMO = 0.828, R2ex = 0.783. The present analysis reveals that anti-thrombotic activity is found to be correlated with concealed structural traits such as positively charged ring carbon atoms, specific combination of aromatic Nitrogen and sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, etc. Thus, the model captured reported as well as novel pharmacophoric features. The results of QSAR analysis are further vindicated by reported crystal structures of compounds with factor Xa. The analysis led to the identification of useful novel pharmacophoric features, which could be used for future optimization of lead compounds

    In-silico studies to recognize repurposing therapeutics toward arginase-I inhibitors as a potential onco-immunomodulators

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    Rudolf Virchow was the first person to point out the important link between immune function and cancer. He did this by noticing that leukocytes were often found in tumors. Overexpression of arginase 1 (ARG1) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) depletes both intracellular and extracellular arginine. TCR signalling is slowed as a result, and the same types of cells produce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS), which aggravates the situation. Human arginase I is a double-stranded manganese metalloenzyme that helps L-arginine break down into L-ornithine and urea. Thus, a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis was performed to unearth the unrecognised structural aspects crucial for arginase-I inhibition. In this work, a balanced QSAR model with good prediction performance and clear mechanistic interpretation was developed using a dataset of 149 molecules encompassing a broad range of structural scaffolds and compositions. The model was made to meet OECD standards, and all of its validation parameters have values that are higher than the minimum requirements (R2tr = 0.89, Q2LMO = 0.86, and R2ex = 0.85). The present QSAR study linked structural factors to arginase-I inhibitory action, including the proximity of lipophilic atoms to the molecule’s centre of mass (within 3A), the position of the donor to the ring nitrogen (exactly 3 bonds away), and the surface area ratio. As OAT-1746 and two others are the only arginase-I inhibitors in development at the time, we have performed a QSAR-based virtual screening with 1650 FDA compounds taken from the zinc database. In this screening, 112 potential hit compounds were found to have a PIC50 value of less than 10 nm against the arginase-I receptor. The created QSAR model’s application domain was evaluated in relation to the most active hit molecules identified using QSAR-based virtual screening, utilising a training set of 149 compounds and a prediction set of 112 hit molecules. As shown in the Williams plot, the top hit molecule, ZINC000252286875, has a low leverage value of HAT i/i h* = 0.140, placing it towards the boundary of the usable range. Furthermore, one of 112 hit molecules with a docking score of −10.891 kcal/mol (PIC50 = 10.023 M) was isolated from a study of arginase-I using molecular docking. Protonated ZINC000252286875-linked arginase-1 showed 2.9 RMSD, whereas non-protonated had 1.8. RMSD plots illustrate protein stability in protonated and non-protonated ZINC000252286875-bound states. Protonated-ZINC000252286875-bound proteins contain 25 Rg. The non-protonated protein-ligand combination exhibits a 25.2-Rg, indicating compactness. Protonated and non-protonated ZINC000252286875 stabilised protein targets in binding cavities posthumously. Significant root mean square fluctuations (RMSF) were seen in the arginase-1 protein at a small number of residues for a time function of 500 ns in both the protonated and unprotonated states. Protonated and non-protonated ligands interacted with proteins throughout the simulation. ZINC000252286875 bound Lys64, Asp124, Ala171, Arg222, Asp232, and Gly250. Aspartic acid residue 232 exhibited 200% ionic contact. 500-ns simulations-maintained ions. Salt bridges for ZINC000252286875 aided docking. ZINC000252286875 created six ionic bonds with Lys68, Asp117, His126, Ala171, Lys224, and Asp232 residues. Asp117, His126, and Lys224 showed 200% ionic interactions. In protonated and deprotonated states, GbindvdW, GbindLipo, and GbindCoulomb energies played crucial role. Moreover, ZINC000252286875 meets all of the ADMET standards to serve as a drug. As a result, the current analyses were successful in locating a novel and potent hit molecule that inhibits arginase-I effectively at nanomolar concentrations. The results of this investigation can be used to develop brand-new arginase I inhibitors as an alternative immune-modulating cancer therapy