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    I. Industrialízation is defined to mean a process of econornic change, specifically of economic diversification which implies, among others, a particular type. of work. Industrialization can furthermore be considered as an acculturative process and thereby one of "learning" not only of new technical skills but of types of habits and behavior which constitute axiomatic features of modern industrialismo 11. Certain selected sodal-psychological aspectsor elements of the industrializing (i. e. learning) situation are considered, namely, 1) the managing of timein a calculable manner ("discipline-in-time"); 2) the concept of "work" and the distinction of work activities from those which are not work; 3) the conditions underlying the professionalization of industrial work, or industrial work as a career. 111. It is argued that the learning of notions of Time, Work, and Money, as commonly he1d in western-derived modern industrialism, and.the acquisition of behavior patterns that conform with these notions, are neither obvious nor psychologically simple processes, but pose rather subtle, by no means e1ementary intellectual tasks on a highly abstract, often highly syrnbolic leve1 confronted in general by adults, and which are in part c1ose1y related to the learning of new sets of motivations. IV. It is suggested that these processes-possible sources of sorne of the problems typically besetting industrialízation in its very first moments- warrant systematic exploration by psychology. It is further suggested that indíviduals who have failed in becoming industrialized (i. e. non-learners) might shed more light on motivational and learning processes that accompanythe "industrialization of man," than those who "have made the grade" by becoming professional industrial workers.Resumen en inglés