322 research outputs found

    Measuring Service Quality: The Opinion of Europeans about Utilities

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    This paper provides a comparative analysis of statistical methods to evaluate the consumer perception about the quality of Services of General Interest. The evaluation of the service quality perceived by users is usually based on Customer Satisfaction Survey data and an ex-post evaluation is then performed. Another approach, consisting in evaluating Consumers preferences, supplies an ex-ante information on Service Quality. Here, the ex-post approach is considered, two non-standard techniques - the Rasch Model and the Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis - are presented and the potential of both methods is discussed. These methods are applied on the Eurobarometer Survey data to assess the consumer satisfaction among European countries and in different years.Service Quality, Eurobarometer, Non Linear Principal Component Analysis, Rasch Analysis, Conjoint Analysis

    Consumers’ Attitudes on Services of General Interest in the EU: Accessibility, Price and Quality 2000-2004

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    The research question addressed by this paper is a simple one: are European consumers happy with the services provided by the utilities after two decades of reforms? We focus on electricity, gas, water, telephone in the EU 15 Member States. The variables we analyse are consumers’ satisfaction with accessibility, price and quality, as reported in three waves of Eurobarometer survey, 2000-2002-2004, comprising around 47,000 observations. We use ordered logit models to analyze the impact of privatization and regulatory reforms, as represented by an OECD dataset, controlling for individual and country characteristics. Our results do not support a clear association between consumers’ satisfaction and a standard reform package of privatization, vertical disintegration, liberalization.Consumers’ Satisfaction, Gas, Electricity, Telephone, Water, Eurobarometer

    Indigenous Knowledge’s for Healthy Habits and Life

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    Health and habits are interrelated. Our older generations viewed nature and all living beings as the beads of the same manacle. From rising up early in the morning till the moment of sleep enraptures us at night we are entangled in various activities that goes hand in hand with nature. Our ancestors realized much earlier that the pros and cones of these deeds will reflect through our health

    Economic Evaluation of Ring seine Fishery along Kerala cost

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    The intensive mechanisation phase dominated in Kerala fisheries iuring the seventies not only led to the increase in shrimp and fish production hut also machanized the traditional sector. The traditional sector went for rapid motorization of artisanal Heels during the eighties mainlyn overcome this marginalisation

    Evaluation of group discussion on developing oyster culture in Kerala

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    Edible oyster presents good farming potential in Kerala in view of the conducive ecology and manpower availability. As the technology transfer function is vested with the extension personnel of the Socioeconomic Evaluation and Technology Transfer Division of CMFRI, a systematic evaluation of the programme was conducted by the Division to quantify opinions and suggestions and to list out the constraints anticipated in taking up the technology which would be helpful in developing suitable TOT strategies

    Economics of Traditional Gill Net Fishing Using Wind Energy Along Tamil Nadu Coast

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    The paper highlights the economics of plank built boats and catamarans using sails operating gill nets at selected centres representing different regions of Tamil Nauu coast. Data on daily operational costs and earnings of catamarans and plank built boats operating various types of resource specific gill nets for different seasons have been collected for a period of one year

    Economics of Traditional Gill Net Fishing Using Wind Energy Along Tamil Nadu Coast

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    The paper highlights the economics of plank built boats .Ctamarans using sails operating gill nets at selected centres representing different regions of Tamil Nadu coast. Data on daily operational costs and earnings of catamarans and plank built boats operating various types of resource specific gill nets for different seasons have been collected for a period of one year. The average initial investment of a plank built boat with sails operating different types of gill nets varies from Rs.27000 to 60000 realising annual gross returns of Rs.55000 to 66,000/-. The average capital investment of a catamaran operating gill net ranges from Rs.6,5OO/- to Rs45000- depending upon the number of gear used for different seasons realising annual earnings 01 Rs.21,OOO/- to Rs.1.15 lakhs. The key economic indicators such as initial investment, rate or return, cost 01 production, net returns etc. have been worked out which indicate that utilsation of wind energy is most suitable and economically viable for the traditional fishermen operating gill nets along Tamil Nadu coast

    Awareness campaign for Fisherwomen

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    Women in fishing communities have decisioh-making role in community management. With the increasing commercialisation of fishing industry I women's access to post-harvest operations in fisheries has been declining: It is- estimated that only about 20 percent of women from traditional fishing households get opportunities for income generation from fishery related activities which are seasonal

    Economics of trawling along Goa coast

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    A trawler on an average earned a gross revenue of Rs. 6,28,800 during 1991-'92. The annual cost of trawl operation is calculated at Rs. 6,03,705. Thus, an amount of Rs. 25,095 is found to be the net profit of a trawl unit. The income over operating expenses comes to Rs. 1.82 lakh. By investing one rupee on fuel, an amount of Rs. 2.52 is earned by a trawler. It requires 6 years to recover initial investment in a trawl unit with the average production of 43,520 kg of fish per annum with a price of Rs. 14.45 per kg. The rate of return to capital is calculated at 20% which is higher by 5% than the rate of interest on which capital was made available for acquiring the trawlers

    Action research for rural empowerment in Chellanam fishing village

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    The empowerment approach aims at equipping the rural people with ways and means of improving their living conditions. Extension education was found to be useful in producing the desired change in the target grou