238 research outputs found

    Gestión de Recursos Humanos : Planificación para llevar a cabo en el proceso de capacitación e higiene y seguridad ocupacional del recurso humano en la empresa

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de capacitación e higiene y seguridad que utiliza el departamento de recursos humanos para lograr un desempeño eficiente en el manejo de personal dentro de la organización, y así dar a conocer el uso de estos programas en los procesos de recursos humanos y retención de los mismos, debido a que hoy en día es de vital importancia la implementación de la capacitación para el desarrollo del personal que día a día presta su fuerza laboral en la organización y adecuar las técnicas más idóneas de capacitación en cuanto al tipo de trabajo a desarrollar. También el código laboral de nuestro país exige un eficiente plan de higiene y seguridad, basados en medidas de protección y salud al recurso humano de lo cual las empresas están obligadas a llevar a cabo poniendo en práctica las normas y aspectos de higiene y seguridad laboral. La metodología que se utilizó en el trabajo documental primeramente fue una breve introducción al tema en los diferentes capítulos, seguido de los criterios de cada uno de los autores citados, posteriormente se realizó el análisis sobre la teoría que plantea el autor respecto a los objetivos planteados de acuerdo a cada capítulo y como final se muestra el caso práctico sobre la empresa RARPE, S.A. en el cual se demuestra la aplicación de la teoría en la práctica

    Piomiositis no traumàtica recurrent en un jugador de futbol professional

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    La piomiositis representa una important infecció del múscul esquelètic causada principalment per Staphylococcus aureus. En aquest article es presenta el cas clínic d’un futbolista d’elit amb antecedents de fol·liculitis de repetició i portador crònic de S. aureus que presenta en un període de 6 mesos dos episodis de piomiositis muscular no traumàtica que després de les proves complementàries adequades, el cultiu del microorganisme i el tractament antibiòtic correcte es van resoldre sense complicació

    Exercise-referral scheme to promote physical activity among hypertensive patients: design of a cluster randomized trial in the Primary Health Care Units of Mexico’s Social Security System

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    BACKGROUND: Although the benefits of physical activity (PA) on to prevent and manage non-communicable diseases are well known, strategies to help increase the levels of PA among different populations are limited. Exercise-referral schemes have emerged as one effective approach to promote PA; however, there is uncertainty about the feasibility and effectiveness of these schemes in settings outside high-income countries. This study will examine the effectiveness of a scheme to refer hypertensive patients identified in Primary Health Care facilities (PHCU) of the Mexican social security institution to a group PA program offered in the same institution. METHODS AND DESIGN: We will describe the methods of a cluster randomized trial study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of an exercise referral scheme to increasing physical activity in hypertensive patients compared to a non-referral scheme. Four PHCU were selected for the study; the PHCU will take part as the unit of randomization and sedentary hypertensive patients as the unit of assessment. 2 PHCU of control group (GC) will provide information to hypertensive patients about physical activity benefits and ways to increase it safely. 2 PHCU of intervention group (IG) will refer patients to sports facilities at the same institution, to follow a group-based PA program developed to increase the PA levels with a designed based on the Transtheoretical Model and Social Cognitive Theory. To evaluate the effects of the intervention as well as short-term maintenance of the intervention’s effects, PA will be assessed at baseline, at 24 and 32 weeks of follow-up. The main outcome will be the difference before and after intervention in the percentage of participants meeting recommended levels of PA between and within intervention and control groups. PA will be measured through self-report and with objective measure by accelerometer. DISCUSSION: This study will allow us to evaluate a multidisciplinary effort to link the primary care and community-based areas of the same health care system. Our findings will provide important information about the feasibility and effectiveness of an exercise-referral scheme and will be useful for decision-making about the implementation of strategies for increasing PA among hypertensive and other clinical populations in Mexico and Latin America. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01910935. Date of registration: 07/05/2013

    Dietary Glycemic Index, Dietary Glycemic Load, Blood Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease

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    Objective. To examine the associations of dietary glycemic index (GI) and dietary glycemic load (GL) with blood lipid concentrations and coronary heart disease (CHD) in nondiabetic participants in the Health Worker Cohort Study (HWCS). Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional analysis was performed, using data from adults who participated in the HWCS baseline assessment. We collected information on participants' socio-demographic conditions, dietary patterns and physical activity via self-administered questionnaires. Dietary GI and dietary GL were measured using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Anthropometric and clinical measurements were assessed with standardized procedures. CHD risk was estimated according to the sex-specific Framingham prediction algorithms. Results. IIn the 5,830 individuals aged 20 to 70 who were evaluated, dietary GI and GL were significantly associated with HDL-C, LDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio, and triglycerides serum levels. Subjects with high dietary GI have a relative risk of 1.56 (CI 95%; 1.13–2.14), and those with high dietary GL have a relative risk of 2.64 (CI 95%; 1.15–6.58) of having an elevated CHD risk than those who had low dietary GI and GL. Conclusions. Our results suggest that high dietary GI and dietary GL could have an unfavorable effect on serum lipid levels, which are in turn associated with a higher CHD risk