9 research outputs found

    Feasibility of assessing the safety and effectiveness of menstrual regulation medications purchased from pharmacies in Bangladesh: a prospective cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of following up women who purchase mifepristone+misoprostol or misoprostol-only from pharmacies in order to measure the safety and effectiveness of self-administration of menstrual regulation. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective cohort study followed women purchasing mifepristone+misoprostol or misoprostol-only from pharmacies in Bangladesh. Participants were recruited by pharmacy workers either in person or indirectly via the purchaser of the drugs. End users were contacted by phone 2 weeks after recruitment, screened and interviewed. RESULTS: Study recruitment rates by pharmacy workers were low (30%, 109 of 642 women informed about the study), but 2-week follow-up rates were high (87%). Of the 109 end users interviewed, 87 purchased mifepristone+misoprostol and 20 misoprostol-only, while 2 women did not know what drugs they had purchased. Mean self-reported number of weeks of pregnancy was 5.7 weeks. Information provision by pharmacy workers was inadequate (40.4% received none, 8.7% received written information or pictures). A total of 80.5% of mifepristone+misoprostol users were sold the correct regimen versus 9 out of 20 misoprostol-only users. A total of 68.8% did not report experiencing any complications (70.0% misoprostol-only; 69.0% mifepristone+misoprostol users, p=1.0). A total of 94.3% of mifepristone+misoprostol users and 75% of misoprostol-only users reported that they were not pregnant at day 15 (p=.020). However, 7.3% of all users sought additional treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Challenges in assessing outcomes of self-managed menstrual regulation medications purchased from pharmacies must be overcome through further development of this methodology. Interventions are urgently needed to ensure that women have access to correct dosages, accurate information and necessary referrals. IMPLICATIONS: This paper assesses the outcomes of women who self-manage menstrual regulation medications purchased from pharmacies. The methodology requires further development, but our study provides preliminary positive evidence on the safety and effectiveness of self-management despite low information provision from pharmacy workers

    Improving health worker performance of abortion services: an assessment of post-training support to providers in India, Nepal and Nigeria

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    Abstract Background Health worker performance has been the focus of numerous interventions and evaluation studies in low- and middle-income countries. Few have examined changes in individual provider performance with an intervention encompassing post-training support contacts to improve their clinical practice and resolve programmatic problems. This paper reports the results of an intervention with 3471 abortion providers in India, Nepal and Nigeria. Methods Following abortion care training, providers received in-person visits and virtual contacts by a clinical and programmatic support team for a 12-month period, designed to address their individual practice issues. The intervention also included technical assistance to and upgrades in facilities where the providers worked. Quantitative measures to assess provider performance were established, including: 1) Increase in service provision; 2) Consistent service provision; 3) Provision of high quality of care through use of World Health Organization-recommended uterine evacuation technologies, management of pain and provision of post-abortion contraception; and 4) Post-abortion contraception method mix. Descriptive univariate analysis was conducted, followed by examination of the bivariate relationships between all independent variables and the four dependent performance outcome variables by calculating unadjusted odds ratios, by country and overall. Finally, multivariate logistic regression was performed for each outcome. Results Providers received an average of 5.7 contacts. Sixty-two percent and 46% of providers met measures for consistent service provision and quality of care, respectively. Fewer providers achieved an increased number of services (24%). Forty-six percent provided an appropriate postabortion contraceptive mix to clients. Most providers met the quality components for use of WHO-recommended abortion methods and provision of pain management. Factors significantly associated with achievement of all measures were providers working in sites offering community outreach and those trained in intervention year two. The number of in-person contacts was significantly associated with achievement of three of four measures. Conclusion Post-training support holds promise for strengthening health worker performance. Further research is needed to compare this intervention with other approaches and assess how post-training contacts could be incorporated into current health system supervision

    The Role of Gender Norms in Shaping Adolescent Girls’ and Young Women’s Experiences of Pregnancy and Abortion in Mozambique

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    Adolescents and young women in Mozambique experience high levels of unintended pregnancies, with induced abortion being a common outcome. Stigma and gender norms are likely to negatively impact experiences of pregnancy and abortion, and hamper access to information and services. We assessed knowledge, attitudes, practices, and experiences around pregnancy and abortion in six communities in Nampula and Zambézia provinces. We conducted 19 triad interviews with young women and girls, 19 focus group discussions with male and female adult community members, and 15 in-depth interviews with young women with abortion experience. Participants described how gender values, norms, and practices affect girls’ risk of unintended pregnancy and their experiences of pregnancy and abortion. The drivers of adolescent pregnancy included transactional sex and gender-based violence, including early marriage, and gender roles and expectations that lead parents and others to oppose contraception. Stigma around abortion, early or unintended pregnancy, and adolescent sexuality is fueled by gender norms and contributes to girls seeking unsafe abortions. Pregnancy and abortion decision making often involves male partners and family members. In conclusion, gender norms strongly influence the occurrence and outcome of unintended pregnancies and abortion in Mozambique. While abortion legislation was recently liberalized, gender values, norms, and practices inhibit young women’s and girls’ access to services and need to be addressed in policy and programming

    The association of quality contraceptive counseling measures with postabortion contraceptive method acceptance and choice: results from client exit interviews across eight countries

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    Abstract The availability of a variety of modern contraceptive methods is necessary but insufficient to provide a high-quality contraceptive service to postabortion clients. Women, especially young women, must be empowered to make informed choices about which methods they receive, including whether to use contraception following an abortion service. In this study, we conducted 2,488 client exit interviews with abortion clients after their induced abortion service or postabortion care visit in Ipas-supported health facilities in eight countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, and Uganda. We evaluated the quality of postabortion contraceptive counseling across two domains of contraceptive counseling: information exchange and interpersonal communication. We measured the association between these quality elements and two outcomes: 1) client-perceived choice of contraceptive method and 2) whether or not the client received a modern contraceptive method. We examined these relationships while adjusting for sociodemographic and confounding variables, such as the client feeling pressure from the provider to accept a particular method. Finally, we determined whether associations identified differ by age group: under 25 and 25+. Information exchange and interpersonal communication both emerged as important counseling domains for ensuring that clients felt they had the ability to choose a contraceptive method. The domain of information exchange was associated with having received a contraceptive method for all abortion clients, including young abortion clients under 25. Nearly 14% of clients interviewed reported pressure from the provider to accept a particular contraceptive method; and pressure from the provider was significantly associated with a client’s perception of not having a choice in selecting and receiving a contraceptive method during her visit to the facility. Improving interpersonal communication, strengthening contraceptive information exchange, and ensuring clients are not pressured by a provider to accept a contraceptive method, must all be prioritized in postabortion contraceptive counseling in health facilities to ensure postabortion contraceptive services are woman-centered and rights-based for abortion clients

    Drug seller provision practices and knowledge of misoprostol in Bangladesh

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    Context: In Bangladesh, prior to the availability of the approved combination regimen of mifepristone and misoprostol for menstrual regulation (MR), drug seller provision of misoprostol-only regimens for MR without a prescription was widespread but service quality was poor. Examining provider practices relating to misoprostol-only provision in Bangladesh may increase understanding of misoprostol use and provision in other low-resource, legally restrictive settings. Methods: In 2013–2014, a countrywide cross-sectional knowledge, attitudes and practice survey was conducted among 777 randomly selected drug sellers; data were analyzed descriptively. Logistic regression was used to test the associations between exposure to three interventions designed to improve drug seller practice (nongovernmental organization [NGO]–led training, a call center and in-shop training from pharmaceutical company representatives) and correct knowledge of the misoprostol-only MR regimen. Results: Almost all (97%) of the drug sellers reported providing medications intended for MR; misoprostol-only was more commonly sold than the combination regimen (96% vs. 26%). Nine percent had received NGO–led training, 62% had received in-shop training from a pharmaceutical company representative and 27% had used the call center. Overall, 19% of drug sellers knew the correct misoprostol-only MR regimen, and 74% wanted more information about this regimen. Correct regimen knowledge was positively associated with receipt of NGO training and call center utilization (odds ratios, 2.0 and 1.9, respectively). Conclusions: NGO–led training and call centers should be considered in other settings in which misoprostol alone is provided off-label for pregnancy termination

    Developing and validating an abortion care quality metric for facility and out-of-facility settings: an observational cohort study in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and NigeriaResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Despite progress in assuring provision of safe abortion, substantial disparities remain in quality of abortion care around the world. However, no consistent, valid, reliable method exists to routinely measure quality in abortion care across facility and out-of-facility settings, impeding learning and improvement. To address this need, the Abortion Service Quality Initiative developed the first global standard for measuring quality of abortion care in low-income and middle-income countries. Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Nigeria in 2020–2022. Participants included sites and providers offering abortion care, including health facilities, pharmacies, proprietary and patent medicine vendors (PPMVs), and hotlines, and clients aged 15–49 receiving abortion care from a selected site. 111 structure and process indicators were tested, which originated from a review of existing abortion quality indicators and from qualitative research to develop additional client-centred quality indicators. The indicators were tested against 12 clinical and client experience outcomes at the site-level (such as abortion-related deaths) and client-level (such as whether the client would recommend the service to a friend) that were expected to result from the abortion quality indicators. Indicators were selected for the final metric based on predictive validity assessed using Bayesian models to test associations between indicators and outcomes, content validity, and performance. Findings: We included 1915 abortion clients recruited from 131 sites offering abortion care across the three countries. Among the 111 indicators tested, 44 were associated with outcomes in Bayesian analyses and an additional 8 were recommended for inclusion by the study's Resource Group for face validity. These 52 indicators were evaluated on content validity, predictive validity, and performance, and 29 validated indicators were included in the final abortion care quality metric. The 29 validated indicators were feasibility tested among 53 clients and 24 providers from 9 facility sites in Ethiopia and 57 clients and 6 PPMVs from 9 PPMV sites in Nigeria. The median time required to complete each survey instrument indicated feasibility: 10 min to complete the client exit survey, 16 min to complete the provider survey, and 11 min to complete the site checklist. Overall, the indicators performed well. However, all providers in the feasibility test failed two indicators of provider knowledge to competently complete the abortion procedure, and these indicators were subsequently revised to improve performance. Interpretation: This study provides 29 validated abortion care quality indicators to assess quality in facility, pharmacy, and hotline settings in low-income and middle-income countries. Future research should validate the Abortion Care Quality (ACQ) Tool in additional abortion care settings, such as telemedicine, online medication abortion (MA) sellers, and traditional abortion providers, and in other geographical and legal settings. Funding: The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Children's Investment Fund Foundation