427 research outputs found

    Merit Selection: Does It Meet the Burden of Proof in Ohio?

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    Bankruptcy Law; Environmental Law: Abandonment of Hazardous Waste Sites in Bankruptcy

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    In re Oklahoma Refining Co., 63 Bankr. 562 (Bankr. W.D. Okla. 1986)

    Unsteady cfd analysis of erosion mechanism in the coolant channels of a rotating gas turbine blade

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    The two-phase flow in a rotating wedge mimicking the final portion of a blade turbine internal cooling channel is here presented and discussed focusing on unsteady motion and erosion mechanisms. The rotation axis is placed to properly reproduce a configuration with a very strong deviation (90°). The flow field was modelled by using the well known k---f unsteady-RANS model based on the elliptic-relaxation concept. The model was modified by some of the authors to take into account the influence of turbulence anisotropy as well as rotation. The model was applied to the well-established and fully validated T-FlowS code. A systematic comparison of rotating and non-rotating case was carried out to show the influence of Coriolis force on flow and erosion mechanisms. The rotational effects strongly changed the flow behaviour within the channel, affecting both the unsteady flow and the particles trajectories. In the rotating case, there is no recirculation on the tip region; besides, position of the small recirculation regions above each pedestals change. These, and other minor effects, affect the particle motion thus resulting in a different erosion pattern

    Post-conflict Recovery: Gender and Age Issues

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    Despite improvements in victim assistance programs, injured survivors of landmines/explosive remnants of war still struggle to obtain health care and employment. Differentiating between the age and gender of survivors will enable service providers to identify socioeconomic needs

    How to Improve Demining Activities Through Gender-sensitive Mine Risk Education

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    Until recently, mine action was widely perceived as a military and technical field where an almost exclusively male staff planned and implemented activities. However, there is still a need for a better understanding of what mine-affected communities can gain from including gender and age perspectives in mine action and how the different pillars of mine action mutually improve the quality and impact of mine action programs

    Risco no trabalho: a formação da identidade dos eletricistas

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    Este estudo busca compreender a formação da identidade dos trabalhadores do setor elétrico, os quais convivem constantemente com alto risco de acidentes de trabalho. Percorremos, para tanto, a noção de identificação e identidade, centralmente embasadas por Hall e Goffman. Também buscamos entender o risco específico do setor elétrico e o conceito de masculinidade de Bourdieu como um aspecto importante para embargar a discussão. Por fim, tratamos do conceito de Segurança Ontológica, abordado por Giddens, por meio do que levantamos a importância da visibilidade do risco através da passagem discursiva, que permite aos trabalhadores um espaço para a tomada de consciência do risco e a possibilidade de criarem formas mais seguras de trabalho

    Ruptura: a crise da democracia liberal, Manuel Castells, Zahar, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2018, 150 p.

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    Ao destacar as múltiplas crises da atualidade, Castells põe-se a pensar sobre o que ele chama de uma crise mais profunda, que é a ruptura da relação entre governantes e governados, produzindo a “total decomposição do sistema político [inclusive] do Brasil” (p.8), por exemplo. Tal colapso da democracia liberal enquanto modelo político de representação e governança abre espaço ao pós-liberalismo, sob uma aparente expressão de ordem revestida pelo caos, que figura com partidos nacionalistas, xen..

    Effects of wall curvature on the dynamics of an impinging jet and resulting heat transfer

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    The effects of wall curvature on the dynamics of a round subsonic jet impinging on a concave surface are investigated for the first time by direct numerical solution of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Impinging jets on curved surfaces are of interest in several applications, such as the impingement cooling of gas turbine blades. The simulation is performed at Reynolds and Mach numbers respectively equal to 3, 300 and 0.8. The impingement wall is kept at a constant temperature, 80 K higher than that of the jet at the inlet. The nozzle-to-plate distance (measured along the jet axis) is set to 5D, with D the nozzle diameter. In order to highlight the curvature effects, the present results are compared to a previous study of jet impinging on a flat plate. The specific influence of wall curvature is investigated through a frequency analysis based on discrete Fourier transform and dynamic mode decomposition. We found that the peak frequencies of the heat transfer also dominate the dynamics of primary vortices in the free jet region and secondary vortices produced by the interaction of primary vortices and the target plate. These frequencies are approximately 30% lower than those found in the reference study of impinging jet on a flat plate. Imperceptible differences were instead found in the time-averaged integral heat transfer

    A tutela ambiental municipal à luz dos princípios da precaução e prevenção: estudo de caso da pequena central hidrelétrica autódromo

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    A instalação da Pequena Central Hidrelétrica Autódromo no rio Carreiro, bacia Taquari-Antas, entre os municípios de Guaporé e Vista Alegre do Prata, cujo rio é fonte de abastecimento do município de Guaporé, entrou em operação em 17 de novembro de 2011. Esta PCH foi motivo de controvérsia entre Poder Público e a sociedade, em decorrência de vários aspectos ambientais, sociais e econômicos. O presente estudo se concentra na linha de pesquisa de "Espaço e problemas socioambientais" do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, focada no estudo entre a sociedade e natureza: implicações para o desenvolvimento, a cidadania e sustentabilidade. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi identificar se as medidas adotadas pelos municípios de Guaporé e Vista Alegre do Prata, no âmbito das competências municipais, atenderam aos princípios da prevenção e da precaução no processo de instalação da PCH Autódromo. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturados aos prefeitos e presidentes da Câmara de Vereadores dos dois municípios, promotor do Ministério Público, diretor de ONGs e representante legal da empresa responsável pela construção. Os resultados demonstraram que a instalação de PCHs são importantes para municípios como Guaporé e Vista Alegre do Prata, visto a relevância para o desenvolvimento dos municípios, novas empresas, renda e para o desenvolvimento social. De outro ponto, no presente estudo percebeu- se que há discordâncias entre os impactos ambientais e sociais causados e que possam vir a surgir em decorrência do empreendimento, mesmo assim, não é possível mensurar a predominância relevantemente positiva ou negativa neste aspecto. Percebeu-se também que a população, a classe política, órgãos públicos e não governamentais tiveram participação na decisão, foram informados dos aspectos da instalação da PCH. Ademais, por meio dos diversos relatórios e estudos, pode-se considerar que os princípios de precaução e prevenção foram atendidos legalmente, entretanto, em função de dúvidas relacionadas aos reais impactos sobre a construção de PCH, dada a contemporaneidade do tema e de danos que fogem ao controle de qualquer estudo empírico, deve-se ter cautela ao definir qualquer conclusão de fato.The installation of the Small Hydroelectric Power Plant (SHP) Autódromo went into operation on November 17, 2011. It is located on the Carreiro river, a source of water supply for the city of Guaporé, and part of the Taquari-Antas basin, between the cities of Guaporé and Vista Alegre do Prata. This SHP was a cause of controversy between the local government and the community, due to various environmental, social and economic aspects. The present study is part of the "Space and socio- environmental problems" line of research of the Postgraduate Program in Environment and Development, focused on the study of society and nature: development, citizenship and sustainability implications. The purpose of this study is to identify the attention to the principles of prevention and precaution in the measures adopted by the local governments of Guaporé and Vista Alegre do Prata, within the scope of the municipal competences, in the process of installing the SHP Autódromo. For that, using semi-structured scripts, we have interviewed the mayors and the presidents of the City Councils of the two municipalities, the district attorney, the director of an NGO and the legal representative of the company responsible for the construction. The results showed that the installation of the SHP was considered important for the chosen municipalities, considering its relevance for their development, new companies, and income. On the other hand, we observed that there are disagreements when evaluating the environmental and social impacts caused and that may arise as a result of the undertaking. Because of that, it is not possible to measure its positive or negative predominance. It was also noticed that the population, the political class, public and non-governmental bodies were involved in the decision, and informed of the aspects of the installation of the SHP. In addition, the principles of precaution and prevention were legally fulfilled, however, due to doubts related to the real impacts on the construction of the SHP, given the contemporaneity of the theme and damages that are beyond the control of any empirical study, we should be cautious when getting to any actual conclusion