3 research outputs found

    Influenza della temperatura sulla conservazione di frutti di fico d'India minimamente trasformati

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    Cactus pear fruits (Opuntia ficus indica Mill) after being manually peeled, were placed in plastic trays, wrapped with a polyolefinic film and stored at 3°C and 14°C for 12 days. After 4, 8 and 12 days chemical-physical and sensorial parameters were determined, while in-package gas atmosphere was measured daily. Fruits stored at 3°C did not experience significant variations in chemical-physical or sensorial parameters, while those held at the higher temperature underwent a strong pulp acidification, ethanol build-up, marked off-flavour development and loss of freshness and firmness. Due to these results, we can conclude that minimally processed cactus pear fruits can withstand quality changes up to 8 days at 3°C, while temperature stress results in a shorter shelf-life. Frutti di fico d'India (Opuntia ficus indica Mill) sono stati sbucciati manualmente, posti in vaschette di plastica, confezionati con un film poliolefinico e conservati alla temperatura di 3°C e 14°C per 12 giorni. Ad intervalli di quattro giorni sono stati determinati i parametri chimico-fisici e sensoriali, mentre le concentrazioni dei gas all'interno dei confezionamenti sono state rilevate ogni giorno. I dati ottenuti mettono in evidenza che, nei frutti conservati a 3°C, non si sono verificate variazioni degne di nota dei parametri chimico-fisici e sensoriali; al contrario, i frutti conservati a 14°C hanno fano registrare un marcato aumento dell'acidità, un accumulo di etanolo, un evidente sviluppo di odori e sapori sgradevoli e la perdita di freschezza e consistenza. In base a questi risultati, si può concludere che, le caratteristiche qualitative dei fichi d'India minimamente trasformati possono essere mantenute per otto giorni alla temperatura di 3°C, mentre l'abuso di temperatura (14°C) ha limitato Ia conservazione a meno di quattro giorni

    Clinical and epidemiological features of ulcerative colitis patients in Sardinia, Italy: Results from a multicenter study

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    BACKGROUND There are little data on the epidemiological and clinical features of adult patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) in the different Italian regions, mainly derived from the absence of a national registry. This prevents correct interpretation of the disease burden. AIM To assess the main clinical and epidemiological features of adult patients diagnosed with UC in Sardinia, Italy. METHODS We performed a multicenter, observational, cross-sectional study that included adult patients with UC enrolled in seven gastroenterology unit centers in Sardinia. Data were obtained from the patients' medical records and from a questionnaire administered at the inclusion visit. RESULTS Four hundred and forty-two patients with UC were included. The median age at diagnosis was 39 years (interquartile range 28-48). After a median disease duration of 10 years, 53 patients experienced proximal extension of proctitis or left-sided colitis. Seventy-five patients developed extraintestinal manifestations. Nineteen patients (4.3%) developed cancer: two with colorectal cancer and seventeen with extracolonic cancers. Mesalazine (5-ASA) remains the mainstay of treatment for UC. Overall, 95 patients (21.5%) were treated with one or more biologic agents, whereas 15 patients (3.4%) underwent surgery, mostly colectomy. CONCLUSION Our results provide important insights into the clinical and epidemiological features of patients with UC, and while waiting for a national Italian registry, present eligible data on the UC population in Sardinia

    The "DICA" endoscopic classification for diverticular disease of the colon shows a significant interobserver agreement among community endoscopists

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: An endoscopic classification of Diverticular Disease (DD), called DICA (Diverticular Inflammation and Complication Assessment) is currently available. It scores severity of the disease as DICA 1, DICA 2 and DICA 3. Our aim was to assess the agreement levels for this classification among an endoscopist community setting. METHODS: A total of 66 endoscopists independently scored a set of DD endoscopic videos. The percentages of overall agreement on the DICA score and a free-marginal multirater kappa (κ) coefficient were reported as statistical measures of the inter-rater agreement. RESULTS: The overall agreement levels were: 70.2% for DICA 1, 70.5% for DICA 2, 81.3% for DICA 3. The free marginal κ was: 0.553 for DICA 1, 0.558 for DICA 2, 0.719 for DICA 3. The agreement levels among the expert group were: 78.8% for DICA 1, 80.2% for DICA 2, 88.5% for DICA 3. The free marginal κ among the expert group were: 0.682 for DICA 1, 0.712 for DICA 2, 0.828 for DICA 3. The agreement of expert raters on the single item of the DICA classification was superior to the agreement of the overall group. CONCLUSIONS: The overall inter-rater agreement for DICA score in this study ranges from moderate to good, with a significant improvement in the expert subgroup of raters. Diverticular Inflammation and Complication Assessment is a simple and reproducible endoscopic scoring system