18 research outputs found

    The study of the implementation of bridge management system in Sabah

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    Bridge Management System (BMS) is an important tool which can help to manage huge number of bridges while efficiently utilizes limited fund for maintenance. Although major bridge failure is uncommon in Sabah, the concern for future adversity must be considered. The current status of the implantation of BMS in Sabah were studied and subsequently identifying the difficulties to implement the system locally. Interviews were done in Jabatan Kerja Raya, Headquarter and districts. Five locations were selected for observation. It was discovered that the implementation status of JKR BMS is still far from a successful implementation

    A Simple Modelling of Green Roof Hydrological Performance Using Response Surface Methodology

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    Response Surface Methodology is an optimization tool used for modelling works and has been widely used for modelling, optimizing,and identifying the interrelationship between input parameters and output variables. However, it has yet to be discovered as a tool for modelling green roof performance. This paper aims to explore the feasibility of Response Surface Methodology in Minitab to investigate the green roof hydrological performance in terms of peak runoff, peak attenuation,and water retention. In this study, Response Surface Methodology is used to identify model equations to predict hydrological performance of green roof, as well as to investigate the relationship between green roof slope, water absorption of waste material and water absorption of natural fibre on the hydrological performance of green roof system. The findings showed that the generated mathematical model equations can forecast the peak runoff, peak attenuation, and water retention of a green roof system. The results of the relationship between the input parameters and the output variables are shown using 2D contour plot and surface plot. The generated 2D contour plot and surface plot revealed that the input parameters have significant impact on the peak runoff, peak attenuation, and water retention of a green roof system

    Flood risk assessment on selected critical infrastructure in Kota Marudu Town, Sabah, Malaysia

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    This study investigates the risk of flood on selected critical infrastructure in a flood-prone catchment in Sabah, Malaysia. Kota Marudu, located in the Bandau floodplain, one of the Sabah’s northern water catchments, was selected as the study site due to its frequent flood occurrence and large floodplain coverage. Two of its largest rivers, namely Sungai Bongon and Sungai Bandau, tends to flood during rainy season and cause temporary displacements of thousands of people living in the floodplain. A total of 362 respondents participated in the questionnaire survey in order to gather information on historical flood occurrence. Three flood depth groups were determined, which are 1) less than 0.3 meter, 2) 0.3 – 0.6 meter and 3) more than 0.6 meter, while three categories of critical infrastructure were defined, namely transportation system, communication system and buildings. It is found that the transportation system encounters the most severe impact as flood inundation increases, where 92% of the respondents believe that the transportation access should be abandoned when flood depth is more than 0.6m. The findings of this study will be used for detailed risk assessment, specifically on the vulnerability of the critical infrastructures to flood in this floodplain

    The hydrological performance investigation of light weight green roofs made from natural fibres and recycled waste materials for stormwater runoff mitigation: a review

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    Hydrological performance investigation is often required in urban storm water structural design. Green roofs are normally used to provide temporary storage spaces and promoting infiltration, thus mimic pre?development natural hydrologic functions. Therefore, green roofs parameters such as the layers, materials and the depth for each layer must be considered to improve the performance of water retention. At the same time, slope of green roofs also can be factors affecting the green roof runoff retention. Providing a sustainable environment and lightweight green roof are important. Due to the need of sustainable practices to be implemented in construction, there are several research done on using cheap and recyclable materials for green roof building. In striving to find the optimum and sustainable extensive green roof design, the issue of live load in wet conditions is hence, very important. This paper reviews the possible use of recycle materials and natural fibres as a replacement of non?renewable sources for storm water runoff mitigation. It aim to promote the idea of using these waste by combining their usage in both drainage and filter layers. This provides a summary of existing knowledge about the successful use of waste and natural fibres such as rubber crumbs, bio char and palm oil clinker in a green roofs layer. Also help in finding the hydrological performances in green roof to mitigate storm water runoff and the weights (dry and live) as live loads on supporting beams

    Analysis of Rainfall Effect on Slope Failure in Sabah

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    The paper is aimed to characterize the relationship between the landslide events and the critical rainfall intensity-duration from the rainfall analysis. In this study, 10 landslide events that occurred in Ranau, Sabah area between years 2007 to 2015 were investigated and analysed using rainfall threshold based on soil water index (SWI) method. The analysis results showed that both short-intense rainfall (i.e., 1-day) and prolonged antecedent rainfall (i.e., 14, 30-day) played a significant role of the landslide initiations in Ranau, Sabah area. Overall results indicated that this method could simulate the rain infiltration response by the level of soil moisture in the area of landslide

    The hydrological performance of lightweight green roofs made from recycled waste materials as the drainage layer

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    Green roofs can be used for promoting infiltration and provide temporary storage spaces. Hence, in urban stormwater structural design, the investigation of the hydrological performance investigation is often required. Thus, this paper presents the results of a hydrological investigation in term of peak flow reduction and green roof’s weight using 0, 2, and 6% slope for three specimens drainage layer in green roofs. Three types of recycled waste are selected for each test bed which is rubber crumbs, palm oil shell, and polyfoam. Another test bed without a drainage layer as a control. The result indicates that rubber crumbs can be used as a stormwater control and runoff reduction while ensuring a good drainage and aeration of the substrate and roofs. From the results obtained shows that rubber crumbs are suitable as a drainage layer and a proposed slope of 6% are suitable for lightweight green roofs

    Effect mobile learning application in children’s interest

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    Mobile learning application is a teaching aid that can help students to self-study with or without guidance. Unfortunately, the mobile learning application did not help in identifying the increase in students' interest in learning especially children. This paper will discuss how mobile learning application affect the children interest in learning. Mix method of qualitative and quantitative used to evaluate the children interest based on the assessment score, micro-expression (facial expression) and interview. The results from all of the three methods show a positive interest are exist among children

    The hydrological performance investigation of green roof

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    A green roof can be a way to navigate storm water runoff and flooding in urban catchments in Malaysia. This is because green roofs can be used as temporary storage spaces and infiltration. This paper represents hydrological investigation findings in term of hydrograph and peak runoff for different types of materials used as drainage and filter layers. The data were collected from different test beds under simulated rainfall with the intensity of 200mm/h for 0%, 2% and 6% slope. Natural fibres were used as a filter layer and laid on top of the drainage layer. In this study, a total of 18 sets test beds with a dimension of 1.1 m x 1.17 m were used. This study used three types of waste materials (rubber crumbs, oil palm shells and polyfoam) and three types of natural fibres (coconut fibres, oil palm fibres and sugarcanes fibres). The result indicates that the combination of oil palm shells with sugarcanes fibres have the highest peak runoff value for 0%, 2% and 6% slope with a value of 4.01 mm, 6.29 mm and 7.77 mm respectively. Followed by oil palm shells with oil palm fibres (0%: 2.95 mm, 2%: 5.75 mm, 6%: 6.76 mm) and oil palm shell with coconut fibres (0%: 2.72 mm, 2%: 5.05 mm, 6%: 6.32 mm). The result proved that combination of oil palm shell and sugarcanes fibres performance better in peak runoff value compared to other material

    Mechanical properties of concrete using eggshell ash and rice husk ash as partial replacement of cement

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    This research was carried out to determine the optimum percentage of eggshell ash and rice husk ash (RHA) as partial cement replacement. The samples were tested for its mechanical properties by using concrete grade G30 with cube mould (100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm) and prisms (100 mm x 100 mm x 500 mm). The samples were mixed with eggshell ash and RHA admixture with different proportions (2%:8%, 4%:6%, 6%:4%). Several types of test were conducted towards the samples, which are the slump test, compressive and flexural test. Based on previous researches, the strength of concrete reduced as replaced with eggshells. Most of the researches show the similar trend when partial cement is replaced using eggshell ash. Thus, to increase the strength, an admixture which has pozzolanic reactivity called rice husk ash (RHA) is introduced into mix design which has been proved can help to improve the strength of concret