3 research outputs found

    Differentially expressed genes in PPD-stimulated PBMCs isolated from cynomolgus vaccinated controllers 8 weeks post-BCG vaccination.

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    <p>Fold change indicates the change in gene expression in PPD-stimulated PBMCs isolated at 8 weeks post-BCG vaccination compared with PPD-stimulated PBMCs isolated pre-vaccination when the animals were naïve (n = 6).</p

    Expression of iron regulatory genes in PBMCs isolated from unvaccinated controllers and progressors at post-mortem.

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    <p>Gene expression of a) ferritin heavy chain b) solute carrier family 11 member A1, and c) solute carrier family 11 member A2, d) transferrin receptor 1 and e) heme oxygenase 1 in unstimulated PBMCs isolated at post-mortem. The fold change from naïve baseline levels was determined using RT-PCR. To determine statistically significant differences of relative gene expression, a two-sample t-test was performed where * and ** represent P-values of <0.05 and <0.01, respectively. The data were from 3 animals. The symbol represents the median and the error bars represent the range.</p

    Comparison of gene expression profiles generated from microarray and RT-PCR analysis.

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    <p>RT-PCR was used to validate microarray expression data. The symbol represents the median and the error bars represent the range. Black triangles represent fold change in expression from naïve time-points as determined by microarray analysis; white triangles represent fold change in expression from naïve time-points as determined by RT-PCR analysis. * = differentially expressed (p<0.05).</p