9 research outputs found

    Thermal denaturation followed by DSC of TtgR<sup>WT</sup> and variants (TtgR<sup>H114A</sup>, TtgR<sup>N110A</sup>, TtgR<sup>E78A</sup> and TtgR<sup>S77A</sup>) in the presence and in the absence of ligands (black solid lines free; grey solid lines 250 μM of chloramphenicol; grey dashed lines 250 μM naringenin; grey dotted lines 250 μM phloretin).

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    <p>Thermal denaturation followed by DSC of TtgR<sup>WT</sup> and variants (TtgR<sup>H114A</sup>, TtgR<sup>N110A</sup>, TtgR<sup>E78A</sup> and TtgR<sup>S77A</sup>) in the presence and in the absence of ligands (black solid lines free; grey solid lines 250 μM of chloramphenicol; grey dashed lines 250 μM naringenin; grey dotted lines 250 μM phloretin).</p

    Far UV CD experiments of TtgR<sup>WT</sup> and variants in the absence of effectors.

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    <p>(A) Far UV CD spectra at 30°C. (B) Thermal unfolding of TtgR<sup>WT</sup> and mutants monitored by CD ellipticity at 222 nm. Variants are represented in grey line (TtgR<sup>WT</sup>), black solid line (TtgR<sup>H114A</sup>), black dashed line (TtgR<sup>N110A</sup>), black dotted line (TtgR<sup>E78A</sup>) and black squares and line (TtgR<sup>S77A</sup>).</p

    Theoretical energy measurements of models.

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    <p>*The values are presented in ΔΔG (kcal/mol) as the difference between the free energy of mutants with respect to the free energy of wild type. <b>Effector free</b>: stability energy calculated as the difference between folded and unfolded states. <b>With effectors</b>: free energy of binding calculated as the difference between the bound and unbound state.</p><p>Theoretical energy measurements of models.</p

    ITC isotherms for the binding of TtgR<sup>E78A</sup> mutant to: A) chloramphenicol, B) naringenin and C) phloretin.

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    <p>Experiments were performed as described in “Materials and Methods section” at 30°C with injections of the effector diluted in dialysis buffer into the protein. Upper panels: Heats changes for injections. Lower panels: Experimental heats measured for each effector injection. The curves correspond to the best fit using “one type of sites” model.</p

    Thermodynamic parameters obtained by DSC and CD.

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    <p>Thermodynamic parameters for the thermal unfolding of TtgR<sup>WT</sup> and variants (TtgR<sup>H114A</sup>, TtgR<sup>N110A</sup>, TtgR<sup>E78A</sup> and TtgR<sup>S77A</sup>) obtained from DSC and far-UV CD measurements. Internal calibrations of the CD and DSC equipments give errors in Tm of ± 0.20°C and ± 0.10°C respectively.</p