112 research outputs found
Bicriteria scheduling of a two-machine flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times
The official published version of the article can be found at the link below.A two-machine flowshop scheduling problem is addressed to minimize setups and makespan where each job is characterized by a pair of attributes that entail setups on each machine. The setup times are sequence-dependent on both machines. It is shown that these objectives conflict, so the Pareto optimization approach is considered. The scheduling problems considering either of these objectives are NP-hard , so exact optimization techniques are impractical for large-sized problems. We propose two multi-objective metaheurisctics based on genetic algorithms (MOGA) and simulated annealing (MOSA) to find approximations of Pareto-optimal sets. The performances of these approaches are compared with lower bounds for small problems. In larger problems, performance of the proposed algorithms are compared with each other. Experimentations revealed that both algorithms perform very similar on small problems. Moreover, it was observed that MOGA outperforms MOSA in terms of the quality of solutions on larger problems.Partial Funding from EPSRC under grant EP/D050863/1
Perfect transfer of coherent state-based qubits via coupled cavities
Motivated by the need for communication of coherent state-based qubits in
quantum computers, we introduce a method for perfect transferring of an
arbitrary superposition of coherent states between two distant nodes of a
linear array of three semiconductor QDs. The QDs trapped in a system of coupled
cavities. In this method, the field mode of the cavities, as the resource of
transferring of quantum states, are only virtually excited which minimizes the
effect of decoherence due to photon loss.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
arXiv:quant-ph/0211055 by other author
Perfect routing of quantum information in regular cavity QED networks
We introduce a scheme for perfect routing of quantum states and entanglement
in regular cavity QED networks. The couplings between the cavities are
quasi-uniform and each cavity is doped with a two-level atom. Quasi-uniform
couplings leads the system to evolve in invariant subspaces. Combination the
evolutions of the system in its invariant subspaces with quite simple local
operations on atoms in the networks, gives the perfect routing of quantum
states and entanglement through the network. To provide the protocol be robust
due to decoherence arisen from photon loss, the field mode of the cavities are
only virtually excited
The effect of corporate social responsibility on sustainable development with the mediating role of employee participation in knowledge-based companies
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sustainable development is a process that envisions a desirable future for human societies in which living conditions and resource use meet human needs without compromising the integrity, beauty, and stability of vital systems. Knowledge-based companies today are among those companies that act as factories for converting knowledge into goods and services. In this regard, organizational social responsibility can be the basis for the sustainable development of companies and organizations. Therefore, this research aims are to examine the role of the organization’s social responsibility for sustainable development in terms of mediating the participation of employees of knowledge-based companies. METHODS: This research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive survey and correlation in terms of method. Field and library methods, literature reviews, and standard questionnaires were used to collect information. The statistical population consisted of 578 senior and middle managers of knowledge-based companies in the Science and Technology Park of Sharif University of Technology, Tehran- Iran, and 231 people were sampled using Cochran's formula method and stratified random sampling. A standard questionnaire was also used to collect information. The validity of the questionnaire was checked and confirmed using convergent and divergent validity and confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, joint and combined reliability. Finally, the collected data was analyzed using SPSS and smartPLS software’s.FINDINGS: Based on the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the significance of this test was calculated for all indicators less than 0.05 and 0.000, and due to the lack of normal distribution of the data, the smart PLS software was used. The overall fitting criterion was calculated to be 0.551, which means that the model fits well. When testing the main hypothesis, a coefficient of 0.408 was calculated, showing that employee participation explains 40% of the impact of social responsibility on sustainable development. The path coefficient of the sub-hypotheses for these relationships is above 0.5 and the significance is above 1.96. It can be said that the sub-hypotheses of the research are confirmed.CONCLUSION: According to the indicators obtained, the organization’s social responsibility positively and significantly impacts sustainable development and employee participation. The positive role of employee participation in sustainable development was also confirmed. Finally, the results showed that employee participation can mediate the impact of social responsibility on sustainable development
Inorganic Biomaterials Characterization
The biocompatibility of a material is crucial in branding it as a biomaterial. Building
on the previous biocompatibility chapter, this chapter mainly focuses on the assessment
of biocompatibility. The main aims of biocompatibility assessment are: 1) raw material
characterisation; 2) in vitro; and 3) in vivo assessment of materials. Figure 3.1 shows
a schematic representation of the components of biocompatibility assessment. This
chapter will deal with each of these characterisations and assessment methods one
by one in the following sections
Comparison of outcomes following transfemoral versus trans-subclavian approach for transcatheter aortic valve Implantation: a meta-analysis
Background The subclavian artery is an alternative access route for transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), with a potential advantage in patients unsuitable for traditional access routes such as the femoral artery. This study aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of the trans-subclavian (TSc) compared to the trans-femoral (TF) approach. Methods A systematic review was conducted on two online databases: Embase and Medline. The initial search returned 508 titles. Nine observational studies were included: n = 2938 patients (2382 TF and 556 TSc). Results Both TSc and TF groups were comparable for: 30-day mortality (Odds ratio, OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.49 – 1.16, p = 0.195); in-hospital stroke (OR 1.05, 95% CI 0.60–1.85, p = 0.859); myocardial infarction (OR 1.97, 95% CI 0.74–5.23, p = 0.176); paravalvular leaks (OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.76–1.90, p = 0.439); rates of postoperative permanent pacemaker implantation (OR 1.49, 95% CI 0.92–2.41, p = 0.105); in-hospital bleeding and meta-analysis demonstrated no significant difference between access points (OR 3.44, 95% CI 0.35–34.22, p = 0.292). Procedural time was found to be longer in the TSc group (SMD 1.02; 95% CI 0.815–1.219, p < 0.001). Major vascular complications were significantly higher in the TF group (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.32–0.94, p = 0.029). Meta regression found no influence of the covariates on the outcomes. Conclusion Subclavian access is both a safe and feasible alternative access route for TAVI with lower risks of major vascular complications. This study supports the use of subclavian access as a viable alternative in patient groups where transfemoral TAVI is contraindicated
Impact of immigration on burden of Tuberculosis in Umbria: a low-incidence Italian region with high immigrants rates
Introduction. In Italy, Tubercolosis (TB) has increasingly become a disease for specific population subgroups such as immi- grants. The objective of this paper is to describe the trend in TB incidence from 1999 to 2008 in Umbria: a low-incidence Italian region with high immigrants rates.
Methods. Data were obtained from the Regional Information System for Infectious Diseases. Using a linear regressions model we estimated trends for number of cases and incidence rates; with a logistic regression model we estimated the effect of a set of covariates on the probability of being affected by TB.
Result. 590 TB cases were reported of whom 254 (43%) were foreign. In 2008 39.7 new cases per 100.000 were registered among foreign-born subjects. TB incidence among Italians was 3.8/100.000 Italians. But a linear regression analysis showed a statistically significant decreasing trend in the notification rate among foreign-born people (coef: -7.32, r2:0.57, p inf. 0.05). The probability to be affected by extra-pulmonary is significantly larger in foreign patients (OR = 0.72, CI = 0.48-1.07). Foreign unskilled workers report a higher probability to be affected by TB (OR = 19.05, CI = 6.01-60.4).
Discussion. Increasing immigration rates may affect TB epide- miology. The analysis of incidence trends is an important tool for monitoring tuberculosis disease control and to identify specific sub-group at risk
Domestic violence and suicide attempt among married women: A case‐control study
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of domestic violence‐related factors on suicide attempt in married women. Suicide is a global public health concern that poses significant burden on individuals, families and communities. There is limited research on factors predicting suicide attempt in women. A retrospective case‐control design was adopted. Using a convenience sampling method, 610 participants, admitted to a teaching referral hospital in Northwest of XXX, were recruited to the study and assigned to case or control groups based on whether or not they had attempted suicide. The participants in two groups were matched in the terms of important demographic characteristics. Domestic violence‐related factors were considered as independent variables and suicide attempt as dependent variable. Descriptive statistics, simple and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Odd ratios (OR) of domestic violence related factors were compared between the groups. We used STROBE checklist as an EQUATOR in this study. The mean age of participants in the case and control groups was 28.4 years and 29.45 years, respectively. The infidelity was the strongest predictor of suicide attempt in women (OR 44.57, 95%CI 6.08‐326. 63, p<0.001), followed by being threatened to physical assault by husband (OR 37.01, 95%CI 11.54‐118.67, p<0.001), jealousy of husband (OR 23.46, 95%CI 11.63‐47.30, p<0.001), and previous attempts to divorce (OR 16.55, 95%CI 5.91‐46.31, p<0.001). Suicide attempt was significantly lower in women who reported a sense of peace in life or lived with their mother or father‐in‐law (p<0.001). To reduce the risk of suicide in women, violence against women should be condemned and appropriate prevention measures be taken by health professionals. Recognizing risk, assessment and referral of victims of domestic violence should be an integral part of health care systems.N/
Иммунопатогенез формирования атопических заболеваний
The aim of this investigation is the comparative study of changes in the surface phenotype of lymphocyte in patients with different forms of atopic diseases and latent sensitization.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on peripheral blood lymphocytes from 22 latent sensitization patients, 30 pollinosis patients, 44 atopic bronchial asthma patients and 36 atopic dermatitis patients. The control group consisted of 26 healthy people.The results of our studies demonstrate that atopic diseases are different not only in clinical manifestations, but also in mechanisms of disturbances in the functions of the immune system. Comparative study of surface markers of lymphocytes in patients with different forms of atopic diseases revealed a significant increase of surface changes of lymphocyte phenotype according to the severity of the clinical manifestations of the disease. All patients with studied forms of atopy had an increase in content of B-lymphocytes expressing CD72 marker in the peripheral blood and of lymphocytes expressing early activation antigens CD23, CD25, CD71 and adhesion receptor CD54. The developments of pollinosis, atopic bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis are accompanied by an additional increase levels of lymphocytes expressing the late activation marker HLADR, the CD38+ precursors of plasma cells, and of lymphocytes carrying surface immunoglobulins in peripheral blood. In the blood of patients with atopic disease during exacerbation with evident clinical symptoms revealed a significant increase in all the studied populations and subpopulations of B-lymphocytes. Patients with latent sensitization had increasing blood lymphocytes expressing the CD95 receptor of Fas inducing apoptosis and low content of cells expressing its ligand CD178. Content of CD95+ lymphocytes in peripheral blood at atopic bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis patients is reduced, and CD178+ lymphocytes increased, reflecting infringement of Fas-dependent apoptosis in severe atopic diseases.Цель работы – сравнительное изучение изменений поверхностного фенотипа лимфоцитов крови у больных с различными формами атопических заболеваний и латентной сенсибилизацией.Материал и методы. Исследование проведено на лимфоцитах периферической крови 22 больных с латентной сенсибилизацией, 30 больных поллинозом, 44 больных атопической бронхиальной астмой и 36 пациентов с атопическим дерматитом. Контрольную группу составили 26 здоровых людей.Результаты проведенных исследований убедительно свидетельствуют, что атопические болезни различаются не только клиническими проявлениями, но и механизмами нарушений функций иммунной системы. Сравнительное изучение поверхностного фенотипа лимфоцитов у больных с различными формами атопии позволило выявить существенное нарастание изменений их субпопуляционного состава по мере усиления тяжести клинических проявлений заболеваний. У больных всеми исследованными формами атопии отмечалось повышение содержания в периферической крови В-лимфоцитов, экспрессирующих маркер CD72, и лимфоцитов, несущих ранние активационные антигены CD23, CD25, CD71 и рецепторы адгезии CD54. Развитие поллиноза, атопической бронхиальной астмы и атопического дерматита сопровождалось дополнительным повышением содержания в периферической крови лимфоцитов, экспресси- рующих поздний маркер активации HLA-DR,предшественников плазматических клеток и лимфоцитов CD38+, несущих поверхностные иммуноглобулины. В крови у больных атопией с выраженными клиническими проявлениями выявлено достоверное повышение содержания всех изученных субпопуляций В-лимфоцитов. У больных с латентной сенсибилизацией зарегистрировано повышенное содержание в крови лимфоцитов, экспрессирующих CD95-рецептор запуска Fas-индуцированного апоптоза, и снижение количества клеток, экспрессирующих его лиганд – рецептор CD178. У больных с атопической бронхиальной астмой и атопическим дерматитом содержание в крови CD95+ лимфоцитов, напротив, снижено, а CD178+-лимфоцитов – повышено, что отражает нарушение Fas-зависимого апоптоза при тяжелых атопических заболеваниях.
Постковидный синдром ассоциирован с повышением внеклеточных пуриновых оснований и нейтрофильных экстраклеточных ловушек в плазме крови
Post-COVID syndrome is characterized by fatigue, reduced exercise tolerance, muscle and joint pain, and psychoemotional disorders. In the development of a generalized body response in a viral infection, abnormal defense responses are of great importance. We studied neutrophils, neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), DNA degradation products (purine nitrogenous bases, PNBs), and traditional biochemical parameters.Aim. To determine biochemical parameters and the number of NETs and PNBs in the peripheral blood of patients with post-COVID syndrome.Materials and methods. The study included outpatients (n = 21) aged 18–59 years (36 [27 ÷ 50]). The control group consisted of 20 individuals aged 18–59 years (38.5 [29 ÷ 51.5]) without a past medical history of the coronavirus infection. All patients underwent a physical examination, their medical history was assessed, and the level of NETs and PNBs in the venous blood was determined.Results. 11 patients had a mild form of the disease in their past medical history, 7 – moderate, and 3 – severe. The most common symptoms in the patients were fatigue, headache, epigastric pain, dizziness, and joint pain. Hair loss and dyspnea were less common. The concentration of NETs and PNBs was higher in the patients with post-COVID syndrome than in the control group (p < 0.05). We detected NETs in the patients with post-COVID syndrome only in the form of filamentous structures. The concentration of extracellular purine bases in the blood of the patients with post-COVID syndrome was the highest in patients with moderate and severe acute periods. In patients with a mild acute period, the concentration of PNBs was 7.38 [0.0 ÷ 60.7] mg / ml, and in patients with moderate and severe acute periods – 19.15 [0.0 ÷ 33.5] and 34.19 [3.35 ÷ 70.0] mg / ml, respectively.Conclusion. Extracellular purine bases in concentrations capable of causing secondary alteration of cells are found in the peripheral blood of patients with post-COVID syndrome. Post-COVID syndrome is accompanied by the formation of filamentous NETs in the blood of patients. Постковидный синдром характеризуется высокой утомляемостью, снижением толерантности к физической нагрузке, болями в мышцах и суставах, наличием психоэмоциональных проблем. В развитии генерализованной реакции организма при вирусном инфицировании большое значение имеют аномальные реакции защитных систем. Мы исследовали нейтрофилы и формируемые ими экстраклеточные ловушки (НЭЛ) совместно с продуктами деградации волокон ДНК (пуриновые азотистые основания, ПАО), а также традиционные клинико-лабораторные показатели.Цель. Определение ряда лабораторных показателей, а также количества НЭЛ и уровня ПАО в периферической крови больных с постковидным синдромом.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены амбулаторные пациенты (n = 21) в возрасте 18–59 лет (36 [27÷50]). Группу сравнения составили 20 лиц в возрасте 18–59 лет (38,5 [29÷51,5]) без перенесенной коронавирусной инфекции. Всем пациентам проводились сбор жалоб, оценка анамнеза, физикальный осмотр, определение НЭЛ и ПАО в венозной крови.Результаты. Легкое течение заболевания в анамнезе имелось у 11, среднетяжелое – у 7, тяжелое – у 3 пациентов. Наиболее частыми симптомами в нашей группе обследованных пациентов были слабость, головная боль, боль в эпигастрии, головокружение, боль в суставах. Более редкими симптомами являлись выпадение волос и одышка. Концентрация НЭЛ и ПАО была выше в основной группе, чем в группе сравнения (p < 0,05). Мы выявляли НЭЛ у больных с постковидным синдромом только в нитевидной форме. Концентрация внеклеточных пуриновых азотистых оснований в плазме крови больных с постковидным синдромом была наиболее высокой у больных со среднетяжелым и тяжелым течением острого периода. У больных, перенесших острый период заболевания в легкой форме, концентрация ПАО составляет 7,38 [0,0÷60,7] мг/мл, а у больных со среднетяжелой и тяжелой формой острого периода – 19,15 [0,0÷33,5] и 34,19 [3,35÷70,0] мг/мл соответственно.Заключение. В периферической крови больных с посткоронавирусным синдромом обнаруживаются внеклеточные ПАО в концентрации, способной вызвать вторичную альтерацию клеток. Постковидный синдром сопровождался формированием в периферической крови больных НЭЛ в нитевидной форме
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