11 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Gejala Dermatitis Kontak pada Pekerja Bengkel di Kelurahan Merdeka Kota Medan Tahun 2015

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    The objective of the research was to find out the correlation of ages, working hours, personal hygiene, the use of Personal Protective Device (APD), and the length of service with the contact dermatitis symptoms in workshop workers at Merdeka village, Medan, in 2012. The research was analytical with cohort design. There are 7 workshop with 34 workers as the population and 17 workers as the sample taken by inclusion criteria. The data were gathered by conducting interviews, questionnaires and observation by using observation sheets to find out how many workers that suffered from the symptoms of contact dermatitis. A statistic test was used to analyse the Exact Fisher test correlation between independent variables and dependent variable. The distribution frequency showed that there were 14 (82.4%) workshop workers who suffered from the symptoms of contact dermatitis caused by battery acid contact and 5 of them suffered from gasoline and lubricating oil. The result of statistic test showed that there was significant correlation between the length of service and the symptoms of dermatitis at P-value = 0.029, while the factors of working hours, personal hygiene, and the use of APD did not have any significant correlations. It is recommended that the workshop workers keep themselves clean during working hours, apply good personal hygiene, and try to avoid direct contact with chemical substances in workshop by using complete APD such as gloves

    Hubungan Faktor Resiko dengan Terjadinya Nyeri Punggung Bawah (Low Back Pain) pada Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat (Tkbm) di Pelabuhan Belawan Medan Tahun 2015

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    More than 70% humans had ever experience Low Back Pain (LBP) at the age of 35 – 55 years old. Some risk factors with LBP incidents is at the age over 35 years old, smoker, 5- 10 years work time, work position, overweight ans musculoskeletal disorder sufferer family history, Body Mass Index (BMI), height, exercise routine, and work time. The purpose of this research is to defind personal factors (age, IMT, work time, work periode, smoking habit, exercise routine) and work factors (work load, work posture) with the incidents of Low Back Pain with loading and unloading worker (TKBM) at Belawan harbor. This research type is case control design with retrospektif characteristic. Population in this research was 460 people with sample taken systematically random sampling that was 64 people. the data analysis in univariat and bivariat manner. The research result showing at the age distributing (p=0.021 ; OR = 0.29), IMT (p = 0.613 ; OR = 0.312), work time (p = 0.019 ; OR = 0.247), Work periode (p = 1.000 ; OR = 1.552), smoking (p = 1.000 ; OR = 0.724), exercise (p = 0.021; OR = 0.259), work load (p = 0.042 ; OR = 0.304) , work posture (p = 0.039 ; OR = 0.294). It is suggested to TKBM to exercising or warming up before doing physical activity/work. To the TKBM Belawan harnor primer cooperative suggested to give promotion about LBP prevention by paying attention to the rest time, workplace, liftload, assist used, also protector tools for TKBM Belawan harbor

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kelelahan Pengemudi Bus di CV. Makmur Medan Tahun 2014

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    This research was conducted on driver 1 of CV. Makmur heading for Pekan Baru from Medan (round trip) in 2014 in order to find out some factors which were correlated with the incidence of fatigue. The research was an analytic survey with cross sectional design which was aimed to find out the correlation of the factors of age, driving duration, physical condition, break time, and nutrition/IMT status with the incidence of fatigue. The population was 160 drivers, and 32 of them were used as the samples, taken by using purposive sampling technique with the most frequent departure was 8 buses heading for Pekan Baru from Medan (round trip) each day. Drivers\u27 fatigue was measured from the round trip transportation line, using questionnaires on fatigue subjectively with the scale of Industrial Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC) which was categorized from the level of not tired, rather tired, moderately tired, and very tired. Chi square statistic test was used to find out the correlation between independent variables and dependent variable. Based on the distribution frequency, it was found that 13 respondents (40.6%) were rather tired, 11 respondents (34.4%) were moderately tired, and 8 respondents (25%) were very tired. The result of chi square test showed that there was significant correlation between age and the incidence of fatigue at p-value = 0.012 (p < 0.05), between driving duration of departure and fatigue at p-value = 0.016, between driving duration of return and fatigue at p-value = 0.036, between break time of departure and fatigue at p-value = 0.006, between break time of return and fatigue at p-value = 0.016, and between nutrition/IMT status and fatigue at p-value = 0.016. Meanwhile, there was insignificant correlation between physical condition and the incidence of fatigue. It is suggested that tired drivers should decrease their stamina and increase the risk for accident. Motorists who have above-normal weight or obese should reduce smoking, drinking coffee or drinks stamina for the driver awake and avoid health problems. Drivers who are above 40 years old or more should pay their attention to their rest; when they feel very sleepy, they should change place with drivers 2 in order to get fresh and increase oxygen content in blood so that they will be refreshed

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Potensi Kecelakaan Kerja pada Pengemudi Truk di PT Berkatnugraha Sinarlestari Bela Wan Tahun 2015

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    The accident that happened to the company truck drivers besides harmed directly to the victims, also raised the big impact to the company. Therefore, a research about factors that influence to the potential of the work accident of the truck drivers at PT BerkatNugraha SinarLestari, Belawan in 2015. The research samples are 39 truck drivers. The characteristic of this research is analytic using cross sectional design. The data analysis used are univariate, bivariate using Exact Fisher test and multivariate using Binary Logistic Regression test with backward stepwise method. The result of the research shows that truck drivers who ever got work accident are 14 drivers (35.9%) and 25 drivers (64.1%) are never got work accident. The result of exact fisher test show that the condition of the vehicle, the condition of the road and the condition of the body physical have a corellation to the potential of the work accident. The result of binary logistic regression test with backward stepwise method show that the most significant variable influence is the condition of the body physical with value p=0,003 and Exp (/6)=0,065. According to the result of this research, it is suggested to PT BerkatNugraha SinarLestari to provide a seat bearing for truck driver in order to reduce the vibration when they go passing the broken road. After driving for 4 hours, the drivers must take a rest at least 30minutes. After that, drivers must stretch leg, hand, shoulder, and the whole body muscles in order to release muscle tension and drowsiness before continuing the trip. In addition, the truck drivers must provide mineral water during the trip in order to left out thirsty or drowsiness while driving and be careful when driving a truck

    Gambaran Paparan Debu dan Fungsi Paru pada Pekerja Pembuatan Perabot Rumah Tangga di CV Kochi Sohor Terjun Medan Marelan Tahun 2013

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    Description of dust exposure and lung function in workers home furnishings maker on CV Kochi Sohor Terjun North Sumatera in 2013. The dust exposure in the working environment indirectly may result in variously disorder on health, one of them is a respiratory disorder that since then it is going to impact one's productivity. Noted that respiratory disorder might be influenced by amount the dust level around working environment and the worker's attitude over wood's dust exposure perhaps by using one's self protecting tool (APD), working service, previously illness history, smoking history of the worker. This study aims to know whether the influence of the wood's dust exposure against the function of wood of those workers in furniture with informal sector on CV Kochi Sohor Terjun Medan Marelan. The research adopted an description with sectional across approaching. It is involved 6 samples taken out population presented while conducting the field research. In collecting the data, the writer provided questionnaire, with tester of dust level in a High volume sampler, and the tool to measure the function of lungs there used Spirometer Sibelmed Datospir Mod 120B. The result of this research seen by a 2 working area measured that not exceeding the total dust level above quality standard of the Area of wood folding 4.53 mg/m3, and the refinery site 2.38 mg/m3 (< 10 mg/m3 NAB). The respondent got lowering function of lungs in a light restrictive 4 people and another 1 got reducing function of lungs in moderate restrictive. The result of bi-variant indicated no found any relation between the uses APD, working service, previous illness history, age, smoking history with reduced function of lungs. It is expected having a health check over all workers whose got reducing function of lungs or not and for not getting deteriorated function of lungs