5 research outputs found
Univariate <sup>a</sup> Predictors of Cord and Three Year DNA Methylation (continuous).
<p>Univariate<sup> a</sup> Continuous Predictors of Log-transformed Cord and Three Year DNA Methylation, Beta and Correlation Coefficients.</p>a<p>Regression analyses corrected for inter-plate variation.</p>b<p>The ‘subset’ includes children who have contributed both cord and three year DNA samples.</p><p>Abbreviations: Yr (year); Ht (height); Wt (weight); BMI (Body Mass Index); PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons).</p
Multivariate <sup>a</sup> Predictors of Cord and Three Year DNA Methylation.
<p>Multivariate<sup>a</sup> Predictors of Cord and Three Year DNA Methylation.</p>a<p>All multivariate models corrected for inter-plate variation.</p>b<p>The ‘subset’ includes children who have contributed both cord and three year DNA samples.</p><p>Abbreviations: adj (adjusted); HS (high school); Afr. Am. (African-American); ETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke); BMI (Body Mass Index); PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons).</p
Univariate <sup>a</sup> Predictors of Cord and Three Year DNA Methylation (categorical).
<p>Univariate<sup> a</sup> Categorical Predictors of Cord and Three Year DNA Methylation, geometric mean and SD.</p>a<p>Analyses corrected for inter-plate variation.</p>b<p>The ‘subset’ includes children who have contributed both cord and three year DNA samples.</p><p>Abbreviations: Yr (year); HS (High School); BMI (Body Mass Index); ETS (Environmental Tobacco Smoke).</p
Association with Birth Outcomes <sup>a</sup>.
<p>Cord DNA Methylation (ng/100ng total DNA) and Birth Outcomes<sup> a</sup>.</p>a<p>All multivariate models corrected for inter-plate variation.</p>b<p>Model 1 adjusted for gestational age (except in the model where gestational age is the dependent variable) and plate.</p>c<p>Model 2 adjusted for covariates in Model 1 plus maternal height, pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal age at delivery, ethnicity, sex, and public assistance.</p>d<p>Model 3 adjusted for covariates in Model 2 plus total Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Environmental Tobacco Smoke.</p>e<p>Delivery mode added to all models where head circumference is the dependent variable.</p
Summary Statistics.
<p>Summary Statistics, where subset refers to those with both cord and three year DNA methylation measures available.</p>a<p>The ‘subset’ includes children who have contributed both cord and three year DNA samples.</p